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Knowing the Health Needs of the Sacramento Region: Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)


Today I was on a ACEs Connection Community Manager development meeting with Karen Clemmer, ACEs Connection Staff.  One of the items for discussion was knowing how ACEs and Resilience align with the community health needs assessments (CHNA), developed every three years by health care organization and required by the federal government. Have you every seen a Community Health Needs Assessment? They are a wealth of information. In Sacramento County Dignity Health, Sutter Health and UCD have teamed up to produce their report. Kaiser Permanente also contributes to the information and publishes their own report.

List of Prioritized Significant Health Needs

The following significant health needs were identified and are listed below in prioritized order. Two of the health needs, numbers four and nine, are health needs that have not been previously identified in earlier CHNAs.

  1. Access to quality primary healthcare services

  2. Access to mental/behavioral/substance-abuse services

  3. Access to basic needs such as housing, jobs, and food

  4. System navigation

  5. Injury and disease prevention and management

  6. Safe and violence-free environment

  7. Access to active living and healthy eating

  8. Access to meeting functional needs (transportation and physical mobility)

  9. Cultural competency

  10. Access to specialty and extended care

I challenge you to review the CHNAs, if you have not, and dream about how we can use this information to reduce ACEs and build Resiliency.

Attached you will find copies of the Sacramento CHNAs from 2019.


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