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Tagged With "Stress Rises"

Blog Post

Structural Oppression is Trauma: Resources from the Resilient Sacramento Best Practices Presentation

Donielle Prince ·
Our June meeting focused on best practices in broadening the trauma lens to include structural oppression. Key resources attached.
Blog Post

The Developing Brain & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Lisa Frederiksen ·
Thanks to an explosion in scientific research now possible with imaging technologies, such as fMRI and SPECT, experts can actually see how the brain develops. This helps explain why exposure to adverse childhood experiences can so deeply influence and change a child's brain and thus their physical and emotional health and quality of life across their lifetime. The above time-lapse study was conducted over 10 years. The darker colors represent brain maturity (brain development). I have added...
Blog Post

This Weekend! Cal Expo clinic to provide free dental, medical care to thousands

Gail Kennedy ·
Even as medical and insurance costs rise, free health care will be on hand at Cal Expo this weekend for anyone willing to wait in line. The three-day medical, dental and vision clinic, hosted by volunteer corps California CareForce, will begin registering visitors at 6 a.m. Friday to offer fillings, extractions, eyeglass fittings, diabetes screenings and flu shots to adults and children for no cost. The clinic will also be held Saturday and Sunday, opening at the same time. People can get a...
Blog Post

Tools for Healing Systemic Trauma: Immigration and Deportation Community Stress

Donielle Prince ·
First 5 Sacramento has developed a toolkit to help families develop material and emotional safety plans to ease and heal the community stress that arises from immigration and deportation fears.
Blog Post

WORKSHOP: A Healthier, Happier You!

Bonnie Berman ·
Mark Your Calendars and Don’t Miss Dr. Susan Biali Haas workshop; A Healthier, Happier You: Manage Stress, Prevent Burnout & Live a Resilient Life! Are you lacking work-life balance, feeling burnt out, suffering from staff turnover and need a positive boost? If this is you, then don’t miss this one-time event! The Office of Child Abuse Prevent is excited to present, a FREE full day workshop , Dr. Susan Biali Haas will share personal experiences and wisdom to get you motivated. Dr. Biali...
Blog Post

Coping As A Community: COVID-19 - Zoom Webinar with Dr. Andres Sciolla

Bonnie Berman ·
DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020 TIME: 12:00PM Many people have questions about ways to cope with stress experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, the UC Davis Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has organized a weekly webinar series focused on Inclusive Practices, Holistic Health and Wellbeing. Please join me and Dr. Andres Sciolla, MD as we discuss Stress, Trauma and Resilience this Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 12 PM via Zoom. You can register at...
Blog Post

CSSP: On resilience building

Donielle Prince ·
The Center for the Study of Social Policy is doing some amazing work on defining and building capacity for resilience in communities. I've attached their Protective Factors framework as a resource for our group. 
Blog Post

For California Firefighters, How 'Mindfulness' Can Ease the Deadly Stress of Their Jobs []

By Cathie Anderson, The Sacramento Bee, November 12, 2019 About three and a half years ago, paramedic Susan Farren underwent major surgery for kidney cancer, and as she lay in the recovery room, one of her doctors told her that he had treated quite a few first responders with organ cancers. The comment stuck with her. “I went home and started researching it after getting out of the hospital,” Farren said, “and for the next year and a half, that’s what I did every single day. I researched...
Blog Post

Multiple events in Sacramento: Rise Up For Immigrant & TPS Justice!

Alicia Doktor ·
For more information, see this Facebook Event . Rise up for Immigrant and TPS Rights by standing with us as we hold a press conference in front of the Federal Building in Downtown Sacramento - located at 650 Capitol Mall. We will continue to stand up for immigrant rights in our communities and in our city! Join us as we kick off a week of actions here in Sacramento!
Blog Post

OCAP Presents Dr. Susan Biali workshop

Bonnie Berman ·
Are you lacking work-life balance, feeling burnt out, suffering from staff turnover and need a positive boost? If this is you, then don’t miss this FREE one-time event, occurring on April 10th! The Office of Child Abuse Prevention is excited to present the full day workshop “ A Healthier, Happier You: Manage Stress, Prevent Burnout & Live a Resilient Life ” with Dr. Susan Biali Haas, renowned author, life coach, and medical doctor. Dr. Biali Haas will share the story of how she overcame...
Blog Post

PowerPoint Presentions Developed for ACEs/TIC Education

Wendie Skala ·
I am uploading several presentations I have developed concerning ACEs/TIC for the community.
Blog Post

Recap and Resources from May Presentation on Systemic Trauma

Donielle Prince ·
We ended up having a robust discussion that largely unfolded organically, but powerfully. We shared what we've learned from study, practice, and personal experience, leading into an amazing, candid, and open discussion among members about how, in particular, historical trauma impacts lives today.
Blog Post

Recap: Notes from August Meeting

Donielle Prince ·
Kristina sent these wonderful notes on the same day of the meeting; I forgot to post! What a wonderful recap full of great resources to refer back to.
Blog Post

Latino youths see big rise in psychiatric hospitalizations []

Jane Stevens ·
Psychiatric hospitalizations of Latino children and young adults in California are rising dramatically and at a much faster pace than among their peers, according to state data. While mental health hospitalizations of young people of all ethnicities have climbed in recent years, Latino rates stand out. Among those 21 and younger, rates shot up 86 percent, to 17,813, between 2007 and 2014, according to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Thats compared with a 21 percent...
Blog Post

Abuse numbers rise for Sacramento foster kids. County can’t say why []

Alicia Doktor ·
Sacramento County foster kids are being mistreated at a rate not seen since the recession a decade ago, the latest state data show, but the county has no immediate answers about what’s causing the increase in confirmed cases of abuse of children in its care. County officials substantiated 85 reports of maltreatment in Sacramento County foster homes between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. That's an increase of 30 cases, or 55 percent, from the same period the prior year, according to state...
Blog Post

Brief: Reaching out to male survivors of violence []

DeAngelo Mack ·
"This brief was developed to provide outreach and engagement best practices for agencies, community-based organizations, and other entities that are working with male survivors of violence. Currently, the victim services field is not addressing the needs of boys and men of color, who are experiencing violence at alarming rates and are not being connected to the services that they need. Through interviews with hospital-based violence intervention programs, school-based health centers, and...
Blog Post

Resources from a great CSSP webinar: "Working Toward Well-Being: Community Approaches to Toxic Stress"

Donielle Prince ·
I was very intrigued, and eagerly registered- this is what we're trying to ramp up here in Sacramento! And there were many great nuggets of wisdom shared. (Powerpoint slides are attached).
Blog Post

Seniors on the Streets: Growing Number of Older People in Sacramento are Experiencing Homelessness []

By Mike Duffy, ABC 10, February 5, 2020 There is a growing problem on the streets of California, and it could be the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country. Seniors are increasingly finding themselves homeless, priced out of highly competitive housing and rental markets. After working for years, many are living on fixed incomes that simply cannot compete with the rise in the cost of living. Without adequate familial and community support, some of these individuals are finding...
Blog Post

September 18, 2019 Sierra Region Learning Community: Highlights and Resources

Barbara DeGraaf ·
The first Sierra Learning Community for the 2019-20 fiscal year focused upon Best Practices in Trauma Informed Care: Building Youth Resiliency. The power point and other materials distributed to attendees is available in the Resources Section. View the recording by clicking here: September 18, 2019 Sierra Learning Community ANNOUNCEMENTS Make sure to visit the Strategies2.0 YouTube Channel to access recordings of all the Strategies2.0 sponsored webinars and Learning Communities. The channel...
Blog Post

5 ways advocates can use Twitter to elevate the link between racism and childhood trauma []

Alicia Doktor ·
Nearly 12 years after Twitter first launched in 2006, it has become a global behemoth with 330 million monthly active users, supporting 500 million Tweets every day . Tweets are now a part of daily life, whether they are public conversations about social movements, individual commentary about current events, or political announcements from elected officials. Because advocates are increasingly leveraging social channels like Twitter to influence policy decisions, researchers at Berkeley Media...

Re: 03.13.2018 Introduction to Best Practices

Kristina Gelardi ·
The related tools have also been uploaded and are also attached here.

Re: Resources in Sacramento County

Crystal Harding ·
Good afternoon - super exciting task! I missed the last meeting, are minutes available? Just want some clarification on what types of resources and information you need! I have tons, and a compiled list of links... and would love to share! I look forward to contributing! Peace, Crystal
Blog Post

As Your Stress Rises, We Are Resilient Can Help!

Meri McCoy-Thompson ·
Do you feel your stress rising, especially as COVID and political disturbances are raging? We Are Resilient is a practical hands-on approach to strengthening resilience and reduce stress. We can all benefit from recognizing what gets in the way of our resilience as well as learn how to practice these practical skills which promote it. We Are Resilient is particularly helpful for healthcare providers and staff to be more comfortable addressing ACEs and trauma and provide trauma-informed care.
Blog Post

Knowing the Health Needs of the Sacramento Region: Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

Wendie Skala ·
Today I was on a ACEs Connection Community Manager development meeting with Karen Clemmer, ACEs Connection Staff. One of the items for discussion was knowing how ACEs and Resilience align with the community health needs assessments (CHNA), developed every three years by health care organization and required by the federal government. Have you every seen a Community Health Needs Assessment? They are a wealth of information. In Sacramento County Dignity Health, Sutter Health and UCD have...
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