Friends, have you noticed any changes over the past two years in relationship to childhood adversity and resilience? Are people talking about ACEs more? Did your employer send you to a training? Is your doctor talking to you about ACEs? Do you work for an agency that is trying to go trauma informed?
We'd like to find out, "What changes occurred in our community related to addressing ACEs and promoting resilience since MARC funding?"
Can you please leave a comment below to tell us how you've seen things change?
Now a word on how we define change:
A change needs to go beyond awareness. There could be changes in:
- Relationships (between individuals, organizations, systems)
- Practice
- Policy and Regulations
- Funding
A change can be positive or negative, intended or unintended, direct or indirect.
A change can occur with individuals, organizations, systems, sectors, the community)
There is no “right” number of outcomes or changes that you should list
Examples of changes/outcomes:
- a hospital’s public commitment to implementing trauma informed practices (practice);
- the police department and local high school collaborating in a way that did not previously exist (relationship);
- the state legislature passing a bill requiring the use of selected trauma-informed principles in schools (policy);
- a state representative agreeing to introduce a bill in the legislature (policy action).
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