Dear Community Partner,
This survey will be used to help create marketing and outreach resources for the Sacramento County Office of Education's (SCOE) ACEs Aware Communication Grant. Your feedback will help us develop key messages about ACEs for Sacramento County and will support connections for families to various resources within the community.
We are requesting that you complete this survey yourself to contribute your voice to the development of these materials. Please also share this survey within your agency, with any collaborative partners, and with the families that you support.
We are looking to reach a broad spectrum of experiences with this outreach. Please complete the survey no later than Friday, October 16, 2020.
This public awareness campaign is a collaboration between Help Me Grow Sacramento, a SCOE program, and First 5 Sacramento that is funded by ACEs Aware.
Thank you so much for your help and your support of this important work towards Sacramento County being more ACEs Aware!
For questions regarding this survey or partnership with the ACE Aware Communications Effort, please contact Stacy Sewell at<mailto:ssewel
Alejandra Labrado
First 5 Sacramento
Help Me Grow Sacramento and First 5 Sacramento are asking for your assistance in completing this linked survey for our collaborative ACEs Aware Communication Grant.
ENGLISH VERSION: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Public Awareness/Outreach Campaign Survey COMPLETE HERE
SPANISH VERSION: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Public Awareness/Outreach Campaign Survey COMPLETE HERE

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