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Resisting the School to Prison Pipeline, APril 10, half day convening


Join My Brother's Keeper, University (MBK-U) as they kick off a convening to uplift the academic and educational needs of Sacramento's boys and young men of color at Sacramento State University. The MBK Sacramento Collaborative brings systems leaders, community partners, youth-serving organizations and young people together to collectively address health, education, employment and justice system disparities for young men of color through policy advocacy, systems changes, and support for effective programs. MBK-U hopes this gathering will create a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-gender, and multi-disciplinary space designed to facilitate dialogue that will lead to transformational change. The public is welcome to contactMBK-U Sacramento to share insights about topics and questions they feel must be discussed at the convening as it relates to the population. Learn more.

MBK-U will kick off with a half-day convening at Sacramento State University.

This gathering hopes to create a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-gender and multi-disciplinary space designed to facilitate dialogue that will lead to transformational change.

Throughout the convening we will:

Conduct a call to action

Engage in a conversation centered in the lived experiences of youth

Be energized to participate in a region-wide educational justice movement

Share action oriented best practices

Begin a regional participatory action research project


*For more information regarding the convening and how to get involved, please email:

IG/TWITTER: @MBKUSAC #iCommitSacramento

Note: We also encourage you to email us and share your insights about what topics/questions you feel must be discussed at the convening as it relates to the population. We assure you that the MBK-U email is a SAFE SPACE and that your personal information will be kept confidential.

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