(For a picture-filled and engaging version of these notes, please see the attachment.)
Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,
Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. Allen Nishikawa graciously warmed washcloths for each member of the coalition to encourage a traditional Japanese “mindful moment” of washing the face and hands with a steaming cloth. Allen offered this in a gesture of showing care for those who often serve as caretakers and may benefit from taking a moment to care for themselves.
Bryan Clement, Dovetail Learning, gave a compelling presentation to the ACEs Connection community coalition in late January. He began with a video showing how kids are putting social and emotional skills into action in their school settings. TOOLBOX clearly offers great tools for strengthening relationships between folks of all ages. It also provides the language and framework creating a strong relationship-based foundation for schools seeking to become Trauma Informed. Find the video and additional resources on ACEs Connection here.
Ally Berk presented “ACE’s and Historical Trauma” using an engaging presi you can find here. The coalition members took a bias inventory, and reflected on our own privileges or lack of privileges. Several audience members were moved to share personal stories of how bias shapes their life experience. Others asked Ally to come and share the same presentation with their staff.
Allen Nishikawa urged the group to affirm the committees proposed in 2015, and circulated a sign-up sheet with those committee names. Grace asked the committees to meet and then return back to the coalition to affirm committee formation and announce the committee chairs.
Folks shared highlights of local trauma informed efforts including Sonoma County Office of Education’s recent bulletin: Trauma-Informed Teaching Knowing Our Students’ Stories and Fostering Resilience and the Trauma Informed Agency Assessment tools many local groups are using thanks to a great summary list provided through the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities evaluation group Westat (find the list of assessment tools here.)
Kate Jenkins shared her Treasurer’s report. The Sonoma County ACEs Connection account currently has $8203.82 in the account.
Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.
Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:
· What Do Caregivers Do? (Another one of Allen’s great stories!)
· Valley of the Moon's Trauma-Informed Transformation Highlighted in Today's Press Democrat
· The MHSA Community Input Survey
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