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PHC6534 "Addressing Trauma Informed Approaches to Human Trafficking"


Human Trafficking is a growing issue within a global and national context. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with maltreated youths. The majority of American victims who become sexually trafficked are runaways and homeless youth. Florida is among the most prevalent states with a severely high number of human trafficking cases with Miami being a hub. Events like the Super bowl and other large-scale activities make Miami-Dade more susceptible to exploitation in human trafficking. Sexual abuse in connection with high ACE scores may serve as a key predictor of exploitation in human trafficking for both boys and girls. To address these needs, this program aims to support at-risk youth in providing education at the school level to identify potential cases of human trafficking. Additionally, this program will target youth through social media or pertinent platforming to improve awareness and expose people to the massive epidemic we are facing. Collaborating with social services to identify those at higher-risk groups such as those children identified as having adverse childhood experiences and provide shelters such as safe houses for run-aways and human trafficking victims in juvenile detention centers to ensure protection as well as proper recovery for the victims. 


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