From Creating Presence, October 2020
Protects Clients: Clients who are exhibiting behaviors are often labeled or diagnosed without an understanding that many social disorders are a result of adversity and past traumatic events. These symptoms can best be understood with a trauma lens that recognizes the complex impact of trauma and other forms of adversity on the brain.
Supports staff: Helping trauma-impacted children and adults is a difficult job that has a secondary traumatic effects on staff which can lead to high staff turnover. A systematic trauma lens can help staff have a greater confidence in their effectiveness with their clients and provides them with personal tools for self-care.
Strengthen your organization: Organizations that care for trauma-impacted individuals are often overwhelmed under-resourced, and extremely stressed. Like any other living organism, organizations need to preserve its own existence. That requires policies, practices, and internal processes that promote trauma-resilience and inspires the mission and vision of the organization.
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