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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Tagged With "May is Mental Health Month"

Ask the Community

An excellent presentation on ACES and its effects

Jennifer Silverstein ·
This power point is available to share in whole or part with attribution to Childhood Adversity Narratives. It is one of the most comprehensive, powerful presentations on ACEs I have ever seen. Jenni
Ask the Community

Beyond Health Care: The Role of Social Determinants in Promoting Health and Health Equity

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The issue brief "Beyond Health Care: The Role of Social Determinants in Promoting Health and Health Equity" was recently published on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website, How is your organization addressing the social determinants of health? Read the introduction here: Efforts to improve health in the United States have traditionally looked to the health care system as the key driver of health and health outcomes. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased opportunities to improve...
Ask the Community

Feedback Wanted on Draft Working Guidelines for Sonoma County ACEs Connection

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Dear Friends, We plan to vote on adopting the attached working guidelines at our September 28, 2016 ACEs Connection Meeting. We are looking for folks to respond with specific edits for text changes by September 12, 2016. Please feel free to use track changes, notes, or simply to send an email with suggested edits and page numbers. Thank you!
Ask the Community

Grad student seeks your input?

Rosco Gordon ·
Hello Sonoma County ACEs Connection members, My name is Brandin Gordon and I am a graduate student at the University of San Francisco working in dual-degrees in Public Health and Behavioral Health. My fieldwork project will focus on trauma informed care at an organizational level. Utilizing knowledge from my dual majors, my goal is to develop a deeper understanding of organizational needs to implement trauma informed care. In the next couple of weeks, I will be reaching out to organizations...
Ask the Community

Help our public radio station with a story: How did separation from your parents as a child impact you?

Laura Klivans ·
KQED is the National Public Radio affiliate in San Francisco, CA. We’d like to hear from adults (18+) who were separated from their parents when they were children. Perhaps the separation was due to economic reasons, war and conflict, incarceration, foster care, or something else. How did that period of separation impact you in the long-run? How has it impacted your connection to others and how you build relationships? If you're a parent, how does it influence how you parent? We’re...
Ask the Community

How are ACEs showing up in our emergency rooms? What could we do to address root causes before this point?

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Have you read the article " Commentary: Turning medical 'frequent fliers' into healthier homebodies " By Larissa Estes and Peter V. Long posted on 07/09/2016 via the Mercury News? Read these first few paragraphs and share your reactions: Their suffering is immense. Emergency department doctors know them by name. Almost 9 percent of America's gross domestic product goes to their care. Yet virtually no one is asking how we can prevent their illnesses and injuries before they occur. We are...
Ask the Community

Is Poverty an ACE?

Holly White-Wolfe ·
I think toxic stress can result from poverty, and this is concerning considering: 40% of Americans Lack Savings to Cover a $400 Emergency. Despite low unemployment, this Washington Post story notes that 'an alarming number of Americans are still struggling to get by. In the past month, two reports - a new Federal Reserve survey of more than 12,200 Americans about their finances and a new United Way report on financial hardship - reveal how unstable life remains for a large number of people.
Ask the Community

Resources for Presenting on ACEs

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Looking for a great infographic to use to show the impact of ACEs on chronic health issues? Check out the interactive ACEs chart in the section "How do ACEs affect our lives" on this website: Do you have other favorite videos, websites, or handouts you use in your ACEs presentations?
Ask the Community

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting 2/24

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Please join us for our next Sonoma County ACES Meeting and Focus Group on Wednesday 2/24/16: Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting 12:30 – 2:00, 625 5 th Street Santa Rosa, CA 95404 in City View Rooms Focus Group with Mobilizing for Resilient Communities Evaluators – if you can stay and answer questions about our partnerships and local efforts we’d be grateful! Attached is our meeting agenda.
Ask the Community

St. Joseph Health Community Resident Health Forum

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
St. Joseph Health (Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital) is conducting its triennial Community Health Needs Assessment in alignment with their mission to improve the health and quality of life of the people and communities they serve. As part of the assessment, they want to hear from community residents throughout the county about what matters to them and their families’ health, about what they see as the biggest needs for the community in making our home towns as healthy as they can be. This is a...
Ask the Community

Those transitioning into the community from SDC..

Stephen Zollman ·
Greetings...Wanted to say, hi and thank you for all of your ongoing group. I am an attorney with Disability Rights CA and am working to help transition those with developmental disabilities from the Sonoma Development Center back out into the community. I am also a former SF Public Defender who has worked with our youth who have developmental as well as mental health disabilities. Please drop me a line if you would like to chat/have coffee, etc. Thanks....Stephen Zollman
Ask the Community

Trauma Informed Resources - Trauma Informed Oregon

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Have you seen the Trauma Informed Oregon site? Promoting Prevention. Committed to Wellness. Trauma Informed Oregon is a statewide collaborative aimed at preventing and ameliorating the impact of adverse experiences on children, adults and families. We work in partnership to promote and sustain trauma informed policies and practices across physical, mental, and behavioral health systems and to disseminate promising strategies to support wellness and...
Ask the Community

Ventura County residents fire recovery

Gail Kennedy ·
HI everyone - I have family that has lost everything in the Ventura fires and i am trying to be a resource for them. I already shared a one pager about the health effects of ash (Thank you for posting that, Karen!). Do you all have any suggestions for what they definitely need to do? (They lost everything). They have been in touch with insurance company (havent heard back yet) and are out looking for an apartment to rent. Any must dos for them? Thank you in advance! Gail (formerly from Ventura)
Ask the Community

When Schools Meet Trauma With Understanding, Not Discipline

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Has anyone read this exciting article from NPR about specific approaches schools can use to address student trauma? When Schools Meet Trauma With Understanding, Not Discipline A brief excerpt: "...schools, because they have so many children dealing with many different issues, often don't think about the reasons behind behaviors. Mental health workers, like her, though, have learned a lot recently about how trauma changes the brain. "A kid who's been exposed to trauma ... that fight or flight...

Re: Grad student seeks your input?

Karen Clemmer ·
Hi @Rosco Gordon (e.g. Brandin!) Thank you for bringing your knowledge and interests to Sonoma County! I suspect there are several organizations and individuals who would want to connect with you to learn what you are doing and to answer a few questions. A few indiviuals and organizations that come to mind include: @Grace Harris at Child Parent Institute and @Allen K. Nishikawa , retired public health professional, @Alison Lobb with community organizations and probation, @Allison Berk former...

Re: WALLA WALLA Data Collection

Karen Clemmer ·
Hi Nick, I think you may be looking for the report the was produced following the interventions that were highlighted in the Paper Tiger film? Please see the attached document and see if it is what you were looking for. Thanks, Karen

Re: Those transitioning into the community from SDC..

Nick Dalton ·
I would love to meet up and hear more about your work and how you think it is going to impact the Sonoma Valley and greater county. Nick Dalton Assistant Director of Hanna Boys Center

Re: Ventura County residents fire recovery

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Dear Gail, In our community, we set up a local assistance center as folks needed a one stop shop for rebuilding their lives. We turned an old warehouse into a giant "health fair" model where agencies set up booths and staff/volunteers guided families and individuals to the services they needed. We had FEMA, Social Security, DMV, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Permits Department, CalFresh and CalJobs, EDD, and insurance companies all under one roof. Is there any chance Ventura can set this up for...

Re: Feedback Wanted on Draft Working Guidelines for Sonoma County ACEs Connection

Remy Fuentes ·
Hi there, Have these been officially adopted?
Ask the Community

Colliding Crises: Connecting the Dots between Overdose Prevention and Adverse Childhood Experiences

Elizabeth Beaty-Smith ·
July 28, 2021, 10:00 AM- 11:00 AM PDT Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are shown to increase the risk of chronic health conditions including substance use disorder. These ACES, frequently experienced as “trauma” in early childhood, can have a profound impact on one’s health. Fortunately, there is growing recognition that a trauma-informed approach can help individuals, organizations and systems better serve those living with addiction. Join us for a conversation with a researcher and...

Re: Center for Mind Body Medicine work

Elizabeth Beaty-Smith ·
Hello Jenni, I am so glad you reached out and posted the ask! Such a wonderful program, as I mentioned to you I was a participant and it was such a powerfully positive experience for me. I'd love to have more discussion with you around offering to children. Perhaps contact the Gravenstein Health Action Coalition, as I know they had played a part when I participated. Sandra Bodley would be a good contact for you: . As would Celosia Moon: , she was my...
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