(For a picture-filled and engaging version of these notes, please see the attachment.)
Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,
Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. Kate Jenkins started us off with a prompt to learn five things about two of our neighbors in the room. This “mindful moment” encouraged us to focus on listening, while also paying attention to the different sensations that were occurring in our body and mind. Were we focused on what we wanted to say or were we truly listening to our neighbor?
Kate Jenkins presented an overview of the ACEs brochure she is in the process of developing. This project was originally funded by a Santa Rosa City Mini-Grant and was intended for people who are incarcerated and their families, but the scope of the project has expanded and now Kate would like these brochures to be accessible to many people. Kate is seeking additional funding for staff time from First 5 and is also requesting funding from ACEs Connection. Kate will be reaching out to a small group of people to review the brochure.
Holly White-Wolfe discussed the ACEs and Resiliency Fellowship and the upcoming Presenter Trainer on April 13th. The Master Trainers have had two Community of Practices sessions to date and the next Session is scheduled for February, 28th and will be open to the public. Holly has requested to spend up to $2,400 on training materials for the Presenter Training. SCAC Steering Committee will meet to determine if the funding request is approved.
Folks shared highlights of local trauma-informed efforts, including many ACEs related presentations that were happening locally. Ally Berk plans to deliver her Privilege and Bias presentation to Catholic Charities, Hanna Boys Center and Roseland Pediatric. Additionally, Ally and Ellen Bauer will be presenting the ACE Interface presentation to Sonoma County Counsel. Dr. Arlene Roman-Delgado presented a trauma-informed care training to Santa Rosa Community Health Clinics. Gordona Potrebic presented the ACE Interface presentation at Santa Rosa Junior College. Santa Rosa City schools has requested an ACE Interface presentation for principals in March. Kate Jenkins delivered an ACEs presentation to Community Health Outreach Workers. Holly White-Wolfe shared that more than 10% of the Human Services Department staff are trained on ACEs and resiliency science. This information is saturating Sonoma County!
Alea Tantarelli mentioned the upcoming conference hosted by the Teen Health Advocacy Coalition (THAC) on May 4th, 2017. The event titled, The Many Faces of Youth Mental Health: Fostering Solutions, Resiliency & Hope will feature Keynote Speaker Kevin Hines and focus on providing attendees with tangibles tools to foster resilience in youth.
Terese Voge discussed several ways that she is using her knowledge of ACEs and trauma-informed practice to influence her work in Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drug and Violence Prevention. This knowledge has changed the way she looks at policy, writes contracts, and interacts with staff.
Grace Harris shared information about Child Parent Institute’s Annual Blue Ribbon Training & Luncheon scheduled for April 27th, 2017. This year’s theme will focus on resiliency and will feature Keynote speakers Julie Brand and Judge Patricia Martin.
Allen Nishikawa shared the advocacy work that he and Ellen Bauer are doing with the Department of Health Services (DHS) strategic planning committee. They are advocating for ACEs to become a priority of DHS and for DHS to become a trauma-informed organization.
Salvador Sanchez Strawbridge shared quite a few projects he is involved with. He will be speaking about his personal experience and what created resilience in his life at a Latinos in the Workplace event on March 16th. The title of his talk is “From Juvenile Hall to City Hall.” Salvador mentioned the upcoming parent engagement month, where Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership will be hosting four gang awareness trainings for parents. He is also involved in something called, “On the Verge” which is a Santa Rosa based leadership group that looks at how culture and customs can be used to heal and enhance leadership abilities.
Ellen Bauer discussed a campaign she has been working on called the “First 1000 days,” which highlights the importance of this critical time period for child development. She also mentioned that she was able to advocate for the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors to make ACEs a priority of their legislative platform. The MCAH Advisory Board wrote a letter urging the Board to prioritize ACEs. As a result of this great work, ACEs are now a legislative priority of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.
Kate Jenkins shared her Treasurer’s report. The Sonoma County ACEs Connection account currently has $8203.82 in the account.
Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.
Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:
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