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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Tagged With "journalists of color"

Blog Post

How to blog about what's happening related to ACEs Science in your community

Gail Kennedy ·
NOTE: Have you posted a 'Resilience' screening or ACEs Science conference? Attended a great trauma-informed training? Participated in a community discussion related to ACEs science? Presented about ACEs science? If so, WE WANT YOU - to write about it in a Blog Post. When you share your accomplishments, big and small with your community it documents your successes, inspires others to get involved and do more and ignites ideas in other communities! See below for tips on how to blog and a guide...
Blog Post

Saint Joseph Health Hospice Offers Gentle Reminders on Self Care

Karen Clemmer ·
In the midst of the devastating fires that continue to threaten our county, we at St. Joseph Health Hospice Grief Services would like to offer a few gentle grief reminders for anyone touched by these events . Whether you personally have experienced a loss, you are supporting others, or even witnessing the events remember: We all grieve differently, and ALL grief is valid. Extreme Self Care While chaos is swirling we must try to drink plenty of water , eat whenever possible, sleep even if...
Blog Post

Last Month's Early Childhood Mental Health Summit - Let's Put Our Learning into Practice Now

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Just one month ago, on September 28, First 5 and partners pulled together a few hundred community members for an Early Childhood Mental Health Summit called " Building Relationships to Support Families in Times of Stress ." With the local wildfires distressing many families and children, community support is needed now more than ever. The event aimed to ensure participants: 1.) Expanded their understanding of Early Childhood mental Health as the capacity to form close relationships, manage...
Blog Post

Mapping the ACEs science movement — How close are we to a tipping point?

Jane Stevens ·
[Note: This is most of a keynote presentation I gave at last week's sold-out National ACEs Conference in San Francisco. The energy at this conference was incredible. To all who attended, thank you for doing so. To those of you who weren't able to attend, we hope the posts about the conference give you some idea of the speakers and sessions.] We have come an extraordinarily long way in spreading the word about ACEs science. During the first National ACEs conference in Philadelphia five years...
Blog Post

Materials from Culture, Compassion, Competence and Humility Community of Practice Event

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
Thank you to all who attended our Culture, Compassion, Competence and Humility Community of Practice Event! Attached are the materials from our day together. Also, below you will find a link to the Brené Brown video on empathy. If you would like to register for our March event you can register using this link:
Blog Post

SONOMA COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ACT (MHSA)2017-2020 Three-Year Integrated Plan & Annual Update for 2015-2016

Karen Clemmer ·
To read the full report, click here : Mental Health Services Act Integrated Report 2017 - 2020 Or see attached for a printable version of the report.
Blog Post

Mobilizing ACEs, Trauma, and Resilience Networks to Support and Strengthen Pandemic Response Efforts []

Clare Reidy ·
By @Anndee Hochman “What are your signs of stress?” asked the leaders of a recent mindfulness webinar hosted by the Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF), held during the week that U.S. cases of COVID-19 neared half a million and more than sixty Philadelphians had died of the disease. Participants spilled their responses into the chat box: “headache…teeth grinding…can’t think clearly…nervous stomach…ruminating thoughts…muscle pain…itchiness…bad dreams.”
Blog Post

Moving from Punishment to Prevention - Holly White-Wolfe Recommends This Brief Video

Alison Lobb ·
Did you catch Dr. Georges Benjamin ’s blog post on the public health newswire on August 18?  Dr. Benjamin introduces a compelling short video that will change the way we think about the roots of ACES for many families – especially...
Blog Post

Notes from 9.26.18 meeting re aligning with 4CA policy efforts

Karen Clemmer ·
At the September 26, 2018 Sonoma County ACEs Connection meeting, there was discussion about firming up the SCAC policy subcommittee and aligning efforts with 4CA . For those seeking more information regarding 4CA, click this link: See attached for the 4CA Action Plan Link to resent post by Gail Yen at 4CA: ACEs Connection Updates on the (4CA)'s Endorsed Bills Copied from the 4CA website: The C alifornia C ampaign to C ounter C hildhood A dversity is guided by the 4CA Action...
Blog Post

Oakland, CA, youth organization takes next step in systems change to heal trauma

Laurie Udesky ·
In a room in East Oakland, Calif., photos of children are projected on a screen. “Who is that?” asks Briana Moore, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice and a master trainer for the East Bay Agency for Children’s Trauma Transformed program. “Bill Clinton,” responds one of the 20 employees of the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC).
Blog Post

Oreos, Apples, Coconuts and Bananas: The Precarious Position of Interpreters. Basic ACES Training for Providers, Part Three

Allen K. Nishikawa ·
If you work with clients in health or human services, you will at some point work with an interpreter. Have you thought about the awkward position they occupy? Language is only part of the problem. They must be “white” enough to understand and navigate the bureaucratic culture, while being black/brown/yellow/red enough to understand the client’s worldview and concerns and to be able to gain the trust of the communities they serve. When I worked with refugees, I often served...
Blog Post

Overcoming Adversity with Diversity in Technology and Digital Media Storytelling

Nick Dalton ·
Hanna Institute's Professional Networking Breakfast will be next Thursday Dec 14th, 7:30-9am with digital media genius Villy Wang, speaking about social enterprise and how digital media arts can empower youth of color from historically underserved communities to take back their narratives through storytelling. Breakfast and Inspiration for $30. Free for educators and students.
Blog Post

Preparing People for Climate Change in California: Sonoma County Listens and Shares

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Last summer Bob Doppelt asked me to join a planning committee for a conference on climate change . I was surprised to be asked as my recent professional expertise is tied to addressing childhood adversity. Bob changed my perspective on the relevance by saying, "Adversity and trauma are the social side effects of climate-related disasters. Imagine the social-emotional impacts on Katrina survivors." The connection was a glimmer in my mind, but I agreed to support a California conference .
Blog Post

Program offers hundreds of young men, boys safe space to heal from ACEs

Laurie Udesky ·
Dennis McCollins recounts some of the experiences that caused him to harden against the world as a teenager. “There were times I went to more funerals than birthdays,” says McCollins, who is the clinical director of the School Based Health Center at Greenwood Academy in Richmond, Calif. And it took its toll: “I spent time homeless. I got expelled [from school]. I was so angry and upset and mad,” he says. Dennis McCollins Then a man that he met when he was sent to Job Corps as a teen turned...
Blog Post

Prop. 64 Stakeholder Group: Prioritize Trauma-Informed Approach to Youth Substance Use Education, Prevention and Treatment

Lena Hoffman ·
In November 2016, California voters legalized adult use and sales of cannabis, and authorized state excise taxes that are estimated to generate up to $1 billion in revenue for regulation, research, public safety, prevention and treatment. A group of stakeholders representing youth-serving organizations and agencies across the state has issued recommendations for use of the tax revenue allocated to youth substance use education, prevention and treatment that emphasize a trauma-informed approach.
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

Final MARC Report & Steering Committee Guidelines

Karen Clemmer ·
Please see attached!
Blog Post

Governor Newsom announces Nadine Burke Harris to be CA's first-ever surgeon general

Jane Stevens ·
Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the appointment of Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a national leader in pediatric medicine, to serve as California’s first-ever Surgeon General. There is overwhelming consensus in the scientific community around early warning signs and childhood determinants of serious health outcomes. As California's Surgeon General, Dr. Burke Harris will urge policymakers at every level of government and leaders across the state to consider the social determinants of health,...
Blog Post

Hanna Boys Center Speaker Breakfast - Marc Philpart from PolicyLink (March 9)

Nick Dalton ·
Hanna Institute, at the Hanna Boys Center, is excited to announce that Mark Philpart, senior director at PolicyLink , will be the keynote speaker at its second Professional Networking Breakfast on March 9, 2017. Marc will speak about the Boys and Men of Color Framework , which explores the deep evolutions toward equity that are beginning to take place in our communities. There will also be an open forum discussion in how culturally relevant trauma-informed practices can dramatically improve...
Blog Post

Holding Up our Leaders: Compassion, Justice, and Civil Disobedience in 2018

Holly White-Wolfe ·
On Saturday, January 27, 2018 the Press Democrat featured an article entitled " Leaders Vow Protection " which showcased the voices of three committed Sonoma County leaders: Dr. Frank Chong (SRJC President), Dr. Judy Sakaki (SSU President), and Diane Kitamura (SRCS Superitendent). I clutched my newspaper in my hands, and swiped at tears of gratitude while I sat in awe of the leadership, compassion and dedication to justice our leaders bravely vocalized. Taking the concept of "sanctuary city"...
Blog Post

How collaboration helps clinic in San Mateo County, CA, tackle ACEs in children

Laurie Udesky ·
Dr. Elizabeth Grady is a pediatrician at the South San Francisco Clinic, a community clinic of San Mateo Medical Center. She and Susana Flores , a senior public health nurse with San Mateo County Health, spoke with me about how the clinic and other health agencies in San Mateo have been able to craft ways to work together to prevent and heal toxic stress in children. Grady also talked about how she and Flores have been working with the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC), a group of...
Blog Post

Rejected. Reflected. Altered: Racing ACEs revisited

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
It’s 2016 and yet we are still stuck in this “range of traumas that compose the frayed ends of America’s historical racist national fabric” (Dhaliwal, 2016). This article explores how racial justice; its values, investments, strategies and practices can be centered at the health of trauma-informed work. “Though the ACEs study is a valuable tool that brings a wider audience to what clinicians, researchers,...
Blog Post

Request for Proposal Announcement - Trauma Informed Care Consultant

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Valley of the Moon Childrens Home is looking for a consultant to helpstaff transition to a 10-day stay shelter by 2017. Valley of the Moon wants to incorporate the latest research on trauma informed care intotheir program design and staff training. See attached documents for further details or contact: Briana Downey Program Planning & Evaluation Analyst Valley of the Moon Children's Center 112 Children's Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95409 (707) 565-4348
Blog Post

Request For Proposal Resource Family Training Services

Holly White-Wolfe ·
You are invited to participate in a County of Sonoma solicitation. Review this information and use the URL below to login and bid on this solicitation. RFP Resource Family Training Services Description: The County of Sonoma is pleased to invite you to respond to a Request for Proposals for Resource Family Training Services. The Family, Youth & Children’s Services (FY&C) Division within the County of Sonoma Human Services Department is seeking a single qualified entity to provide a...
Blog Post

Solano County launches its ACEs and resilience initiative inviting all to take action

Laurie Udesky ·
Elizabeth Huntley recalls the day when her family’s life was turned upside down. “One day my mom woke up and she packed up all of our clothes, all five of us…and she took me and my younger sister who had the same father… down to my paternal grandmother’s house…and she left us there. She took my middle sister to a town near Birmingham, Ala., and left her there. She took my only brother and an older sister back to Huntsville and left them at a sister’s house. Then she went back to that housing...
Blog Post

Sonoma County 2018 Homeless Count Foreshadows Post-Fire Rise in Homelessness

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Santa Rosa, CA. - The Sonoma County Community Development Commission conducted its annual 24-hour “Homeless Count” on February 23, 2018. The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires the homeless count for the County to be eligible for $3.4 million dollars in annual homeless services funding. The Count also measures the impact of local homeless services. For the past seven years, the number of people experiencing homelessness has been decreasing. This year, the number is up 6%.
Blog Post

Sonoma County ACEs Activity Timeline

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
Hello, I just wanted to share with everyone this activity timeline that I put together! This timeline looks at all the action and awareness we have spread around Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency throughout our community over the past few years. Thank you all for the wonderful work you do in our community!
Blog Post

2017 Kids Count Data Book []

Alissa Copeland ·
Wednesday June 14th the Annie E. Casey Foundation released the 2017 Kids Count Data Book - State Trends in Child Well-Being. This comprehensive report is " a premier source of data on children and families." You can download the report from this post, as well as on the Kids Count website , where you can also access an interactive data map in their Data Center . This is an invaluable amount of data available to the public, relevant to anyone working with children and families - with the...
Blog Post

ACEs & Resiliency Master Trainer Program - Apply Today

Holly White-Wolfe ·
ACEs & Resiliency Fellowship Master Trainer Program Sonoma County ACEs Connection received a grant from the Health Federation of Philadelphia to establish the Master Trainer program. Program This Master Trainer Program is designed to build a group of local experts on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and resilience science. Learn to promote understanding and how to apply the science to improve health and well being across the lifespan. Application Click here for your application (PDF)...
Blog Post

ACEs screening in CA — a Q and A with Dr. Dayna Long

Laurie Udesky ·
Last year, the California Department of Health Care Services rolled out its plans for universal screening for trauma among its pediatric and adult Medicaid population. Beginning January 1, 2020, California physicians were able to receive an incentive payment of $29 for each pediatric patient screened for ACEs using the PEARLs ( Pediatrics Adverse Childhood and Resilience Study) tool. Dr. Dayna Long talked with ACEs Connection staff reporter Laurie Udesky about ACEs science, what led to the...
Blog Post

ACEs/toxic stress color wheel for schools!

Jane Stevens ·
If you've seen the documentary Paper Tigers , you may remember the stress target -- or color wheel -- in Lincoln High School Principal Jim Sporleder's office. Now you can have one, too! The steering group members of the Yolo Resilience Network in Yolo County, CA, (you can find them on the Yolo County ACEs Connection group) realized the needed to have some tools that they could give to local educators for whom they did presentations about ACEs and trauma-informed practices. "We'd see people...
Blog Post

Bring community voices into disaster rebuilding and infrastructure planning []

Alicia Doktor ·
After wildfires and hurricanes ravaged the country last year, we saw devastating human impact, but also soon came to understand the huge financial costs to communities needing to rebuild. Reports are calling 2017 the most costly disaster year on record, with estimates of over $306 billion in damage to housing, transit, infrastructure and businesses. We know that a $1 investment of federal funds in resilient infrastructure can yield $6 in savings, and we also know that community voice is...
Blog Post

Childhood Trauma And Its Lifelong Health Effects More Prevalent Among Minorities []

Clare Reidy ·
By Tara Haelle When researchers first discovered a link in the late 1990s between childhood adversity and chronic health problems later in life, the real revelation was how common those experiences were across all socioeconomic groups. But the first major study to focus on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was limited to a single healthcare system in San Diego. A study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics — the largest nationally representative study to date on ACEs — confirms that these...
Blog Post

Stress-related hormone cortisol lowers significantly after just 45 minutes of art creation

Remy Fuentes ·
I know that I'm preaching to the choir with this article ( Stress-related hormone cortisol lowers significantly after just 45 minutes of art creation ), but I'd like to share a personal story and along with it a some floating hopes I have in all of this trauma-informed work that we strive to do. My Brief Story I didn't always like to paint. In fact, I hated it because I was high-achieving and didn't think I was good enough to do it. One day my senior year of college, a friend of mine (let's...
Blog Post

Dozens of stakeholders representing thousands of practitioners send public comments on Calif. ACEs-screening plan

Laurie Udesky ·
Update: We posted this story on Tuesday evening and received a response from the Department of Health Care Services Wednesday that clarifies additional information. DHCS information Officer Katharine Weir said that subject to budget approval by the legislature and the governor: The reimbursement rate will be $29. Federally Qualified Health Centers will also be reimbursed for screening pediatric patients for trauma through Prop 56 funds and federal matching funds. In response to a question...
Blog Post

The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of California

Jenny Pearlman ·
While the impact of maltreatment on a child and their family is devastating, child maltreatment also has serious effects far beyond those for the victim. Maltreatment results in ongoing costs to taxpayers, institutions, businesses, and society at large. Local communities bear the brunt of these costs in the form of medical, educational, and judicial costs, though more tragic signs are seen in homelessness, addiction, and teen pregnancy. To create a concrete understanding of the widespread...
Blog Post

Trained: Sonoma ACE & Resiliency Fellowship Offers Science, Compassion, Community

Anndee Hochman ·
In Sonoma County, invitations to speak about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and resilience kept pouring in. There simply weren’t enough qualified trainers to go around. When Sonoma County ACEs Connection leaders applied for the MARC grant, they proposed using some of the money to develop a speakers’ bureau. Then they decided to expand that vision: Why not a nine-month fellowship for a cohort of 25 “master trainers”—two days of intensive education with Robert Anda and Laura Porter,...
Blog Post

Trauma education and mindfulness help youth living amid gun violence

Laurie Udesky ·
Armon Hurst, 2nd from left, first row, Teens on Target, courtesy of YouthAlive! Eighteen-year-old Armon Hurst serves as vice president of the student body at Castlemont High School in Oakland, Calif. He has a 4.0 grade point average, is an avid baseball player, and is slated to go to college next year. But until a few years ago, Hurst would find himself waking from nightmares in the middle of the night. It was difficult to concentrate at school, and he wasn’t eating well. Armon Hurst “There...
Blog Post

Violence Profile of Sonoma County

Remy Fuentes ·
Several months ago, the Violence Profile of Sonoma County was published online. The profile aims to deliver three messages: (1) Violence Impacts Health (2) Violence is More than Physical (3) Violence is Preventable In addressing these aims, the profile provides a strong explanation for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) having lasting effects on health and behaviors, including violent behaviors such as emotional abuse, intimate partner violence, and suicide attempts. The profile also uses...
Blog Post

Sonoma County ACEs Connection Meeting February 28, 2018

Remy Fuentes ·
The Sonoma County ACEs Connection has had some exciting meetings the past few months, exploring the many directions our group can and will take in the coming months. Attached you will find a typed up version of our brainstorm sessions from the February, 28, 2018 General Meeting of the Sonoma County ACEs Connection. The topics addressed included: (1) What will the be the group's norms and dedication to safe space look like? (2) What type of resiliency events should our group engage in? (3)...
Blog Post

Sonoma County Resiliency Collaborative A Practical Approach to Post-Wildlife Resilience and Wellbeing

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The traumatic events of the North Bay wildfires affect our emotional and physical health, social functioning, and overall well-being, both as individuals and as a community. Unresolved, they can damage our health and limit our potential to rebuild a strong community. Join diverse Sonoma County leaders and representatives to participate in dynamic workshop where you will practice tools for effectively addressing personal and team stress after the fires, network with peers, and learn about an...
Blog Post

Stress zone targets

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
Today I watched Paper Tigers and this was a tool that they used to help the students. I think that this is a useful tool for others as well. Red , Yellow , Green ! Source: YOLO Resilience Network Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
Blog Post

Who Helps Our Helpers? "Portraits of Professional Caregivers" Documents in Film Their Passion and Pain.

Sylvia Paull ·
Director and producer Vic Compher’s documentary film, Portraits of Professional Caregivers: Their Passion. Their Pain , takes a deeper look at the causes of and treatments for what’s called secondary traumatic stress, a condition commonly...
Blog Post

Wildfire Mental Health Services Collaborative Invites You to RSVP to August 2, 2018 Meeting

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Dear Colleagues, Summer is flying by and we want to honor our commitment made to you at the May wildfire mental health services mapping session by reconvening our group for an update on August 2 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. The location for our meeting is Medtronic, 3850 Brickway Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403. There are no special parking instructions. Enter through the main entrance and check with the receptionist. There will be signs to direct you to our meeting room. Because this is a secure...

Re: Free of Violation of Rights - Legal Imperatives That Could Address the Impact of ACEs

Mary Kelly Persyn ·
So many thanks to James for caring about and working on this incredibly important issue! I have a couple of thoughts to share. Legally, this is a very difficult case to make because we don’t have a way to tie ACEs exposure to emotional or mental health problems in any one specific child. We know as a matter of population that exposure increases the risk of short and long term health problems, and that the rate of incidence is relatively predictable on a population level. But as to any one...
Blog Post

"Addiction begins with solving a problem, the problem of human pain, emotional pain"

Laurie Udesky ·
In his groundbreaking book , In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction , trauma and addiction expert Dr. Gabor Maté writes, “There are almost as many addictions as there are people.” ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens read that quote as a springboard to asking Maté to define addiction and explain whether or not it is always rooted in adverse childhood experiences. Maté, along with filmmaker Michelle Esrick and Saturday Night Live star Darrell Hammond,...
Blog Post

Announcing the Connected Care Accelerator (Request for Applications) [Center for Care Innovations]

Laurie Udesky ·
The Connected Care Accelerator, an initiative of the California Health Care Foundation , has been designed in partnership with the Center for Care Innovations to support safety net practices — including community health centers and independent physician practices that predominantly serve low-income communities — in different implementation phases of “virtual care,” also commonly known as “telehealth” or “telemedicine.” The accelerator has two separate tracks: For the Infrastructure and...
Blog Post

Ready to join All Children Thrive - California?

Donielle Prince ·
Learn about the statewide All Children Thrive Initiative. Fact sheet and enrollment contact included.
Blog Post

Trauma to Trust uses ACEs science to heal wounds between community members, police

Laurie Udesky ·
photo courtesy of EJUSA/Ron Holtz Studio Forty-seven-year-old Al-Tariq Best, founder and executive director of the HUBB , an arts and healing organization for youth, recalls the rage, humiliation and fear he felt as a 17-year-old when he and three other Black friends were pulled over by police in Newark, N.J. Al-Tariq Best “[There were] all these people around us. They search the car. They strip the car down. They make us pull our pants down in broad daylight. And I'm, I'm upset. And I'm...
Blog Post

Shocking example of how Sonoma County devalues human rights (Sonoma Sun)

Karen Clemmer ·
Letter to the Editor, by John Donnelly, July 6, 2020. The killing of George Floyd has unleashed a much-needed reckoning with our nation’s long history of systemic racism. Right here in Sonoma County we need to acknowledge the realities of white supremacy and the ways in which this has been manifested in police biases and in the disproportionate enforcement of “law and order.” Because “Black Lives Matter,” it is most dismaying to learn that Dmitra Smith has announced her resignation as Chair...
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