Dear Supporters & Friends,
We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday January 27, 2016 from 12:30 – 2:00 in the City View Rooms at 625 5th Street.
Our upcoming agenda and meeting materials are attached, and minutes from December follow here:
December 14, 2015
Paper Tigers is a testament to what the latest development science is proving: that one caring adult can help break the cycle of adversity in a young person’s life.
Sonoma County ACES Connection Enthusiasts,
Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. We had a robust turn out even given the coming holiday season!
Today, we started the meeting with a quiet mindful moment suggested by Holly White-Wolfe. We went around the table and shared a word that sums up what we hold dear during the holiday season. Folks shared words like connection, family, and food – even just a brief moment of gratitude can help us get centered!
Members reported out on efforts to promote resiliency and inform the community about ACES:
- Kate shared her “win” – she made a mighty step forward towards funding her brochure!
- Allen shared how he successfully advocated that ACEs be including in the DHS strategic plan!
- Holly shared can share how Upstream is supporting Santa Rosa City Schools to host two showings of Paper Tigers and will soon host another sold out Strengthening Families Round Table event!
- Kellie talked about her efforts to bring Trauma Informed Practices into the Cradle to Career framework!
- Pauline shared the success of the (sold out!) training for home visitors on how to ask the hard questions!
- Grace shared the outcome of the CPI hosted training focused on attachment!
- Allison shared how the Petaluma Healthcare District hosted Paper Tigers showing with school administrators and it was a catalyst for further discussions!
- Kathy Peters shared how DAAC is now using the ACES survey with perinatal clients and their children as a motivator for behavior change.
All great evidence of how we are all ACE-focused change agents hard at work in our community.
Please remember to post news of your activities on the ACES Connection webpage.
- Posting and messaging on a blog with a few sentences and/or a photo updating us on your recent activities
- Access or share presentations by uploading your documents as part of a blog post.
- Notifications: Can use for updates for us, and to continue the conversations
- Use “Clips” to add slide shows. Members can send clips to Holly to post if help is needed.
- Events can be posted on the calendar, too!
Learning Opportunities:
Paper Tigers: January 12, 2016, 6:00 PM, Elsie Allen High School
Click Here to register for this event
Paper Tigers: January 14, 2016 , 3:30 PM, Santa Rosa High School
Click Here to register for this event
Learning Collaborative Webinar for Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities: January 14, 11:30 – 1:00
Humboldt Room, 625 5th Street, Santa Rosa, CA
Click Here to register for this event
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