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Tagged With "Beyond Behaviors"

Blog Post

Structural Oppression is Trauma: Resources from the Resilient Sacramento Best Practices Presentation

Donielle Prince ·
Our June meeting focused on best practices in broadening the trauma lens to include structural oppression. Key resources attached.
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Supporting Safety and Well-being of Children and Families during COVID-19

Elena Costa ·
The following information is from a tip sheet created by Sacramento County. To access the tip sheet for the full copy, please access it at the link below: The outbreak of COVID‐19 is a concern on everyone’s mind. While we may be comforted to know that the risk to our children’s physical health from the outbreak itself appears to be low, child and family serving agencies are worried about the increased risk for child abuse and neglect during this time of crisis and economic insecurity .
Blog Post

The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRC) first Quarterly Adaptation Exchange in 2018

Grace Kaufman ·
The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRC) conducted our first Quarterly Adaptation Exchange in 2018 on how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma can be a detriment to an individual’s physical, social, and mental health that has lasting effects into adulthood. Climate impacts and an individual’s and/or community’s capacity to respond to trauma with resilience is intrinsically tied to access to a support system, resources, and past traumas. The reality is with Climate...
Blog Post

The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of California

Jenny Pearlman ·
While the impact of maltreatment on a child and their family is devastating, child maltreatment also has serious effects far beyond those for the victim. Maltreatment results in ongoing costs to taxpayers, institutions, businesses, and society at large. Local communities bear the brunt of these costs in the form of medical, educational, and judicial costs, though more tragic signs are seen in homelessness, addiction, and teen pregnancy. To create a concrete understanding of the widespread...
Blog Post


Julie Langston ·
The 2016-2017 Yolo County Education and Equity Summit Series Presents:THE IMPACT OF ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES Speaker: Daniel Ewon Choe, Ph.D. DATE: November 9, 2016 TIME: 3:00pm - 4:30pm PLACE: Yolo County Of ce of Education 1280 Santa Anita Court, Ste. 120, Woodland Please register by: November 2, 2016 GO HERE to register ( SEE ATTACHMENT FOR FULL INFORMATION
Blog Post

The Impact of Mind Matters: Early Results from the University of Louisville’s Pilot Study

Kay Reed ·
Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues are conducting a randomized control trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to youths’ emotional regulation, anxiety, interpersonal skills, and resilience. Join the researchers on...
Blog Post

Toxic Stress, Behavioral Health, and the Next Major Era in Public Health
 by Mental Health America

To view the document, click on the following link:      
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed in Education - Training Series (Sacramento, CA)

Former Member ·
For more information or to register, click here . See attached flier for detailed information. Bringing together proven systematic behavioral communication and conflict resolution strategies to diffuse, calm and heal so that schools become more resilient. Anxiety and depression in students is running rampant. Workplace stress for educators and staff as well as rising litigation costs for schools are also top concerns for communities across the country. How can we reduce tension and improve...
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Practices for Schools Training April 23, 2018

Melissa Cockrell ·
Trauma Informed Practices are the link to academic achievement and social/emotional success for students who’ve experienced toxic stress and trauma. Due to repeated triggering of the fight or flight system, the neurology of these students is different than their grade level counterparts, and taking in new knowledge can often be challenging. Navigating social/emotional situations can also be difficult. Trauma Informed Practices help teachers and students to be better regulated, which...
Blog Post


Gail Kennedy ·
UPDATED NOTE: For Outside Agencies and Districts – Thank you for your interest, we are happy to have you, please complete the form (Attached) below and email to Nicole LoBese ( by 5pm on JUNE 2, 2017. Brief summary of the day – Keynotes focus on ACEs study, physiology and neurology of the brain and impact of trauma on behavior. Participants would gain basic understanding of the brain science of reactivity and stress, how staff can prevent and intervene with...
Blog Post

'Trauma Training Plus' for Schools and Districts

Former Member ·
Good Day Educators, I am hopeful your reading this and still enjoying a summer break! Do you have or know of a site struggling with behavior? Staff overwhelm? Have you thought of training in Trauma? Or have had training in Trauma and just do not know what to do next? If yes, please read... Here is the long version of what I offer that most likely is different and Thank you so much for being here, a part of ACES Connection and giving me a platform to share. Here is my website:...
Blog Post

Traumatic Brain Injury and the Relationship to ACEs

Wendie Skala ·
Laura Williams, MA, LPC spoke on the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and ACEs at the Oct 8 Resilient Sacramento Meeting. One striking research finding was the rate for TBI is increased in children and youth who have pre-injury psychiatric disorders and those who are experiencing high psychosocial risk (ACEs). In her work at the Veterans Treatment Courts in Colorado Springs and Denver, assessments showed over 80 percent of the clients had both ACEs and TBI. A lively...
Blog Post

Treating Stress and Trauma With Mindfulness []

Gail Kennedy ·
READ TH I S FOR LOTS OF RESOURCES FOR SCHOOLS!!!! Mindfulness is a committed, concerted, targeted practice -- a life skill. While pausing for a few deep breaths may make you feel better in the moment, practicing and training regularly will allow you...
Blog Post

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

Briana S. Zweifler ·
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
Blog Post

Upcoming Workshop (2/22/16): "No Such Thing As a Bad Kid"

Donielle Prince ·
No Such Thing As a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges Using Positive, Strength-Based Approaches ($75; purchase orders accepted)
Blog Post

Virtual Screening and & Live Twitter Townhall: select segments "Resilience" and "Paper Tigers"

Kristina Gelardi ·
On April 3rd, KPJR Films is holding a virtual screening of select segments of Resilience and Paper Tigers! There will also be a live Twitter Townhall with folks from KPJR Films! Please spread the word! The registration deadline is TOMORROW, Wednesday 3/28 at 5pm: DEEPENING THE CONVERSATION: CHILDHOOD TRAUMA & AC Es RESILIENCE + Paper Tigers select segments Virtual Screening & Live...
Blog Post

Why is Sacramento failing its black students? (

According to researchers from San Diego State University and University of California, Los Angeles, Sacramento schools disproportionately suspend black boys. The researchers’ new study, “The Capitol of Suspensions: Examining the Racial Exclusion of Black Males in Sacramento County,” revealed that the schools with the worst record are right here in the state capital: The Sacramento City Unified School District has suspended more black boys than any other district in the state—including Los...
Blog Post

YBRS survey and report from Monroe County, New York

Gail Kennedy ·
Elizabeth Meeker, an ACEs Connection member from Monroe County, New York shared that her county schools added ACEs questions to their Youth Behavioral Risk Survey (YBRS) in 2015, which is administered to students in schools. They were kind enough to share the instrument as well as a summary report of findings (both attached here). Elizabeth has indicated that she is available to answer questions that you all may have about the implementation of the survey. Thank you Elizabeth, for sharing!
Blog Post

Communities Poised to Expand Groundbreaking Work in Childhood Trauma: 14 Localities to Join National Initiative on Adversity and Resilience Launched by The Health Federation of Philadelphia

Gail Kennedy ·
  Fo urteen communities from across the country (including Sonoma County and San Diego) now have an opportunity to expand their innovative work in addressing childhood adversity through a new project launched by The by  The Health...
Blog Post

CSSP: On resilience building

Donielle Prince ·
The Center for the Study of Social Policy is doing some amazing work on defining and building capacity for resilience in communities. I've attached their Protective Factors framework as a resource for our group. 
Blog Post

CYW releases "Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California's Response to ACEs"

Jane Stevens ·
The  Center for Youth Wellness  released a new report “Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California’s Response to ACEs”.     This report is a follow up to last November’s Children Can Thrive Summit.  ...
Blog Post

Developing a kinder relationship with yourself: A Course

Donielle Prince ·
One of the ways to combat the effects of Vicarious Trauma is conscious self-care. An organization called Compassion Habit offers an 8 session course on developing self-compassion, for $395.
Blog Post

Do You Have a Story to Tell? Speak at the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference

Florence Connally ·
Beyond Consequences is excited to announce that our Call for Proposals for the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference has been extended. If you have a great story to share about your experience in working with students who’ve had adverse childhood experiences, we would love to hear from you! Here are some examples of sessions that fit in at our nationally recognized conference: Administrative/School-Wide Track • Mindfulness Instead of Suspension • Special Education Law & Advocacy •...
Blog Post

Dr. Mona Delahooke Will Present at The Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference in California

Emily Read Daniels ·
Have you been hearing all the buzz about Dr. Mona Delahooke's new book, Beyond Behaviors ? In my opinion, it’s the best new book of 2019. Dr. Delahooke is a practicing pediatric clinical psychologist of thirty years. She is gaining critical acclaim and grassroots support for challenging the prevalent and pervasive behaviorist bias in schools. As a result, she is an emerging authority in the growing revolution to re-interpret children's misbehavior. She highlights much of the books' content...
Blog Post

Dr. Mona Delahooke Will Present at The Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference in California

Emily Read Daniels ·
Have you been hearing all the buzz about Dr. Mona Delahooke's new book, Beyond Behaviors ? In my opinion, it’s the best new book of 2019. Dr. Delahooke is a practicing pediatric clinical psychologist of thirty years. She is gaining critical acclaim and grassroots support for challenging the prevalent and pervasive behaviorist bias in schools. As a result, she is an emerging authority in the growing revolution to re-interpret children's misbehavior. She highlights much of the books' content...
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

Education; Expectation of GRIT when trauma is present.

Susan E. Jones ·
"The transformative potential in growth mindsets and social-emotional skills such as grit may be more applicable to students whose basic needs are already met. When asking the question of why some children succeed in school and others don’t, he said the educators and administrators tend to overestimate the power of the person and underestimate the power of the situation."
Blog Post

Eleven state-specific profiles feature ACEs-related data and ACEs/trauma-informed/resilience-building initiatives

One of the resources shared with participants in the Sept. 13-14 convening of First Spouses in Milwaukee to address trauma was a series of state information sheets that featured data on ACEs prevalence and ACEs/trauma-informed/resilience-building initiatives. These one-pagers provided a succinct summary of state highlights on trauma that in some instances were well known to the First Spouses but for others, provided new information. In partnership with state trauma leaders, ACEs Connection...
Blog Post

Flyers for Paper Tigers Screening and Beyond Trauma Conference

Donielle Prince ·
I've been watching the updates from other communities that have hosted discussions and/or conferences around Paper Tigers and am so excited for Sacramento!  Julie has been super creative in promoting the Paper Tigers screenings coming to Woodland...
Blog Post

Mindful Educator Workshop on ACEs Science and Trauma Informed Practice

Donielle Prince ·
At the monthly Mindful Educators MeetUp, practice mindfulness skills and learn about trauma informed practice. Check out the April meeting in this post, and mark your calendars for the next meeting on May 10.
Blog Post

Mindfulness: Helping Youth Learn to Feel Emotions and Choose Their Behavior

Gail Kennedy ·
                                                                                    photo by JOE GUSZKOWSKI Holistic Life Foundation instructors Michelle Lee (left) and Jazmine Blackwell lead students through an exercise during an after-school yoga and meditation program at Lillie May...
Blog Post

Moving toward the ACEs tipping point: Communities, their ACEs initiatives and ACEs billboards

Jane Stevens ·
David Bornstein, a columnist for the New York Times , posted the third of a three-part series ( Putting the power of self-knowledge to work ) about communities that are integrating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. (Part one — Tapping a troubled neighborhood’s inner strength , and part two — How community networks stem childhood traumas .) It’s a terrific series, with information that we can all use, and I highly recommend reading them all. Some members...
Blog Post

New ACEs data on

Gail Kennedy ·
On behalf of California Essentials for Childhood, I am very excited to announce the release of a new Child Adversity and Resilience data topic on! This has been a collaborative effort between the CA Essentials for Childhood Initiative's Shared Data and Outcomes Work Group and the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health. I represent ACEs Connection Network on Essentials and am the co-chair of the Shared Data & Outcomes Work Group so I couldn't be more thrilled about...
Blog Post

New organization calls all pediatricians to end crisis that's "hiding in plain sight"

Laurie Udesky ·
When the question of screening patients for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was first raised a couple of years ago, Santa Barbara pediatrician Andria Ruth had mixed feelings about it.
Blog Post

Omni Youth Programs - Free Parent Education

Wendie Skala ·
Omni Youth Programs Events | Eventbrite Omni Youth Programs Omni Youth Programs is a non profit organization focusing on drug, alcohol and violence prevention for teenagers. We provide FREE training and certification to community partners in Sacramento County in four model evidence based programs. These programs have been studied and proven to increase family communication and decrease alochol, drug use and violent behavior in teens.You can run it as a solo program...
Blog Post

Overview of the 2016 Project on Behavioral Health Services For Children and Youth in California []

Alicia Doktor ·
Thank you to Jane Adcock and Arden Tucker from the California Behavioral Health Planning Council (CBHPC) for attending our Resilient Sacramento meeting and for providing information on the Overview of the 2016 Project on Behavioral Health Services For Children and Youth in California. To access the report, click here .
Blog Post

PowerPoint Presentions Developed for ACEs/TIC Education

Wendie Skala ·
I am uploading several presentations I have developed concerning ACEs/TIC for the community.
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Recap and Resources from May Presentation on Systemic Trauma

Donielle Prince ·
We ended up having a robust discussion that largely unfolded organically, but powerfully. We shared what we've learned from study, practice, and personal experience, leading into an amazing, candid, and open discussion among members about how, in particular, historical trauma impacts lives today.
Blog Post

Recap: Notes from August Meeting

Donielle Prince ·
Kristina sent these wonderful notes on the same day of the meeting; I forgot to post! What a wonderful recap full of great resources to refer back to.
Blog Post

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gail Kennedy ·
Gratitude is good medicine Practicing gratitude boosts emotional and physical well being   A growing body of research is confirming that an ounce of gratitude is worth a pound of cure.   “The practice of gratitude can have dramatic and...
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How Governor Gavin Newsom’s Plan To Identify Early Childhood Trauma In Kids Might Make Healthier, Smarter Students []

Alicia Doktor ·
Nurse @Wendie Skala worked with teens who were victims of street violence — and she always felt she was getting to them too late. Eventually, she learned about something called “adverse childhood experiences,” or ACEs : The idea that trauma early in life can cause disruptive and unhealthy behavior. And that’s when Skala says a “huge light bulb” went on. “Instead of saying, ‘What’s wrong with these kids?’ We could finally say, ‘What happened to these kids that they’re ending...
Blog Post

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Lori Chelius ·
Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.
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How to become Trauma Informed Certified - platform

Severine Hollingsworth ·
Thank you for attending April 14 th Zoom meeting. I am truly appalled by the inappropriate behavior of the “Bomber”. We are Resilient Sacramento, therefore, join us in the next few weeks to learn more about ACES Aware effort launched by Dr. Nadine Burke, California State Surgeon General. Topic: Aces Aware Platform Participants will be required to register; link to be disclosed individually and password will be needed to attend. DATE TBA @ 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Blog Post

Join us today for the Monthly Resilient Sacramento Meeting focusing on 4CA's day on the Capital and Resilient Sacramento's County Proclamation

Wendie Skala ·
Due to a change in speaker availability the Resilient Sacramento Monthly Meeting will focus on 4CA, California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity's May 1st day at the capital. Come learn about how 4CA advocates for public policies in CA that effectively address childhood adversity. Learn what you can do to influence policy in your district and the state. Attached you will find resources provided at the event. Wendie
Blog Post

Local Workshops on: "Healing Shock and Developmental Trauma"

Donielle Prince ·
For more information, download the full flyer attached below, or click on the registration link here .
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May Meeting Summary, plus important announcements...

Donielle Prince ·
We have a new name! And other announcements... read the meeting summary notes and please share your feedback.
Blog Post

9 Key Resources on Trauma-Informed Schools []

Alicia Doktor ·
Becoming a trauma-informed school helps ensure your students feel safe. Many students who have experienced trauma have challenges with self-regulation and with learning. But, it’s not always easy to recognize a student who may be suffering. Frustration can mask symptoms, causing those students to act out and make that behavior easy to misrecognize. So, it’s imperative your staff know how to recognize the signs. Not sure where to start? Here are nine resources so you can start educating your...
Blog Post

A Weekend of Workshops on Increasing Resiliency through Somatic Therapy

Donielle Prince ·
Review the attached flyer for information about a workshop series titled "Healing Shock and Developmental Trauma" here in Sacramento on April 22-23, 2016.
Blog Post

American River College Presentation "ACEs and Our Students: Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study to Reach and Teach Our Students

Wendie Skala ·
Susan Jones and Wendie Skala presented a session to students and facilitators at American River College on Aug 18th. Those attending the course learned how to reach students more effectively using information from the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, one of the largest investigations of childhood abuse and neglect and later-life health and well being. The session included an interactive session covering not only ACEs but practical, relevant strategies to help...
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