*BOLD BLUE text = hyperlink to more information *pdf attached
ACEs Enthusiasts Community Meeting
*4th Wed of each month August 28, 2019, from 3:30 to 5:00
Location: Child Parent Institute / Sonoma County ACEs Connection
About us: We bring the community together to prevent, heal, and treat ACEs while promoting resiliency. Sonoma County ACEs Connection has a fresh focus in 2019 with an emphasis on community, while seeking opportunities to leverage and coordinate with others. Please join us!
Meeting Notes: For those who could our meeting, thank you for making time to attend! For those who were not able to attend, please consider joining us at a future monthly meeting. This is a meeting for everyone - there is a seat at the table for everyone - all voices matter.
Introductions: Everyone came together and each person introduced themselves and offered a bit of information about why they are motivated to attend the meeting. We welcomed three new people, Karen Durando who works for CPI and attended the 2018 ACEs conference in SF, Katie O’Rourke MD who is doing a fellowship with KP that is focused on community health, and Diane Madrigal who is a section manager for substance use and recovery services and she was one of the ACE Interface trainees.
Survey: Together we reviewed the findings from the community member survey, and we sought consensus on the identification of priorities.
SCAC Appointment: We discussed selecting a Community Manager / Communications Manager and offered to provide a monthly stipend of $100.
Integrating ACEs Science: As a group, we reflected on how knowledge of ACEs science has impacted our work either formally or informally. Often ACEs champions are taking steps to begin integrating their knowledge of ACEs science into their work before a formal decision is made to integrate ACEs and these early steps are informing the process of officially integrating ACEs science into their work.
Together we discussed ways that folks are integrating ACEs science into their work. From integrating ACEs into CPS mandatory 52 hrs of parent education classes, supervised visits, case management, and integrating 3-4 video sessions from the KRCB Care Connection on ACEs.
The key message when working with families: “We are all in the healing process and it will get better”
Seeking the right fit when integrating trauma-informed, ACEs aware practices while working with youth and adults who are incarcerated or on probation is a balance. Incorporating ACEs science into the Day Reporting Center's therapeutic classes, in classes for parents of incarcerated youth, and in classes held inside the jail.
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) often intersects with a history of ACEs. There is a natural fit when integrating ACEs science into the work of a community of leaders who provide direct substance use services to men women, WRS pregnant and parenting women, DAAC. The Drinking Driver Program, e.g. DUI Program, now includes conversations about ACEs that inform program participants and staff.
David and Diane will continue this conversation regarding additional ways to coordinate efforts since they both serve a similar population - outside this meeting!
Opportunities for Coordination: Monthly SUD provider meetings (9 am on the 2nd Wed of each/mo at 2255 Challenger Way SR). Mella McGuire from Center Point DAAC volunteered to represent SCAC at the monthly meetings. Thank you, Mella!
Volunteer Opportunities: Be one of the SC Boards and Commissions, currently, there are vacancies on CAP, Health Action, Upstream Investments, and more!
Resources Needed: The group recognized the need for health education materials in multiple languages - and the difficulty of finding those materials. Together we learned that ACEs Connection offers a wide variety of materials in Spanish, click HERE to see what is available.
Strategies to Align Not Duplicate Efforts: Other related efforts in Sonoma County - how might SCAC coordinate with efforts such as the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and the Sonoma Community Resilience Collaborative and Sonoma County Office of Recovery and Resilience and specifically their SC Civic Spark funded project -The newly formed office embarked on a year-long community engagement and planning campaign to learn from the community how they wanted to see the County become more resilient. Through this process, which included meetings with residents, special interest groups, and subject matter experts staff identified over 250 potential actions and created the “The Recovery & Resiliency Framework.” The Framework reflects a vision for a resilient future for Sonoma County and all its communities. It incorporates a range of potential future actions that, if implemented, could advance the County toward resilience. However, nothing in the Framework legally binds future County decisions or actions. The Board of Supervisors’ approval of the Framework is not a commitment to any particular course of action and is not a decision to approve, adopt, or fund any of the potential actions identified in this document. For these reasons, approval of the Framework is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA Guidelines.1
Additionally, the SOCO Rises focused on elevating the community voice however it appears that their FaceBook and Twitter accounts have not been active since 2017.
Key Framework: We also referenced the 40 Developmental Assets model and touched on Positive Youth Development and ways to integrate ACEs science, here are a few PYD examples
Anything edits or corrections needed? See attached for a printable pdf.
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