If you're interested in becoming more involved in facilitating the work of the Sonoma County ACEs Connection group, please consider attending a free communications workshop hosted by Berkeley Media Studies Group and the ACEs Connection Network on October 21, 2015 in Oakland, CA.
As you know, childhood trauma has a profound and far-reaching impact on the health and safety of all Californians. To build resilience among those impacted by childhood trauma, everyone -- from parents and teachers to criminal justice representatives and medical practitioners -- needs to be aware of what adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are, what trauma is, how it impacts children and their families, and how to implement resilience-building practices to address it.
How can we get better at talking about ACEs? We're hosting a full-day strategic communications session for people from ACEs Connection groups in Northern California to raise awareness of how trauma affects California communities, and what to do about it. People will be coming from the Yolo County and Sacramento County ACEs Connection groups, as well as from El Dorado and Napa counties, which are in the process of starting groups on ACEs Connection. There may also be people from San Francisco and some of the immediate Bay Area counties. It'll be a great opportunity to meet others from Northern California who are just as committed to raising awareness about ACEs as you are.
During this session, we will:
• Explore media framing and its impact on the public’s understanding of trauma;
• Discuss BMSG’s research on how trauma and ACES appear in the news;
• Develop messages and story elements that will help group managers effectively tell stories of childhood
trauma in their communities, and how to address it;
• Identify how to make the best use of ACEsConnection tools to build, inform and engage people in your community.
The training will be held on Wednesday, October 21 at Prevention Institute at 221 Oak Street in Oakland, CA.
Registration and a light breakfast will begin at 9 a.m. The training session begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 pm. Lunch and other refreshments will be served.
If you are interested in participating, please email me (jstevens@acesconnection.com) or send a message through the network by Friday, October 2.
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