Draft notes from our October 23, 2019 meeting
Welcome: For all who could join our meeting on October 23rd, thank you for your participation! Together we can broaden our understanding of how ACEs impact our communities and what folks are doing to address ACEs.
In October we welcomed David Beck MD a local Psychiatrist, Lynn Burke from Drug Abuse Alternatives Center (DAAC) Perinatal Program and we welcomed the return of Carla Denner LCSW who is now with DHS - BH- Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention.
Shoutouts to:
Dr. Diedre Pearl who presented nationally and internationally via an ACEs Connection webinar - link to the archived presentation: integrating-aces-science-in-PEDS-early-adopters-share-lessons-from-the-field
Diane Madrigal presented on ACEs at the Sonoma County Breastfeeding Conference. Introduced as a Master Trainer and Presenter for Adverse Childhood Effects (ACES). Diane lives in Sonoma County with her two children and is an advocate for ACES. Her work and her personal mission includes helping individuals access recovery services, and find healing.
Opportunities to coordinate:
RCHC Opioid Safety Initiative
Sonoma Resilience Collaborative
SRC Mind-Body Training
Housing Task Force Meeting - Join! The next general meeting is on December 4, 2019, from 7 am to 8:45 am 333 Country Club Drive, Santa Rosa, CA: www.sonomacountyalliance.com/committees/housing-task-force/
How do we rekindle relationships with Hanna Boys Center folks?
https://www.hannainstitute.org/ and https://www.hannainstitute.org/resilient-sonoma/
United Way and or Rotary: United Way Wine Country Lisa Carreño, CEO, 707.528.4485 x140 lisa.carreno@unitedwaywinecountry.org
We learned of several programs, activities, efforts - etc that are happening across the county.
Here are examples: Perinatal Alliance - SUD & BH Resources for pregnant and parenting women, the focus is on systems change, with an emphasis on the Maternal Child populations.
- Perinatal Alcohol and Other Drug Action Team - is conducting a community mapping activity designed to identify resources for their target population.
- Carla Denner shared that the Sonoma County Prevention Partnership has a subcommittee focused on the needs of youth and young adults. Partners include Community Matters and Friday Night Live. The youth from a youth empowerment group presented. Another subcommittee is focused on marijuana, smoking and vaping use by youth and young adults.
- DAAC is reopening its onsite Adolescent Program(!) in coordination with Santa Rosa continuation schools.
- Plans are underway for the July 2020 community assessment. A survey that is being distributed will help shape the focus of that work. To date, a significant number of respondents indicated that ACEs were a key issue in the community. Please look for the survey and share your perspective as well.
- Sonoma County Community Foundation is in the process of conducting a train the trainer series with a second cohort. The two cohorts include approximately 200 people in total. Those who are trained learn how to buffer stress and trauma for themselves and how to share this knowledge with others in the community.
Together we brainstormed ideas for next year - including hosting a Mindfulness training and opening it to the public as a way of increasing the reach of the training and bringing awareness to local folks who are working on ACEs. We also looked at ways to integrate more learning opportunities. More discussion is needed.
Meeting planning question - would we like to host a 1.5-hour Mindfulness training and have it be open to the public? And/or dedicate one of our 1.5 hour monthly meetings to a Mindfulness training?
Folks also shared that they would like to understand “ACEs” better. It is a familiar term, but not well understood. Given this and assuming others may be feeling the same way, we discussed hosting a series of trainings, starting with an ACEs 101 training.
Additionally, this is the second meeting where folks asked for an ACEs Connection/About overview. The overview would cover the main site resources, information, geographic and interest-based communities, etc. After that, we would then look more closely at our community site: Sonoma County ACEs Connection. Explore local resources, local stories, how to post stories, SC calendar events, etc. how to get their SC Presentation Tracker by location and sector, reviewing SC Kids Data dashboard feature and more.
Carla encouraged Mella to sign up for the ACEs in Maternal Health group. Similar to Facebook, ACEs Connection has the main platform with multiple “groups” such as SCAC, PMH, and others.
On a related note - Petaluma Healthcare District is hosting a showing of Resilience on November 7, 2019.
Hanna Boys Center will be hosting EVENTS - for more information, reach out to Erin Hawkins or Carla Denner.
REQUEST! for ACEs training in Spanish! Details? Who is available? Diane Madrigal?
SCAC ACE Interface Master Trainers need a list of those who are trained and to offer available in communities.
Reflection: Jesus shared that their presentation on integrating ACEs screening as an educational tool with at-risk families drew people from over ten counties, including people from Los Angeles, Alameda, San Diego and other areas. The training was well-received. Participants were primarily public health nurses and eager to understand how to integrate ACEs into their work in the community.
Center Point DAAC has space for more clients! Mella is doing outreach to make sure providers and community partners are aware of the resource.
DAAC recently hired a person to provide transportation services, cook the afternoon snack, grocery shop, do laundry, and other key tasks that support the women and the onsite childcare center. A key need is diapers! Previously they had a “DAAC store” where women could spend their DAAC dollars on items they needed, including diapers, however, due to an audit the store had to be closed. We learned that the Child Parent Institute has a diaper bank.
A question came up regarding if Kaiser still has an Early Start program integrated into their Obstetrics department and if they did, who was the contact? https://earlystart.kaiserpermanente.org/
Sonoma Valley School District is hosting monthly educational events focused on a variety of topics such as vaping, etc. SVHS Combates E-Cigs(SR PD) Administrators at SVHS are working hard to counteract that culture with a zero-tolerance policy at the high school. “On a first offense, students get a one-day in-school suspension, a referral to Youth and Family Services, and drug and alcohol counseling,” said Gildengorin. But whether that policy is having the desired effect remains unclear.
Question: are the SVH educational activities ACEs science-informed? Currently, it is unclear if the educational events integrate ACEs as a core construct. Per the news article, it does not appear to be ACEs science-informed.
There is also a team within DHS (?) that is focused on reducing smoking and vaping, ideally they would coordinate. The presentations are throughout the county such as in Petaluma, Cotati, and Rohnert Park.
R.I.S.K. Sonoma Leslie Nicholson, Executive Director. Through our efforts with R.I.S.K. we want to provide parents the support to know if what they are seeing is a phase or a problem, to know that there are many resources available to help them with whatever their child is dealing with and to connect professionals, law enforcement, non-profits, educators and parents.
IMPACT Sonoma Grants Workshop and Symposium: Changes and Resources for 2020 11-18-19 from 4-6 pm. OUR MISSION Empowering women of Sonoma Valley to invest in a more sustainable nonprofit community through collective giving and responsible stewardship.
Question - how to connect with School Nurses, SCOE / Foster Care / Homeless children and families?
Next Agenda: Learning opportunities / increased coordination with others / ACEs Connection overview.
Reminder, our next meeting on Wed Nov 20th which is one week early due to the holiday. No meeting in December, then reconvene on January 22, 2020!
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