Utilize Toolkits
Resource lists/Toolkits highlighting trauma-informed practice and resilience building strategies, can be a great source of information to find examples of how to change practice.
For example, the Community Resilience Cookbook (http://communityresiliencecookbook.org/) highlights several communities that have implemented Resilience efforts and shares their stories and tools for others. Other toolkits that share information on trauma informed practices and resilience include:
Building Community Resilience Toolkit, Volume 1
Strategies 2.0 http://strategiesca.org/resources/
Trauma Informed Care and Practices
National Center for Trauma Informed Care http://www.samhsa.gov/nctic/
National Child Traumatic Stress Network https://www.nctsn.org/
Developing a Trauma Informed Agency
Alameda County Trauma Informed Care https://alamedacountytraumainformedcare.org/trauma-informed-agencies/developing- a-trauma-informed-agency/
A Trauma Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers of Children
Spokane Regional Health District https://srhd.org/1-2-3-care-toolkit.
For example, the Community Resilience Cookbook (http://communityresiliencecookbook.org/) highlights several communities that have implemented Resilience efforts and shares their stories and tools for others. Other toolkits that share information on trauma informed practices and resilience include:
Building Community Resilience Toolkit, Volume 1
Strategies 2.0 http://strategiesca.org/resources/
Trauma Informed Care and Practices
National Center for Trauma Informed Care http://www.samhsa.gov/nctic/
National Child Traumatic Stress Network https://www.nctsn.org/
Developing a Trauma Informed Agency
Alameda County Trauma Informed Care https://alamedacountytraumainformedcare.org/trauma-informed-agencies/developing- a-trauma-informed-agency/
A Trauma Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers of Children
Spokane Regional Health District https://srhd.org/1-2-3-care-toolkit.