Tagged With "Children"
Blog Post
ACEs: What They Are and How They Relate to Toxic Stress
A survey across 25 states reported that about 61% of adults had experienced at least one type of adverse childhood experience (ACE) (1) . Exposure to ACEs can have lasting and adverse effects on health, well-being, and opportunity. ACEs can increase the risks of injury, transmitted infections, maternal and child health problems, and leading causes of death, like heart diseases, diabetes, and suicide. ACEs and associated conditions can also cause toxic stress, altering an individual’s brain...
Blog Post
New Intervention to Help Children With Trauma Will Treat the Whole Family
As California’s new program to screen Medi-Cal patients for adverse childhood experiences (which are termed “ACEs”) gets underway, experts at UC San Francisco are trying to ensure that the adults and children who report trauma get the help they need. Experts now believe it’s most effective to treat the whole family when traumas occur. But any successful program would need to overcome fragmented payment systems, which usually dictate separate and poorly coordinated care for children and...