Many of you were probably very intrigued by ACEs Connection member Roger Kluck's posts about a successful answer to ACEs. (Take a look at his posts, linked below.)
I just got back from an amazing Alternatives to Violence Project workshop in Folsom Prison. The inmate participants found the workshop to be life changing.
You can join a community AVP basic workshop this coming weekend in Santa Rosa and experience the changes in your life. Register soon! This opportunity might not come around again for several months.
What: Alternatives to Violence Basic Workshop
When: Saturday, April 13, 9am-5pm and Sunday, April 14 9am-4pm
Where: Amarosa Academy, 3261 Dutton Avenue, Santa Rosa
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: call John at (707) 576-0511
Cost: Sliding scale of $45-$150 or scholarship if needed
(See the attached flyer.)
Links to Roger Kluck's Posts:
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