There is this passion that ignites when you develop a new skill or take on a new project. The energy is almost palpable when you leave the training. You are on fire and you are ready to spread your message to the farthest corner of the state. Then one week, two weeks, maybe even months pass by and it can feel a little daunting.
You might find yourself wondering, "what was I thinking?" "How am I going to reach every person in my circle...let alone my state?" "Who am I to take this on, who's going to listen to someone like me?"
I can feel like this too, but I am comforted in being reminded that even those who are broken themselves can help others heal. I have to let myself sit with that, when I think I am too tired to carry on, or my voice isn't strong enough to drown out those who don't yet believe. I sit in the knowledge that my voice, and my heart, and my mission is exactly what it is supposed to be in order to reach those that need to hear.
When I do a training I have often spoke about "planting seeds of hope". I think we all know people that aren't ready to absorb all the trauma informed information we are percolating with, but I can give them a little at a time. I might never see the change or be there when they have their "a ha" moment, but sometimes it's about being willing to just keep planting seeds.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or like you don't have the right skills to carry this message...just remember that you are valued and just a piece of the larger group that will create change in this world like we have never seen. Where will you plant seeds tomorrow?
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