I didn't see some of the discussions I'd read elsewhere, about HOW folks are taking ACEs History, and some concerns that have been raised. Since at least five different "screens" were mentioned [such as the World Health Organization's ACE International Questionaire, and one in use by Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris-which includes more that 10 ACE categories, etc.] I thought we might want to include links to those other group posts. I don't immediately recall if they were in State ACEs...group, or elsewhere. Thank You.
We use the 10 questions from the original ACE questionnaire which is completed by clients when they register at the initial visit.
Usually the first encounter is with one of our 2 fellows and a faculty member after. One or tbe other or both go over the questions one by one with the client.
Interesting is that we find patients often self report lower scores than when reviewed with the staff.
Prior to the fellowship I did the same thing and just did it myself.
We also use the ACE in group therapy sessions by helping starting a discussion of trauma and ritualized compulsive comfort seeking.
We have some clients with alcohol use disorders and many other substance and process use disorders.
Does this help?
Typically we schedule group for all AM appointments and they begin group at 0900 and then we break and see individual clients.
Groups are typically 15-18.