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Texas PACEs Connection (TX)

An online platform to foster communication and collaboration across communities and sectors in Texas with the goal of promoting ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity, build resilience in individuals and families, and help those affected by trauma to heal and thrive.

Postpartum Hair Loss (Telogen Effluvium) and Depression

Postpartum hair loss is commonly found in women approximately three to four months following delivery. This disorder can last up to six months following delivery, and can have adverse effects on hair growth patterns. It is normal to exhibit these negative effects of limiting hair growth. Healthy hair growth can be corrected within a few months following birth. Postpartum hair loss is extreme thinning of the hair following childbirth, and is caused by significant hormonal changes. Hair grows in three phases: Phase 1: Anagen Phase: Active hair growth phase, Phase 2: Catagen Phase: Individuals experience hair their pattern become tighter, Phase 3: Telogen Phase: Dormant phase in which hair begins to fall.

Postpartum hair loss occurs when the pregnancy hormone called estrogen causes the hair to move from phase one to phase three. During postpartum hair loss, women lose over 100 hairs per day, in which causes a significant amount of stress. Healthy hair growth begins after the child reaches 12 months. There is no treatment for Postpartum Hair Loss, Cleveland Clinic (2023) suggests that use of shampoo and conditioner that assists in stimulating hair follicles is paramount. Protective styles, and mindfully combing and brushing the hair properly, aids in healthy hair growth. Healthy diet and nutrition are additional ways to reduce the stress of hair loss, while preparing for healthier hair growth. Lastly, it is helpful to check thyroid glands and iron levels, as these are essential for continuous, healthy, hair growth.

Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Postpartum hair loss and depression. Retrieved on October 27, 2023 from

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