Tagged With "San Francisco"
Blog Post
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
From University of California, San Francisco, University of California Television, May 14, 2020 A special faculty panel discusses the three different initiatives at UCSF aimed at addressing adverse childhood experience that affect peoples well-being throughout their lifespan. Recorded on 02/27/2020. [ Please click here to read more .]
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Bay Area Doctors Target Health Consequences of Childhood Trauma [sfchronicle.com]
By Erin Allday, San Francisco Chronicle, January 5, 2020 A screening tool developed by Bay Area pediatricians to identify adverse childhood experiences, ranging from homelessness and food insecurity to physical and sexual abuse, will now help doctors statewide address trauma affecting patients’ health. The California Department of Health Care Services approved the tool — called PEARLS, for Pediatric ACEs and Related Life-Events Screener — last month. As of Jan. 1, its use is covered by...
Blog Post
GRACE Initiative (part 1): discovering the science of childhood adversities
Picture yourself in a massive San Francisco hotel ballroom, surrounded by a thousand health professionals with a shared passion for changing the landscape of health using a seemingly unlikely lever: reducing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). You haven’t read much about ACEs, but what you are learning is revelatory. You hear that childhood traumatic events drastically affect the human mind and body – not just immediately after the traumatic event, but into and through adulthood. You learn...
Blog Post
GRACE Initiative (part 2): Rediscovering UCSF community
In my previous post , I shared my personal journey that led to my discovery of the science of childhood adversities and their potential implication for making a difference in global health. In the process of doing so, my team started mapping who is doing ACEs-related work at our large, multidisciplinary university. Knowing that our UCSF community has been at the forefront of the most challenging public health problems of our time, such as HV, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, I was not...
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Older Female Veterans Not Exempt From #MeToo [medpagetoday.com]
By Molly Walker, Medpage Today, September 30, 2019 Military sexual trauma was associated with a wide range of mental health diagnoses, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and suicidal ideation in older female veterans, a researcher said here. Female veterans, ages ≥55, who screened positive for military sexual trauma had a more than seven-fold increased odds of PTSD (OR 7.25, 95% CI 6.84-7.68), and more than two-fold higher odds of depression (OR 2.39, 95% CI...
Blog Post
UCSF sends doctor and nurses to largest Native American reservation, hard-hit by coronavirus [sfchronicle.com]
By Mallory Moench, San Francisco Chronicle, April 22, 2020 UCSF sent 21 health care workers - seven doctors and 14 nurses - Wednesday to treat patients in the Navajo Nation hard-hit by the coronavirus. UCSF-trained doctors working on the largest Native American reservation in the U.S. asked San Francisco colleagues for help as the outbreak strains the health care system. Navajo Nation, where around 175,000 people live spread over 27,500 square miles in New Mexico and Arizona, has recorded...
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Working with UCSF, California Surgeon General Aims to Cut Adverse Childhood Experiences by Half [ucsf.edu]
By Rebecca Wolfson, University of California San Francisco, February 18, 2020 Nadine Burke Harris, MD, California’s first surgeon general, has a bold goal: cut adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress in half within one generation. She spoke about her vision and her groundbreaking work to reduce adverse childhood experiences across the state during a speech at the UC San Francisco Parnassus Heights campus. The lecture at Cole Hall on Feb. 13 was part of Chancellor Sam Hawgood’s health...
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How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Highlighting the Importance of Trauma-Informed Care: Q&A with Dr. Edward Machtinger [chcs.org]
By Meryl Schulman and Emma Opthof, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., July 7, 2020 COVID-19 and the stressors it is placing on individuals’ physical, emotional, and financial wellbeing create a new imperative for health care systems to look to trauma-informed care to support both patients and frontline workers. To learn more about how health care providers are using trauma-informed approaches to care in the current environment, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) recently...
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CALQIC Announces Grantees for its ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative for 2020-2021 [careinnovations.org]
The Center for Care Innovations and our partners are pleased to announce the grant recipients of the California ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC). Led by the UCSF Center to Advance Trauma-Informed HealthCare in partnership with CCI, the California Office of the Surgeon General, and the Rand Corporation, CALQIC is the learning and quality improvement arm of ACES Aware, the initiative led by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health...
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UCSF study shows health workers grappling with pandemic anxiety: 'It's exhausting' [sfchronicle.com]
By Mallory Moench, San Francisco Chronicle, July 21, 2020 Dr. Robert Rodriguez’s anxiety rises and falls with the number of coronavirus cases and deaths. Fear that he could get infected at his San Francisco General Hospital job, or bring the virus home, affects his sleep. He doesn’t hug his 16-year-old son as much. Other worried family members avoid interacting with him. The stress isn’t sustainable, he said. “If day after day, you’re waking up and dealing with patients that are extremely...
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Does racism make us sick? Amid a national reckoning, the question gains new importance [sfchronicle.com]
By Tatiana Sanchez, San Francisco Chronicle, August 24, 2020 Elaine Shelly has lived with multiple sclerosis for 30 years. But she said she still panics whenever she has to see a new neurologist because of racial discrimination she’s experienced in the past. Even getting a proper diagnosis for her illness was a battle. “I’d go to these neurologists who would tell me that Black people don’t get M.S. and that I must be mentally ill,” said Shelly, 63, of San Leandro. A former print journalist,...
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Early Child Care & COVID-19: The Science of Transmission, Safe Practices, Stress and Resilience [ucsf.edu]
From University of California, San Francisco, September 9, 2020 Please join UCSF's Early Success Clinic Collaborative for a panel discussion on "Early Child Care & COVID-19: The Science of Transmission, Safe Practices, Stress and Resilience" on Thursday, September 10th from 6:30-8:30 P.M. This conversation will be focused on translating the science around COVID-19 in preschool and early childhood ages to help inform considerations to keep children, teachers, and caregivers healthy. The...
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The Tenth Annual "On the Shoulders of Giants" Scientific Symposium [childmind.org]
From Child Mind Institute, September 11, 2020 The 2020 Distinguished Scientist Award will honor Dr. Tom Boyce, the Lisa and John Pritzker Distinguished Professor of Developmental Health at the University of California, San Francisco, whose work focuses on the impact of socioeconomic factors and early life experiences on child physical and mental health. Motivated by the recent crises, there will be a new format for this year’s On the Shoulders of Giants event. Specifically, following brief...
Blog Post
ACEs & Trauma-Informed Pediatric Care in COVID-19 [ucsfbenioffchildrens.org]
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Portal & Center for Child & Community Health Register now and be eligible for 5 hours of AMA Category 1 CME credit and ABP MOC Part 2 credit. Saturday, October 10, 2020 8am - 3:30 pm Recognizing & Addressing Childhood Trauma - Dayna Long MD Trauma-Informed Care Principles in COVID-19 - Saun-Toy Trotter MFT & Ken Epstein LCSW, PhD Patient Perspective - Jen Leland MFT & Joan Jeung MD Early Adopters Discuss...
Blog Post
New Intervention to Help Children With Trauma Will Treat the Whole Family (UCSF)
By Laura Kurtzman, December 14, 2020, UCSF Patient Care. As California’s new program to screen Medi-Cal patients for adverse childhood experiences (which are termed “ACEs”) gets underway, experts at UC San Francisco are trying to ensure that the adults and children who report trauma get the help they need. Experts now believe it’s most effective to treat the whole family when traumas occur. But any successful program would need to overcome fragmented payment systems, which usually dictate...
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How Inequities Fueled the COVID-19 Pandemic – And What We Can Do About It [ucsf.edu]
By Brandon R. Reynolds, University of California San Francisco, March 22, 2021 COVID-19 has exposed many vulnerabilities in our society – fueling the spread of the virus and leaving questions about what comes next as the world emerges from the pandemic. A panel of health experts and government officials addressed the myriad issues related to COVID-19, including health disparities before and during the pandemic, public partnerships, and how communities can better address inequities to prevent...
Blog Post
Rapid Assessment of Pandemic indirect impacts and mitigating interventions for Decision-making in California (RAPID): Comprehensive Report to California Office of Surgeon General (May 2020-April 2021)
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the main focus was on reducing direct health impacts of infection. In contrast, the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) was particularly concerned about the potential secondary impacts of the pandemic, both mental and physical, as well as the need to identify mitigating strategies. Thus, early in the pandemic, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris helped to draw attention to these issues and sought to engage partners to conduct the necessary systematic...