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The 2016-2017 Yolo County Education and Equity Summit Series Presents:THE IMPACT OF ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES Speaker: Daniel Ewon Choe, Ph.D. DATE: November 9, 2016 TIME: 3:00pm - 4:30pm PLACE: Yolo County Of ce of Education 1280 Santa Anita Court, Ste. 120, Woodland Please register by: November 2, 2016 GO HERE to register ( SEE ATTACHMENT FOR FULL INFORMATION

How the Resources Center Works

Hey, All! In case you didn't hear the news, our new Resources Center is up and running. This is a work in progress, but you can find a host of resources to support your work. Please see Jane's initial post below! - Jen Welcome to the Resources Center! As of October 2016, we are launching this new version. We think that it's a skeleton of its future self, i.e., we'll be adding more categories and more information to each category. Our goal is to make this useful, but not so...

New ACEs data on

On behalf of California Essentials for Childhood, I am very excited to announce the release of a new Child Adversity and Resilience data topic on! This has been a collaborative effort between the CA Essentials for Childhood Initiative's Shared Data and Outcomes Work Group and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. I represent ACEs Connection Network on Essentials and am the co-chair of the Shared Data & Outcomes Work Group so I couldn't be more thrilled about...

UC Davis CAARE Center receives $1.6 million grant by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency [UC Davis Health System Newsroom]

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — The UC Davis CAARE Center has been awarded a $1.6 million grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA) to provide mental health services to all newly placed foster children throughout Sacramento County for the next five years. The “Fostering Secure Placements for Traumatized Children in Transition” project, led by Susan Timmer, will allow UC Davis mental health therapists to provide services in the home of newly placed foster children who...

This Weekend! Cal Expo clinic to provide free dental, medical care to thousands

Even as medical and insurance costs rise, free health care will be on hand at Cal Expo this weekend for anyone willing to wait in line. The three-day medical, dental and vision clinic, hosted by volunteer corps California CareForce, will begin registering visitors at 6 a.m. Friday to offer fillings, extractions, eyeglass fittings, diabetes screenings and flu shots to adults and children for no cost. The clinic will also be held Saturday and Sunday, opening at the same time. People can get a...

Introductory Meditation Class Series

Introductory Meditation Class Series with Rabbi Seth Castleman Three Tuesdays from 7-8:30p Oct. 18, 25 & Nov. 1 Parkside Community Church 5700 S Land Park Dr., Sacramento, CA 95822 Come to one class or come to all. This class will be small and is open to beginner as well as experienced meditators — though more geared to beginners. People of any faith or no faith tradition are welcome. Drawing on teachings from various traditions, this will not be a “religious” program. This class series...

Sacramento emergency school sees increase in homeless kids []

Loaves & Fishes’ school for homeless children has asked Sacramento County to increase the number of emergency shelter beds for families, citing a spike in the number of children sleeping on Sacramento streets. Mustard Seed School Director Casey Knittel said of the 40 families whose children enrolled in the school in September, 19 were camping in a car or tent. With days getting cooler, rainy weather expected this weekend, Knittel said those children need to be inside at night. Burke said...

September Meeting Summary

Resilient Sacramento Meeting Summary for September 13, 2016 (For attendees, see attached version of notes) Welcome and Mindfulness Minute We practiced vagus nerve breathing exercise. Included handouts on this exercise and other ways that mindfulness calms stress. Introductions and Celebrations Action Group Report Backs Outreach : We have materials (at meeting for people to take away and share) and multiple trainings and information sessions scheduled to get the word out about ACEs Policy :...

Investing in the Next Generation of Health-Focused Leaders []

Looking out upon the worshippers at New Era Church in downtown Indianapolis, Rev. Dr. Clarence C. Moore sees row after row of families facing difficult challenges stemming from a pressing statewide problem: the over-incarceration of black people. Indiana ranks second in the country for the number of children who have an incarcerated parent. As a result, many children live in single-parent households or foster care, and live in poverty. Many lack a formal education until they reach...

Registration Now Open for Screening of "Resilience" with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

I'm very excited to announce that we have opened registration for the November 1st event with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. After a screening of the new documentary Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope, we will hear from Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. For more info or to RSVP, please go to: This event is free and open to the public. Please invite anyone who may be interested.

Family Hui becomes key local tool in fighting cycle of abuse []

A program long used in Hawaii to strengthen families and, by extension, communities, has been making a quiet but powerful impact since its arrival in Yolo County two years ago. Family Hui (pronounced HOO-ee) brings together groups of families with young children who live in close proximity to each other. The groups meet with a trained peer leader for 12 weeks with a focus on positive parenting, child development and shared experiences. Many Huis then continue to meet — sometimes for many...

Sacred Causes: March for Justice - October 7th

Please consider joining local social activists to have a March for Justice Friday October 7th, 2016. The goal is to give opportunity to unite community voices and through the rally, for those voices to self-educate about each others' sacred cause . We hope ACES members will join us. This organization seems key to resolving the injustices in so many areas. Would you or a representative commit to speaking out- 5 minutes. at the rally about a major ACES work and outcomes. I hope that we could...

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