Tagged With "First 5"
Blog Post
2018 Santa Barbara County Youth Impact Awards
Each year, KIDS Network celebrates the contributions of young people in Santa Barbara County by honoring individuals or groups who have made a significant positive impact in our community . The spirit of the Youth Impact Awards is to recognize youth who are outstanding because they have taken initiative to address and/or overcome adversity and have made a difference in the lives of others. Nominees may be recognized for demonstrating leadership while facing adversity in their own lives; or...
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Building Bridges to Resilience in Santa Barbara County
The full moon was setting and the sun was rising as organizers from KIDS Network, Children & Family Resource Services, Casa Pacifica, and the Department of Behavioral Wellness began setting up the 2019 BRIDGES TO RESILIENCE Conference on October 14 th at the beautiful Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The stately halls and ballrooms were a flurry of activity as staff prepared to receive over 350 community members who work with children, youth and families in Santa Barbara County.
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"Building Violence Free Schools & Communities " ONE DAY CONFERENCE!
Tulare County CAPC is proud to provide this ONE DAY conference on "Building Violence Free Schools & Communities" featuring 3 nationally know speakers with first hand experience and expertise in the field of violence prevention. Dr. Melissa Reeves (Columbine, CO shooting) Scarlett Lewis (Parent of a child lost in Sandy Hook shooting) and Clayton Douglas (former student who planned a shooting) will provide us with critical knowledge and skills in violence prevention. **** FLYER AND...
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Carpinteria ACEs and Resilience Project Takes Off
A recent celebration of community in Carpinteria, CA featured an inspiring speech by the Executive Director of the Carpinteria Children's Project, Maria Chesley, PhD. Maria and Dr. Peggy Dodds from the Carpinteria Health Care Clinic have been instrumental in launching a pilot project that began screening for ACEs in February. The Carpinteria Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Resilience Project (CARP) marks a significantly expanded integration of formal care across organizations. A...
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Children and Family Resource Services
Children and Family Resource Services is a young 501(3)(c) formed in partnership with Santa Barbara County Education Office. While the nonprofit is young, our multiple programs have been operating for many years, providing comprehensive programs to support the health and resilience of the children and families in Santa Barbara County. Our vision is Healthy and Resilient Children and Families. Our mission is to provide high quality, family-focused, strength-based services to build resilient...
Blog Post
Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands? Come to our no-cost mental and school mental health Winter Institute!
Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands?If so...Check it out! 👇 NO COST. MENTAL HEALTH & SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WORKFORCE. AMAZING FACULTY. JANUARY 14, 15, & 16th! LONG BEACH, CA. JOIN US. 🤝 👏 Learn more here: http://bit.ly/mhttc-winterinstitute-flyer Register here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq2f9gaebafa6bd&llr=8wdk4ubab
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Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe.
That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post
Enroll today for the December 5, 2019 SoCal Learning Community!
Welcome to the 2019 - 2020 SoCal Learning Community series! This 4-part series is designed to build leadership capacity to improve outcomes for children and families in the SoCal region. Re-visioning Prevention: Exploring Systems Innovation and Best Practices in the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Join us for the second convening in December and participate in this innovative peer learning experience, hear from topic experts and connect with colleagues in the SoCal region. Date:...
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Face masks to be distributed again in SB County Wednesday (ksby.com)
More masks will be distributed Wednesday in Santa Barbara County as air quality in some areas of the county due to the Thomas Fire remain at "unhealthy" levels. N95 masks will be available at the following locations: • Goleta Costco, 7095 Market Place Dr., from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave., from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Goleta City Hall, 130 Cremona Dr., from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Franklin Community Center, 1136 East Montecito St. in Santa...
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Health Matters: Special Edition [April 2019]
Please see the attached document to read the full newsletter.
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Join 4CA in educating policymakers about ACEs! May 1 in Sacramento.
Join us on May 1 for the 3rd Annual 4CA Policymaker Education Day! Register now: bit.ly/4CA2019Register
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KIDS Network Joins Forces with Leading from Within
On June 6, 2018, over 60 people gathered in mid-Santa Barbara County for a special convening of the KIDS Network. The meeting was advertised among stakeholders as the unveiling of the 2017 Children's Scorecard and the launch of the Santa Barbara County ACEs Connection. After receiving an overview of the Children's Scorecard, participants were invited to discuss the three objectives previously identified by stakeholders who met with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris in April. These were support for...
Blog Post
Mapping the System to Address Childhood Adversity
The Santa Barbara ACEs Connection Steering Committee met for the second time on August 10, 2018 to continue contemplating and exploring the countywide vision for growing a resilient community. The committee refined its guiding principles and spent the majority of the meeting time engaged in three systems mapping activities designed to tap into each person's unique viewpoint and perspective. These activities provided an opportunity to build trust, create a safe space, embrace trial and error...
Blog Post
New organization calls all pediatricians to end crisis that's "hiding in plain sight"
Karissa Luckett at Clinica de la Raza, Oakland, California (Photo/Laurie Udesky) ______________________________________________ When the question of screening patients for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was first raised a couple of years ago, Santa Barbara pediatrician Andria Ruth had mixed feelings about it. Dr. Andria Ruth “We know our patients have a lot of these [ACEs] experiences,” said Ruth, who works for the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics (SBNC), a network of four medical...
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New organization calls all pediatricians to end crisis that's "hiding in plain sight"
When the question of screening patients for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was first raised a couple of years ago, Santa Barbara pediatrician Andria Ruth had mixed feelings about it.
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Podcast: Alison Cebulla Discusses Paid Parental Leave, Toxic Stress, and ACEs on Hometown Radio Show
Click here to listen here to the audio recording. This summer I joined Hometown Radio Show host Dave Congalton to discuss a series of public health issues. I'm Alison and I'm a Master of Public Health student at Boston University. I spent the summer interning for ACEs Connection. In this episode, which was broadcast live from San Luis Obispo, CA on July 30, 2019 at 5pm, and was #3 in the series of 4 episodes, we discussed the absence of federal level paid parental leave policy in the United...
Blog Post
Re-Visioning Child Abuse Prevention in Southern California
Preventing child abuse and neglect and improving the well being of children, families, and communities is at the core of the outcome we are all so strongly committed to achieving. However, there's a lot of work to be done. Through the “ The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of California ,” we know that: There are nearly 500,000 reports of child abuse in California each year — that’s about one report every minute. The economic cost to California for the 71,289 victims in 2017 is $19.31...
Blog Post
Recognizing Welcome Every Baby Family Connects Nurses on International Nurses Day
Today is International Nurses Day. Welcome Every Baby Family Connects Nurses have stepped up their work during these trying times in our community; providing telehealth visits, Zoom Mothers’ Groups, a baby scale loan program and porch delivery of First 5 CA Newborn Kits. Americans rank nurses as the most trusted profession. Parents are already reporting that a WEB-FC Nurse telehealth-visit provides valuable guidance, plus peace of mind. Often, just talking to families in general about how...
Blog Post
Register for Trauma Informed Care: An Integrative Approach
In collaboration with Cuesta College, SLO County Behavioral Health, Transitions-Mental Health Association, Center for Family Strengthening, & SLO Trauma Informed Champions of Change; Health Workforce Initiative presents: Trauma Informed Care: An Integrative Approach Trauma Informed Care (TIC) integrates core principles of neurodevelopment, trauma and attachment with mindful healing to support a comprehensive approach that can be used by clients, providers, and community members. Friday...
Blog Post
Registration Open for 3rd Annual Bridges to Resilience Conference
The Bridges to Resilience Conference will take place on October 11, 2018 from 8am-5pm. This is the third annual conference, to be held at the Santa Ynez Valley Marriott in Buellton. The conference has fueled a growing awareness across service sectors about the impact of childhood adversity and the importance of working collaboratively to support the health and wellbeing of children and youth in our community. Presentations and breakout sessions will provide opportunities to deepen...
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Santa Barbara County gets Nearly $6M for Jail Diversion Program [independent.com]
By Delaney Smith, Santa Barbara Independent, February 5, 2020 As part of Santa Barbara County’s overhaul of its criminal justice system, the Board of Supervisors accepted a nearly $6 million grant Tuesday to fund a treatment program for minor offenders suffering from drug addiction or mental illness in an effort to divert them from jail. “Basically what it means is we are taking the most vulnerable individuals who suffer from substance-abuse and mental-health issues — who often end up in our...
Blog Post
Santa Ynez Valley School Districts All Staff Day
Over 200 teachers, staff members, school psychologists, principals, and superintendents from eight school districts within the Santa Ynez Valley came together on October 9th for the 8th Annual All-Valley Schools Conference. The theme for this year's conference was Resilience, and the day started with a screening of the documentary film by KPJR Productions, RESILIENCE: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope. A panel discussion followed the film and panelists shared their personal and...
Blog Post
SB ACEs Steering Committee Completes Phase One
The Santa Barbara ACEs Connection Steering Committee met on August 24th to put the finishing touches on the draft purpose, principles and objectives that will be presented at the September meeting of the KIDS Network . This was the third and final meeting of phase one, where the group set out to build a solid foundation of trust-based relationships and inclusivity. Phase one was devoted to contemplation, exploration and high-level design - digging into the complexity of ACEs and resilience...
Blog Post
SB ACEs Steering Committee Sparks Gratitude and Connection
The Santa Barbara County ACEs Connection Steering Committee brought its work to the larger SB ACEs community at the KIDS Network meeting on September 5th. Participants connected with one another through a brief storytelling exercise before hearing a report on the learning process and outcomes of the committee's Phase 1 efforts. Those in attendance had the opportunity to grapple with one of the mapping exercises undertaken by Steering Committee members in previous months. They were also...
Blog Post
Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences Website / First 5 CA Care, Cope Connect Resource
Thanks to Alejandra Labrado from First 5 Sacramento for providing the links to these resources! Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences: https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/topics/traumatic-experiences/ When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and...
Blog Post
So you know about ACEs...Turn your AHA! into Action!
Spring is the time for rebirth and new beginnings! As we look around, we can observe nature around us awakening after a long winter sleep. A true sign of resilience. At Origins , we have been lucky enough to create a space for growth and learning for both groups and individuals who work towards creating environments of healing and resilience over the winter months. After completing the first round of The Resilience Champion Certificate of 2018, we have 23 graduates putting their action plans...
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Virtual Screening of Broken Places on March 21st & Registration for ACEs Connection Members!
Please join us on Thursday, March 21st for a special virtual screening of Broken Places , the latest U.S. documentary on early childhood trauma and resilience. The film will be offered via a private Vimeo link with passcode to all registered members of ACEs Connection, for free, accessible in the United States and internationally. REGISTER TODAY: To register, please visit : https://goo.gl/forms/apdoINwgtQmydEXK2 The viewing portal for the film will open on Vimeo at 6am EST and close at 11pm...
7- SAMHSA Guide.pdf
Blog Post
California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything.
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Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post
Guidance for Distance Learning Released by CA Dept. of Social Services (CDSS) and Education (CDE)
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and California Department of Education (CDE) have jointly released a guidance document for educators conducting distance learning on recognizing the signs and symptoms of abuse. To read more, please see the attached document.
Sandra Copley
Sharol Viker
Blog Post
Introducing the “Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program”
(originally posted by Donielle Prince) PACEs Connection is excited to introduce our new Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Accelerator Program. (Click here to review a brief description of each event. See below for April event times). The 16 hour CRC accelerator is focused on supporting and developing individual activists and advocates in transforming their communities and organizations using PACEs and resilience frameworks. The CRC accelerator will cover fundamental topics such as...
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Top Reasons for Joining the Summit
Virtual Conference | April 5-6, 2022 Our world gets more complex every day. So it's more important than ever to address the traumas that affect our communities. That’s why we’re coming together at the Hanna Institute Summit: to heal our communities. But why should you join us? Here are the top three reasons people attend the Summit: 1) Learn from Experts From best-selling authors Ibram X. Kendi and Resmaa Menakem to Nancy Dome and Dr. Gary Slutkin, national and Bay Area experts will bring...
Blog Post
Network of Care Awards Grants for Addressing Toxic Stress in Santa Barbara County
SANTA BARBARA – The Santa Barbara County Network of Care, a partnership of the Pediatric Resiliency Collaborative (PeRC) and Resilient Santa Barbara County, has awarded more than $800,000 in buffering services grants to 19 community organizations addressing toxic stress in children and youth. Children who experience toxic stress, or high levels of adversity, have been shown to experience disruptions in their health and development. Cottage Health, on behalf of PeRC and Resilient Santa...
Blog Post
August COOP Meeting: Leverage the Latest Brain Science to Build Trust and Community Connections!
Our speaker for the August PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities meeting will share ways of building community connections we may not have thought of before – starting with trust in the earliest and most important relationships – as well as some challenging news, exciting resources, and timely inspiration. Cooperative of Communities members and members of their communities are invited to join us tomorrow, August 8, 2023, at 10 a.m. PT, Noon CT, and 1 p.m. ET when we welcome Deborah...
Blog Post
World Mental Health Day: Mobilizing the Human Family Through the CRC & the PACEs Movement
Awareness about health outcomes are as much about the long-term impact caused by adverse childhood experiences as they are by positive childhood experiences. By providing education on trauma-informed awareness and resilience building frameworks, the CRC Accelerator certification is a tool for both.
Blog Post
Early Relational Health Innovators Partner In Program Supported by PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities Members in Twelve California Counties
Christina Bethell, Ph.D, MBA, MPH, founder of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI), principal author of the groundbreaking study on positive childhood experiences, and creator of the free Well Visit Planner, among other innovations. Two internationally-respected leaders and innovators in complementary aspects of early relational health and childhood and maternal health equity recently launched a partnership they believe will benefit everyone from newborn babies and...
Blog Post
Lunch & Learn 1: Mitigating ACEs for Families with Children Ages 0-5
In July, the Partnership for Safe Families & Communities of Ventura County hosted the first Lunch & Learn Session: Mitigating ACEs for Families with Children Ages 0-5. The session educated participants on how sustaining safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children and families can prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), increase positive childhood experiences (PCEs), and help all children reach their full potential.
Blog Post
California PACEs Connection Members: We'd Like to Learn More About Your PACEs Initiative Impact
In an effort to keep our free programs accessible to California during a critical time in the PACEs movement, we'd like to learn more about the role PACEs Connection programs have played in your California PACEs initiatives and the impact of your programs.
Blog Post
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...