Tagged With "Chairman Pico"
Blog Post
The Routledge International Handbook of Indigenous Resilience released on 12.31.21.
"The Routledge International Handbook of Indigenous Resilience", released on 12.31.21, is a textbook available for colleges and universities around the world. This handbook provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge strengths-based resource. Considering Indigenous resilience in many forms: cultural, spiritual, and governance traditions are being revitalized in others to reclaim aspects of culture that has been outlawed, suppresses, and undermined. The handbook is divided into five sections; *...
Blog Post
Assemblymember James Ramos with our students, families, and staff at Alta Vista Innovation High School in San Bernardino, CA.
Photo: (left to right) Assemblymember Ramos’ Staff, Anais Franco, Assistant Principal Sarah Sinopoli, Area Superintendent Janet Wilson, Chairman (former) Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians Dr. Anthony R. Pico, Assemblymember James Ramos, PACEs Science Statewide Facilitator Dana Brown, Chief External Affairs Officer Bob Morales, Community Liaison Stephani Congdon, and Regional College & Career Coordinator Cherie Padilla. Bob Morales invited Assemblymember James Ramos to visit with our...