My grant proposal seeks to create a program that introduces counter-ACEs and builds resilience in the North Philly community. This program is targeted at minority families with whom their children experience at least one ACE. The parents will be enrolled in programs to attain GEDs and certifications for full time-employment. While parents are in certification programs children will be doing hobby-like activities like dance or recreational sports. Parents will have the opportunity to build financial stability and children will have the opportunity to build social support systems outside of the home. The program will be using voice and choice by asking participants what activities they feel will be most beneficial to them. The theoretical framework utilized is McLeroy's model. The program tackles the issue of ACEs from the individual, interpersonal, and community levels. And the public health framework utilizes the secondary, and tertiary levels. Since participants are already experiencing ACEs the program introduces counter-ACEs or protective factors to keep the harm from affecting children in the future or from developing other ACEs.
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