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Tagged With "University of Florida"

Blog Post

PHC6937: A Trauma-Informed HIV Prevention Intervention in a Diverse Population

Austin Gordon ·
This trauma-informed, culturally sensitive HIV intervention will focus on the diverse subset of the men who have sex with men (MSM) community who have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE). Current data suggests exposure to ACEs increases a person’s risk to contracting HIV; as such, our program will be based in resilience. Through education, peer mentoring, motivational interviewing, and therapy sessions, we will guide our participants toward safer sex practices. These...
Blog Post

PHC6937: Creating a Trauma-Informed Obstetric Practice and Promoting Resilience among Pregnant Women

Amanda LaPorte ·
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. About half of all Florida residents have experienced at least one ACE and 21-30% of Alachua County residents have experienced 2 or more ACEs (Bright et al). In 2017 in Alachua County, 11.7% of live births were less than 37 weeks gestation (FLHealthCHARTS), which is higher than the overall rate in Florida. The aims of this intervention are to build resilience in pregnant women with a history of ACEs...
Blog Post

PHC6534: E-Cigarettes and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Alachua Florida

Wonjin Kim ·
My grant proposal focused on e-cigarette addiction for adolescents within the Alachua County region in Florida. Recently there was a Alachua law change on cigarettes being sold only to people ages 21 and older (Sexton, 2014). However, there is a rise for e-cigarette use in adolescents ages 18 and under (Ikonomidis, 2018). In fact, in 2018 alone, there were 24.8% of high schools students who use electronic vapor products at least once per day in a month (True Initiative, 2018). To...
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PHC6937: Elevating Black Male High School Students Towards Success Through Mentorship in Alachua County

Xavier Williams ·
According to data provided by the Florida Department of Education, the high school graduation rate among black students in Alachua county is 79.2%, the lowest amongst all other racial and ethnic groups. 1 Furthermore, black students from Alachua county fall below Florida’s graduation rate for their respective demographic group. 1 Further investigation into this disparity and what factors contribute towards it is critical as failing to graduate high school is associated with poorer health...
Blog Post

PHC6937: Improving Resilience in Pregnant Women to Break the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences: An Intervention in Putnam County, Florida

Amy Bradshaw ·
Demographic data for Putnam County, FL 1 indicates that residents likely carry an inordinate burden of exposure to adverse childhood events (ACEs), which can foster negative outcomes that cycle throughout generations. This proposed intervention will begin to break that cycle by providing eight weekly workshops at three locations for pregnant women throughout the county. These workshops will address the participants’ own traumatic life experiences while also helping them to protect their...
Blog Post

PHC6937 Resiliency and Compassion Programs for Critical Care Nursing Staff by Amanda Cook BSN, RN, CEN, UF Master's Student MPH SBS

Amanda Cook ·
Vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress can occur in populations of workers who are exposed to the traumas that others are experiencing. Critical care nurses caring day after day for suffering individuals, have a unique set of experiences that have an increased risk of developing compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue has been well studied and mimics similarly to Post Traumatic Stress and is often called Secondary Traumatic Stress (Figley, 1995). High Adverse Childhood Experience...
Blog Post

Primary care providers as mentors to rural, low SES teens

Kathleen222 ·
The idea of this project is to utilize primary care providers who see low income teens in rural areas of northern Florida in order to build resiliency among these youth. Providers and teenagers will be encouraged to form mentor type relationships with one another to benefit the teenager. Increased frequency of visits would deepen the trust between the provider and patient. At these visits the provider can talk to their patient about health concerns, take the time to explain how they can...
Blog Post

Recording and slides now available for webinar on Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare

Information (recording, slides, and resources) on the June 6 webinar "Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare" is now available (and soon to posted in the ACEs Connection webinar section on the homepage). This well-attended and received webinar was sponsored by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health and co-sponsored ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ) Webinar Summary Every six minutes in the...
Blog Post

Resilience for the Forgotten

Savanah Mueller ·
Resilience for the forgotten is a rehabilitation program for the imprisoned. The Prisoner ACE Survey done in Wales in 2018, found that higher ACE scores are significantly more common in prisoners, particularly violent offenders when compared to the general population 1 . Additionally, this population with higher ACE scores are more likely to re-offend within three years of release, thereby contributing to recidivism rates, which are currently ranging from 22% to 58%, depending on the state...
Blog Post

Service Animal Rehabilitation and Intervention for Detained North Florida Minors to Reduce the Effects of ACE’s

Brionna Everitte ·
In 2015, Florida detained 37.6 juveniles per 100,000 between the ages of 10-17, which is comparatively lower than the National average of 50.1 per 100,000 children (Juvenile Justice, Geography, Policy, Practice & Statistics). Though this is lower than the national average, that is still a very significant number of young adults being detained for various crimes. The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice currently have some interventions in the hopes to prevent and detect risk factors...
Blog Post

This is Us - Meet Peace4Tarpon -Shannon Krukonis - P4T BOD member!

Robin Saenger ·
Shannon has over 25 years experience working with children in preschool and after school settings. Originally from Boston, Shannon holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology as well as an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. Since moving to Florida in 2000, she has built a career working in the early intervention field with ages 0-5, as well as working with truant teens as a case counselor in child welfare and currently as the Behavior Specialist for the YMCA of the Suncoast.
Blog Post


John Roufaiel ·
The three health information products that I chose are: Infographic Blog post Radio ad I decide to target adults who would help build resiliency in children. These adults are not their parents, but other childcare workers. For example, when a child goes to a daycare or school, they may start to "act up" and misbehave. Instead of expelling or punishing the student, the adult should learn why this child is acting in this manner. In order to learn why the child is acting in this manner, they...
Blog Post

Trauma Sensitive Care at Champions for Children

Nikki Daniels ·
Competence, Connect, Care This project focused on developing a model of trauma sensitive care for Champions for Children. Champions for Children is an agency that serves 40,000 annually and has a mission of preventing child abuse. Prevention is accomplished by promoting attachment between caregiver and child, supporting the caregiver in promoting healthy brain development and parent education. The agency never had a comprehensive model to address trauma but there was full support to...
Blog Post

UF Graduate & Undergrad Public Health Courses: Trauma-Informed Approaches for Individuals, Communities, and Public Health: Student Project Summaries

Lindsey King ·
The University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions partnered with Peace4Tarpon under the Robert Wood Johnson Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant funding period and have sustained their strong community-academic partnership. Together they created a 9-credit online graduate certificate in trauma-informed and resilience-based public health. Peace4Gainesville also contributed to this certificate. This post is intended to showcase some of the work of...
Blog Post

UF Graduate Public Health Summer C Semester Course: Building Resilience in Individuals and Communities for Public Health: Student Project Summaries

Lindsey King ·
The University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions partnered with Peace4Tarpon under the Robert Wood Johnson Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant funding period. Together they created a 9-credit online graduate certificate in trauma-informed and resilience-based public health. Peace4Gainesville also contributed to this certificate. This post is intended to showcase some of the work of the graduate students in the Summer C 2019 course “PHC6937:...
Blog Post

UF Graduate & Undergrad Public Health Courses: Trauma-Informed Approaches for Individuals, Communities for Public Health: Student Project Summaries

Lindsey King ·
The University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions partnered with Peace4Tarpon under the Robert Wood Johnson Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant funding period and have sustained their strong community-academic partnership. Together they created a 9-credit online graduate certificate in trauma-informed and resilience-based public health. Peace4Gainesville also contributed to this certificate. This post is intended to showcase some of the work of...
Blog Post

University of Florida Graduate Public Health Course: Trauma-Informed Approaches for Individuals, Communities, and Public Health: Student Project Summaries

Lindsey King ·
The University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions partnered with Peace4Tarpon under the Robert Wood Johnson Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) grant. Together they created 2 online graduate courses that focus on addressing ACEs and creating trauma-informed and resilience-based programs from a public health approach. Peace4Gainesville and Peace4 TheBigBend have also contributed to these courses. This post is intended to showcase some of the work of the...
Blog Post

Upates, good news, recommendation and link to register for Making Meaningful Change: Addressing ACEs through Public Policy Webinar February 18

Mimi graham ·
The World Health Organization has compiled a recent meta-analysis about how much ACEs cost us Millions of adults across Europe and north America live with a legacy of ACEs. Their findings suggest that a 10% reduction in ACE prevalence could equate to annual savings of $105 billion. Programs to prevent ACEs and moderate their effects are available. Rebalancing expenditure towards ensuring safe and nurturing childhoods would be economically beneficial and relieve pressures on health-care...
Blog Post

"Warriors of HOPE" Series Continues This Sunday on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program with Special Guest, Judge Steven Teske!

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
The fourth week of the 6-week "Warriors of Hope" event will continue this Sunday night at 8 pm Central Time on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" radio program. This 6-week event features six very special guests that will offer their insight on the power of HOPE in their lives and provide encouragement, wisdom and insight on the need for resilience in lives today. This series has resulted in praise from around the world from the listeners that have tuned in. This week's guest...
Blog Post

We Are Living in the Age of the Black-Panic Defense []

Carey Sipp ·
By Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker Magazine, May 9, 2020 The most basic conception of racial profiling holds that it is a form of institutionalized bias practiced by police departments in which the color of a person’s skin is considered a barometer of criminality. This idea is problematic enough on its face, but our experience in the eight years since Trayvon Martin ’s death has complicated this issue greatly. Martin was killed by a civilian—a self-appointed neighborhood watchman—who had no...
Blog Post

Webinar—Florida's Early Childhood Courts:
 Transforming Child Welfare on June 6 (3:00-4:30 ET)

Please join this June 6 webinar on Florida’s early childhood courts (aka “safe babies courts”) hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health and co-sponsored by the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice and ACEs Connection. Background: Every six minutes in the U.S., an infant, toddler or child under the age of 3 is removed from their homes for alleged abuse and neglect and placed in state custody through the child welfare system (Zero to Three).
Blog Post

When the Cross is On the Table

Robin Saenger ·
Susan Traylor says “When they see the cross on the table, they know someone has died.” The ‘they’ she is talking about are the many folks experiencing homelessness in our small community of Tarpon Springs, Florida. A few weeks ago, the cross was on the table for Terry. I knew him by sight but never knew his name. I observed him over the past few years quite often in a state that makes most people not only uncomfortable, but anxious and fearful as he argued with someone only he could see. He...
Blog Post

ACEs & African Americans Community on ACEs Connection

ACEs Connection envisions a resilient world where ALL people thrive. We are an anti-racist organization committed to the pursuit of social justice. In our work to promote resilience and prevent and mitigate ACEs, we intentionally embrace and uplift people who have historically not had a seat at the table. ACEs Connection celebrates the voices and tells the stories of people who have been barred from decision-making and who have shouldered the burden of systemic and economic oppression as the...
Blog Post

An Early Childhood Development Expert Explains How Trauma and Stress Can Derail a Kid’s Life []

By Cooper Levey-Baker, Sarasota, December 19, 2019 Mimi Graham has spent her life fighting for kids. She began her career in the late 1970s as a Head Start administrator before moving into the world of academia to study child development and advocate for public policies that improve the health of mothers and children. Today, she’s the director of Florida State University’s Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy, a position in which she advises government agencies and...
Blog Post

Cardiac Disease Prevention Using a Trauma Informed Approach

Morgan Ingram ·
The Baker County Fire Rescue Trauma-Informed Community Paramedicine Program will aim to prevent cardiac disease by using the emergency medical services to bring primary care to patients’ doorsteps. In doing so, the emergency medical services will no longer simply respond to 911 calls but work proactively to prevent them from happening in the first place. This program will work through three actions: in home scheduled follow up visits involving patient assessment and chronic disease...
Blog Post

Florida Governor's Wife announces mental health aid for Panhandle after Hurricane Michael

Bob Doppelt ·
Photo credit: Florida's Governor's Office The story below illustrates the urgent need to proactively build psychological and psycho-social-spiritual--Transformational Resilience--for climate change related disasters. It describes how the mental health impacts of these disasters often becomes most acute months after a disaster occurs, which is long after mental health first aid and other disaster mental health services have ended. Prevention is the only solution, and the focus must be on...
Blog Post

Grant Proposal PHC6937

Minor Cushion ·
My grant proposal requests funds to support activities for carrying out programs that build resilience (Zolkoski & Bullock, 2012). Also, the grant programs will build self-efficacy among subsidized housing recipients to eliminate intergenerational poverty. Programs that will provide mentoring – including proper nutrition and entrepreneurship training, as well as professional development are a primary focus. Poverty in Florida exists in concentrated areas (Williamson, Smith, &...
Blog Post

HSC4930 Animal-Assisted Interventions

Kalin ·
Level(s) of Social Ecological Model: The first level I will address from the Social Ecological Model will be the individual, or intrapersonal, level. In this level the individual is focused on in terms of past history in which could have influenced the way in which this individual was placed in a particular traumatic situation. This could include personal details such as age, beliefs, societal status, family history of abuse such as physical, mental, alcohol, drugs, etc. (CDC 2019). My...
Blog Post

HSC4930 - Family and Unaccompanied Youth Transitional Housing Community – Providing Trauma-Informed Shelter in Gainesville, Florida

Kayla Talebi ·
Although many organizations providing temporary shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness exist, there is a gap in the Gainesville, Florida community for these services specifically serving families and unaccompanied youth. In 2018 there were an estimated 641 people experiencing homelessness in Alachua County, the majority of whom were on the streets rather than in shelters (NCF Alliance 2018) . In the entirety of Gainesville, Florida, the most recent data from 2012 showed that an...
Blog Post

HSC4930: Implementing a Trauma-Informed Mentor Program in Alachua County Elementary Schools

Linda Guan ·
Predominantly within the 32641 and 32609 zip codes of Alachua County, the elementary schools found in these zones are subject to greater disparities. For example, Stephen Foster Elementary school considers about half of it’s student body to be economically disadvantaged (Florida Department of Education, 2017). Based on the Philadelphia study on expanded ACEs, the importance of developing and implementing an intervention program to combat ACEs within these elementary schools that are subject...
Blog Post

HSC4930: Improving Domestic Violence Outcomes for Children

Michelle Steffes ·
Domestic violence not only affects the individual directly involved, but also the children who are indirectly involved by witnessing the violence. Spreading awareness to children can prevent future generations from normalizing domestic violence in the home. This project will target children in the Gainesville area to help them find peace and resilience from these incidents. Schools and teachers will play a large role in this project by giving students information on what healthy...
Blog Post

HSC4930: Trauma Informed Care for Alcohol Exposed Families in Gainesville Florida

Emily Gunter ·
Alcohol abuse in households across the nation is an issue deeply felt by those who are impacted. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism, an estimated 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Furthermore, according to a 2012 study, more than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent who has problems with alcohol abuse and...
Blog Post

Introducing LGBT Curricula in Schools PHC6534

Kathleen222 ·
Overall, my grant project is to create and instill curricula in schools for teachers and students around LGBT issues with the goal of educating teachers and students, decreasing discrimination towards LGBT folks, and eventually making the community more LGBT accepting. The LGBT population continually faces discrimination resulting in numerous disparities. LGBT youth are some of the most vulnerable to these disparities include verbal harassment, physical harassment, and physical assault which...
Blog Post

Join a New National Grassroots Campaign to Address Childhood Trauma and Build Resilience by Engaging and Educating Congress.

Mimi graham ·
Hope you’ll join the new national campaign to address childhood trauma. Here's the link to join the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP): Join a New National Grassroots Campaign . CTIPP was created to Address Childhood Trauma and Build Resilience by Engaging and Educating Congress . We are looking for local trauma leaders to help educate our congressional delegation on the impact of trauma and strategies for building resilience. Learn more details from webinar. (Note:...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Meet Florida's Johnny Appleseed. She plants seeds of ACEs science!

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Mimi Graham is Florida’s Johnny Appleseed, but instead of planting apple trees, she’s been seeding hundreds of ACEs-science-informed schools, courts, juvenile detention centers, hospitals, childcare centers, home visiting programs, mental health agencies, law enforcement agencies, and drug treatment centers. Graham, who has served as director of the Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy in Tallahassee since 1993, focuses on early childhood,...
Blog Post

More Resources for Trauma and Resiliency for COVID-19 and Beyond. Register now to see Resiliency Documentary online 4/4-4/7!

Mimi graham ·
What an opportunity to talk about trauma and resiliency! We’ve been compiling resources and would love any of your recommendations to add. See: trauma/covid19.cfm Also, there is a national Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice that is seeking to educate congress about trauma will hopes for legislation at some point. nationaltraumacampaign/ They have compiled awesome ACEs resources. Go to the website. Then News and Resources. Then...
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Carroll Brennan ·
Blog Post

PHC 6534: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Justice-Involved Youth and Preventing Recidivism Through Targeted Assessments, Therapies, and Social Support

Melanie Hechavarria ·
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect justice-involved youth at higher rates than the general population associated with delinquent behavior and recidivism (Abram et al., 2004). This trauma-informed project at the Alachua Regional Juvenile Detention Center is proposed as a solution to ACEs induced delinquent behavior and recidivism in justice-involved youth. Through education, therapy, and social support this program tries to mitigate the effects of ACEs and retraumatization, in...
Blog Post

PHC 6534: Community Intervention Addressing the Connection Between Opioid Misuse and ACEs

Jake Dooling ·
A connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and opioid misuse has been established in recent years. Palm Beach County ranks first in Florida for opioid overdose deaths and non-fatal overdoses(Florida Charts, 2017). This intervention sets out to inform the members of this community who have experienced ACEs of the connection between ACEs and opioid misuse. In person counseling sessions and an online education course have been developed to not only help with the healing of past...
Blog Post

PHC 6534 Increasing the availability of Syringe Exchange Services in Rural Florida: A Trauma Informed Approach

Myrsha Chow ·
The opioid crisis presents a vital problem that needs to be addressed as a public health crisis because it increases the risk of the transmission of infectious diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C (CDC, 2018). In 2017, more than 70,000 people died from drug overdoses and of those deaths almost 68% involved a prescription or illicit opioid (CDC, 2018). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, rural areas include some of the most vulnerable populations for injection drug use related HIV...
Blog Post

PHC6534-A Trauma-Informed Approach to Narrowing Racial Disparities in Negative Birth Outcomes Among Women in Alachua County

Sarah Hanson ·
African American women in Alachua County are experiencing higher rates of poor birth outcomes than their white counterparts (FLHealthCharts, 2018). This is, in spite of the fact that women from both races have clinically similar starts to their pregnancies (FLHealthCharts, 2018). Trauma, experienced in the form of toxic stress from environmental and social variables, is the key difference between these women (Sandoval, 2018). My grant proposal looks to reduce the amount of stress a black...
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PHC6534: ACEs Medical Conference

Vasanti Sharma ·
Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs are situations in which children experience abuse, neglect and household challenges. The most crucial time for a person’s development is from birth to the late teens. These situations as a child or young adult can have a negative effect on children throughout their life, not just mentally but they can also lead to negative health outcomes as they grow and mature. Some of those outcomes include diabetes, heart conditions and cancer. This ACEs Medical...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Addressing ACEs in College Students through the TCare App

Michell Pirapakaran ·
A trauma-informed intervention at the University of Florida is proposed as a solution to the public health issue of adverse childhood experiences in college students, which can lead to more negative health outcomes. This public health intervention will be implemented as a pilot test of a telehealth based app, called the Trauma Care app (TCare app), that will screen all incoming students for adverse childhood experiences and provide targeted resources, as well as telehealth based counseling,...
Blog Post

PHC6534 "Addressing Trauma Informed Approaches to Human Trafficking"

Amanda Green ·
Abstract Human Trafficking is a growing issue within a global and national context. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with maltreated youths. The majority of American victims who become sexually trafficked are runaways and homeless youth. Florida is among the most prevalent states with a severely high number of human trafficking cases with Miami being a hub. Events like the Super bowl and other large-scale activities make Miami-Dade more susceptible to exploitation in human...
Blog Post

PHC6534 Alachua County Feed All Children Initiative

Shanna Breil ·
The Alachua County Feeding All Children Initiative (ACFAC) is a proposed multi-level and trauma-informed intervention aiming to decrease physical neglect ACEs in Alachua County through providing discounted or free school day dinners to children attending Title 1 benefit receiving Elementary Schools in Alachua County. Alachua County’s poverty level is 10% higher than the national average (Florida Health, 2018; U.S. Census Bureau, 2019), resulting in the high 19.8% of Alachua residents who are...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Educational and Health Literacy Programs for Refugee and Migrant Populations

Valentina Fandino ·
The world is currently facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is causing millions of people to move due to wars and violence widespread in their countries of origin. It puts in evidence the urgent need to develop actions that alleviate the pain of these people and promotes social justice within our society. The migratory movements caused, and entail a series of psychological repercussions, social, cultural, and economic struggles for these refugees. This program aims to serve 35%...
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PHC6534: Trauma-Informed Parenting Intervention for Foster and Adoptive Parents

Selena T Garrison ·
Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is an evidence-based, attachment-driven, trauma-informed intervention that was designed specifically to address the physical, emotional, and behavioral needs of children with a history of complex developmental trauma (Purvis et al., 2013). The goal of this project is to certify 150 foster and adoptive parents in Marion County Florida as TBRI Caregivers. In four 6-hour Saturday training sessions, foster and adoptive parents will be trained in best...
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PHC6534: Yoga and Mindfulness Techniques as Treatment and Prevention of Adverse Drinking Behaviors

Julie Gibson ·
Compared to Florida, Alachua County has an elevated rate of adverse drinking behaviors such as binge and heavy drinking which are associated with various poor health outcomes like unintentional injuries, violence, and chronic disease (FLHealthCharts, 2020; CDC, 2018). Furthermore, individuals with multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are at elevated risk for these adverse behaviors. The proposed mechanism behind this association between ACEs and adverse drinking behaviors is as a...
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Support our efforts to secure a CDC ACEs grant to advance FL as a trauma-informed state!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma Friends & Colleagues: We are applying for CDC ACES grant to further our efforts toward a trauma informed state. It’s a collaborative effort across state agencies to improve ACES data collection and utilizes to target prevention strategies. Details in the attached overview. It’s a long shot with only 4 awards but our statewide collaborative efforts are a big strength and it might help push us to the top if we had many letters of support. Attached is a draft letter that you...
Blog Post

Resilience for Children & Families: Being Brave When Things are Hard

Building Resilience with Children During Racial Discrimination & Violence: This attached Resilience Brief for Children has been the hardest one I have written yet. I have been an active advocate for the equal treatment of people from all backgrounds, religions, ethnic heritages, orientations, and families my entire life. It is hard to see the pain present today, not only due to COVID19 but also due to the harm and anger we see daily in the news. I want to share a story about the person...
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