Executive Director, Hunters Point Family
Vice President, SF District 10 African American Health Alliance
Member, SFPD African American Advisory Board
Student, USF Clinical Psychology PsyD program
In the news
Hope for survival in Bayview-Hunters Point grows with aquaponics
Innovative program teaches Bay Area jail inmates farming skills
Why so jails are embracing aquaponics
African American Health Alliance
- AAHA recently gained non-profit status
- Currently includes every African American led organization in District 10 that provides health/mental health services
- Meets monthly
- Has a quarterly newsletter
- Lena was a key collaborator on the CYW provider toolkit (facilitated all focus groups with community)
- Currently developing a trauma toolkit for community members
- Toolkit rational: lots of tools for providers, not much available for community; people need to know that their trauma symptoms and coping mechanisms are normal responses (anger, depression, anxiety, smoking weed, etc.) and learn alternative approaches (healing, advocacy, employment)
Police Training
- Lena is one of many trauma trainers contracted with SFPD (4 trainings done and 3 more scheduled as of March, 2016)
- Trained 2 groups of 20-30 field officers and 2 groups of 30-40 students
- SFPD wants all officers trained
- Lena’s training includes: trauma (PTSD, complex trauma, neurobiology of toxic stress); community context (level of stress, trauma, health issues, access to care, and coping mechanisms); police context (same issues, including high alcoholism and suicide); appropriate responses to community and healthy coping mechanisms for police (awareness, listening, mindfulness, positive psychology, cognitive processing therapy)
- Training rational: if first responders arrive at a scene and haven’t dealt with their trauma, it can result in a detached and disassociated interactions with community and result in increased trauma with community/police interactions.
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