All mental health and social service leaders are urged to read the attached article Preparing for Climate Overshoot Requires Quickly Expanding Our Mental Health System.
It describes:
- How this decade or early next global temperatures will likely surpass the 2.7 F temperature threshold that unleashes extremely destructive and possibly irreversible impacts on the planet and society (climate scientists call this "climate overshoot")
- How, if we remain unprepared, the climate overshoot will generate individual and collective traumas on a scale never before seen in modern society.
- Why our crisis and illness-focused mental health and human services programs cannot prevent or heal the coming tsunami of individual and collective traumas.
- Why we must quickly expand to prioritize a public health and prevention approach that emphasizes emphasizes community-based, culturally-accountable, population-level mental wellness and resilience building initiatives nationwide.
Please read the article and begin to build population-wide, culturally-accountable mental wellness and resilience in your community or region.
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