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Alternative to Violence Basic Course

Kaiser Permanente South Sac

An AVP workshop develops effective ways to deal with conflicts creatively and explores a variety of nonviolent solutions possible in almost every situation.
Participants will:
- Realize their own power to transform conflicts and create solutions
- Learn nonviolent communication skills and tools
- Enrich family and community relationships
- Practice living peace and justice

To Register:
Contact Ellen Eggers: 


The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) began in 1975 in the New York State prison system by a group of inmates at Green Haven Prison. It has since spread to over 40 states and 20 countries on six continents, including areas torn by civil war and genocide. Thousands of workshops take place in U.S. prisons every year, co-led by inmate facilitators and facilitators from outside the prison. Workshops are also provided in a wide variety of non-prison community settings.


6600 Bruceville RoadMOB 3, Conference Room F

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