San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team
Agenda for July 10, 2015 12:30pm-2:00pm
Located at MHS Inc. 9465 Farnham St, SD, CA 92123
(Please park in the street)
Mission Statement:
To promote the development and provision of trauma-informed services in San Diego County’s agencies and systems through collaboration, advocacy and education to achieve transformation.
I. Introductions
II. Agency Overview and Trauma Informed Journey Presentation:
- Chadwick Center for Children and Families - Jennifer Hossler, MSW, Child Welfare Systems Change Specialist-SAMHSA Project
III. Announcements/Achievements
- 2015 Strategic Plan update progress report – Pam
- Sep meeting on 9/11, not 9/4!
- Long Beach Advisory Council is interested in a Learning Exchange with SDTIGT on their City Systems becoming Trauma Informed
- San Diego Youth Development Office invitation to partner – Rosa Ana
- SDTIGT mailing list transition update – Betsy
IV. ACEs Connection
i. member list
ii. what documents to upload
iii. member postings
iv. shared vision for San Diego On-Line Group (TBD)
V. Trainings
VI. Future Presentations
VII. Next meeting Sep 11, 2015 ~ 12:30pm-2:00pm - we meet in “odd” months only.
ACEs Connection
A social networking site for all people interested in implementing ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building practices.
San Diego County ACEs Connection
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