From Addressing Social Determinants of Health through Cross-Sector Collaboration, UC Berkeley, August 2020
Irán Barrera, PhD., LCSW is a professor of Social Work at the Department of Social Work Education (DSWE) at Fresno State (College of Health and Human Services). Professor Barrera is examining the impact of a six-week parent child engagement intervention using a coloring book focused on educating families about the impact of ACEs on child development. Strikeout Toxic Stress! is designed to help Latino Spanish-speaking families understand and prevent ACEs by increasing ACEs literacy. The study assesses the impact of the intervention on parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions related to parenting and knowledge about ACEs.
Latino children are more likely to experience ACEs, but tailored evidence-based programs to educate Latino Spanish-speaking parents and children about ACEs do not exist. This project generates evidence about the impact of family interventions to improve parent knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions related to parenting and preventing ACEs.
Community Partners | Professor Barrera will collaborate with Centro La Familia and the California Initiatve for Health Equity and Action to disseminate the study results and coloring books in the Central San Joaquin Valley and beyond Northern California after the completion of the pilot study.
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