Hi all! I am excited to share with you that Sonoma County ACEs Connection has partnered with Project Whole Child, Dovetail Learning, Early Learning Institute, Santa Rosa Junior College, Sonoma Parent Voices, First 5 Sonoma County, and Children's Trust Fund Alliance to offer a small but significant gesture to showing our local families that they are seen and supported. We acknowledge what a challenging year this has been for families and want them to know they are doing a good job!
The value in recognizing someone even if in such a small way can make such a large impact. To be told you ARE doing a good job, when feeling like a total failure barely hanging on. How do I know? Because I am a parent and during this pandemic have felt alone and isolated, my anxiety has surged to beyond the brink of comfort, I have often doubted my ability to parent let alone handle my own wellness/life, and the Protective Factors have became even more of importance to protecting my family and I can see that they are much more difficult to access during this time-we MUST be creative and collaborative. So, it is very important that even though this simple collaboration is small it IS significant. Together we are a stronger community.
Happy National Parent Leadership Month to all the parents and caregivers. YOU ARE DOING A GOOD JOB!!
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