January 28/ 29, February 4/5, 2023
9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. PST, includes lunch break
Workshop Objectives
Understand theory of the traumatic network and consequences of traumatic incidents
Understand the theory + practice of TIR
Assess a client’s readiness for TIR
Apply TIR techniques successfully
Understand how triggering affects clients everyday lives
Increase rapport with clients
Day 1: Intro to TIR, theory, research, application
Day 2: Learning and practicing Unblocking
Day 3: Experiencing Unblocking and practicing Basic TIR
Day 4: Experiencing Basic TIR and practicing Thematic TIR and case planning
Cost: Normally $600.00+; Please register before January 21, $450.00; (Maximum 12 participants)
Partial scholarships available
Workshop brought to you by: Jaime Romo, Ed.D.
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