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Tagged With "trauma informed awareness"

Blog Post

PHC6937: A Trauma-Informed HIV Prevention Intervention in a Diverse Population

Austin Gordon ·
This trauma-informed, culturally sensitive HIV intervention will focus on the diverse subset of the men who have sex with men (MSM) community who have experienced at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE). Current data suggests exposure to ACEs increases a person’s risk to contracting HIV; as such, our program will be based in resilience. Through education, peer mentoring, motivational interviewing, and therapy sessions, we will guide our participants toward safer sex practices. These...
Blog Post

PHC6937 Grant Proposal: Creating a Trauma-Informed Church

Carroll Brennan ·
The Diocese of Palm Beach states as its mission “the Church of Palm Beach will strive to discern God’s will in satisfying the spiritual, moral, sacramental, educational, and basic needs of all people, with justice, respecting the dignity of each person.” Considering the landmark ACE Study by Drs. Vincent Felitti and Robert Anda (1998) which linked childhood adversity with health and well-being throughout the lifespan, and understanding that childhood trauma has been identified as the single...
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PHC6937: Incorporating Trauma Informed Care into Adult Primary Care Providers and Emergency Medical Personnel

Savanah Mueller ·
Only within the past two years have ACEs gained public recognition in North Carolina sparking program development to address and increase resiliency. Overall, North Carolina’s ACEs ranking is 30th out of 50 (WOCMH, 2017). It appears that little is being done in the medical field in NC to assist medical providers in becoming trauma-informed. By educating patients that childhood trauma may be an underlying cause of their health conditions, they can begin to heal by removing self-blame...
Blog Post


John Roufaiel ·
The three health information products that I chose are: Infographic Blog post Radio ad I decide to target adults who would help build resiliency in children. These adults are not their parents, but other childcare workers. For example, when a child goes to a daycare or school, they may start to "act up" and misbehave. Instead of expelling or punishing the student, the adult should learn why this child is acting in this manner. In order to learn why the child is acting in this manner, they...
Blog Post

Trauma is Messy

Jon Eppley ·
I will always remember the day that, as a student teacher, I watched as a student entered my second-grade room covered in blood. After quickly establishing that he was not injured, we learned that the blood was that of his brother who had been shot the night before. No parents were around that night, so this second grader became the sole caregiver of his bleeding brother. My student would never be the same. We didn’t care about grades or test scores. We just knew that this moment would...
Blog Post

Upates, good news, recommendation and link to register for Making Meaningful Change: Addressing ACEs through Public Policy Webinar February 18

Mimi graham ·
The World Health Organization has compiled a recent meta-analysis about how much ACEs cost us Millions of adults across Europe and north America live with a legacy of ACEs. Their findings suggest that a 10% reduction in ACE prevalence could equate to annual savings of $105 billion. Programs to prevent ACEs and moderate their effects are available. Rebalancing expenditure towards ensuring safe and nurturing childhoods would be economically beneficial and relieve pressures on health-care...
Blog Post

When the Cross is On the Table

Robin Saenger ·
Susan Traylor says “When they see the cross on the table, they know someone has died.” The ‘they’ she is talking about are the many folks experiencing homelessness in our small community of Tarpon Springs, Florida. A few weeks ago, the cross was on the table for Terry. I knew him by sight but never knew his name. I observed him over the past few years quite often in a state that makes most people not only uncomfortable, but anxious and fearful as he argued with someone only he could see. He...
Blog Post

PHC6937: A Community-Based Resilience Intervention for the Native American Community in Taos, New Mexico

Ryan Romero ·
As evidenced in the literature, it is clear that Native American children experience more Adverse Childhood Experiences than other groups, including non-Hispanic whites [1]. Native American children are more than twice as likely to grow up in a household where one or both parents use drugs and/ or alcohol [1]. Additionally, NA children are more than three times as likely to have lived with a parent who has been incarcerated, and are seven times as likely to have been treated unfairly due to...
Blog Post

ACEs & African Americans Community on ACEs Connection

ACEs Connection envisions a resilient world where ALL people thrive. We are an anti-racist organization committed to the pursuit of social justice. In our work to promote resilience and prevent and mitigate ACEs, we intentionally embrace and uplift people who have historically not had a seat at the table. ACEs Connection celebrates the voices and tells the stories of people who have been barred from decision-making and who have shouldered the burden of systemic and economic oppression as the...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Community Physicians: What We've Learned []

By Brian R. Stork, Nicholas John Akselberg, Yongmei Qin, and David C. Miller, The Permanente Journal, January 24, 2020 ABSTRACT Introduction : The prevalence of childhood trauma, as measured by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study questionnaire, has been studied in a wide variety of community settings. However, little is known about physicians’ familiarity with and use of the ACE questionnaire or the prevalence of childhood trauma in the physician community. Objective: To survey a...
Blog Post

HSC4930: Improving Domestic Violence Outcomes for Children

Michelle Steffes ·
Domestic violence not only affects the individual directly involved, but also the children who are indirectly involved by witnessing the violence. Spreading awareness to children can prevent future generations from normalizing domestic violence in the home. This project will target children in the Gainesville area to help them find peace and resilience from these incidents. Schools and teachers will play a large role in this project by giving students information on what healthy...
Blog Post

Introducing LGBT Curricula in Schools PHC6534

Kathleen222 ·
Overall, my grant project is to create and instill curricula in schools for teachers and students around LGBT issues with the goal of educating teachers and students, decreasing discrimination towards LGBT folks, and eventually making the community more LGBT accepting. The LGBT population continually faces discrimination resulting in numerous disparities. LGBT youth are some of the most vulnerable to these disparities include verbal harassment, physical harassment, and physical assault which...
Blog Post

Join a New National Grassroots Campaign to Address Childhood Trauma and Build Resilience by Engaging and Educating Congress.

Mimi graham ·
Hope you’ll join the new national campaign to address childhood trauma. Here's the link to join the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP): Join a New National Grassroots Campaign . CTIPP was created to Address Childhood Trauma and Build Resilience by Engaging and Educating Congress . We are looking for local trauma leaders to help educate our congressional delegation on the impact of trauma and strategies for building resilience. Learn more details from webinar. (Note:...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Parent Education Program for Preventing Child Abuse

Michelina Letourneau ·
Summary There are four common co-occurring issues—parental substance abuse, parental mental illness, domestic violence, and child conduct problems—that are related to parenting and that lead to child maltreatment (Barth, 2009). Understanding and responding to these issues is vital for our parental education programming goals of preventing abuse and other forms of maltreatment. My program will be focusing its efforts in low-income communities where resources for parents may not be readily...
Blog Post

Personal stories from witnesses, U.S. representatives provided an emotional wallop to House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on childhood trauma

Room erupts in applause for the grandmother of witness William Kellibrew during July 11 House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing. The power of personal stories from witnesses and committee members fueled the July 11 hearing on childhood trauma in the House Oversight and Reform Committee* throughout the nearly four hours of often emotional and searing testimony and member questions and statements (Click here for 3:47 hour video). The hearing was organized into a two panels—testimony from...
Blog Post

PHC 6534: Community Intervention Addressing the Connection Between Opioid Misuse and ACEs

Jake Dooling ·
A connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and opioid misuse has been established in recent years. Palm Beach County ranks first in Florida for opioid overdose deaths and non-fatal overdoses(Florida Charts, 2017). This intervention sets out to inform the members of this community who have experienced ACEs of the connection between ACEs and opioid misuse. In person counseling sessions and an online education course have been developed to not only help with the healing of past...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Addressing and Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Through an Enriched Preschool Program

Mackenzie Kushner ·
Adverse childhood experiences, also known as ACEs, are highly prevalent across the United States and especially within low-income communities [i] , [ii] , [iii] , [iv] . This is particularly important for Alachua County where 12% of families live below the poverty line and 6% of the population are currently unemployed [v] . Furthermore, recent research shows the Violent Crime Rate was 579.1per 100,000 while the Child Abuse Rate children aged 5-11 was 11.8 per 1,000 [vi] . My grant proposal...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Yoga and Mindfulness Techniques as Treatment and Prevention of Adverse Drinking Behaviors

Julie Gibson ·
Compared to Florida, Alachua County has an elevated rate of adverse drinking behaviors such as binge and heavy drinking which are associated with various poor health outcomes like unintentional injuries, violence, and chronic disease (FLHealthCharts, 2020; CDC, 2018). Furthermore, individuals with multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are at elevated risk for these adverse behaviors. The proposed mechanism behind this association between ACEs and adverse drinking behaviors is as a...
Blog Post

Support our efforts to secure a CDC ACEs grant to advance FL as a trauma-informed state!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma Friends & Colleagues: We are applying for CDC ACES grant to further our efforts toward a trauma informed state. It’s a collaborative effort across state agencies to improve ACES data collection and utilizes to target prevention strategies. Details in the attached overview. It’s a long shot with only 4 awards but our statewide collaborative efforts are a big strength and it might help push us to the top if we had many letters of support. Attached is a draft letter that you...
Blog Post

Community Resilience Series Part 1: Parenting in an Age of Uncertainty [Peace & Justice Institute]

Kelsey Visser ·
Dr. Ken Ginsburg was overwhelmingly well-received as the keynote speaker at the recent Creating a Resilient Community: From Trauma to Healing Conference back in April of this year. The Peace and Justice Institute (PJI) at Valencia College is excited to share that we are bringing him back to deliver 3 additional virtual workshops in a Community Resilience Series. The first workshop in this FREE series will be specifically for parents: Parenting in an Age of Uncertainty , July 7th from 5:30 -...
Blog Post

Help Navigating the Road to Community Resiliency

Becky Haas ·
The first time I ever heard the words trauma-informed care and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study was in the summer of 2014. At the time, I was working for the local Police Department as the Director of a grant-funded Crime Reduction Project aimed at reducing drug-related and violent crime. Of the many program goals, one was to develop a rehabilitative corrections program for felony offenders with addictions in order to reduce recidivism. Though I’ve lived in this region for...
Blog Post

'A Better Normal' Community Discussion Series: How to Grow a Resilient Community - July 7, 2020

Interested in learning what it takes to Grow a Resilient Community? Do you want to learn how to become a member of ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities? If so, please join us Tuesday, July 7th, 12-1pm PDT for our next 'A Better Normal' community discussion series. In this discussion we will be talking with Brian Semsem of Fresno's Every Neighborhood Partnership. We will be talking to Brian about what led him to work with ACEs and resilience. In addition, we will be discussing the path...
Blog Post

Building Resilience for Victims of Domestic Violence (DV) in Rural Communities

Amanda Lindeman ·
My Public Health Communication Campaign proposal focuses on women living in rural communities that are/were victims of domestic violence (DV). This target population was chosen for a variety of reasons. Domestic Violence is a widespread and extremely common issue facing women. 1 in 4 women have experienced sexual or physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner. 41% of survivors experience physical injury, additionally, half of homicides committed against women are committed by a...
Blog Post

Baby courts: A proven approach to stop the multigenerational transmission of ACES in child welfare; new efforts to establish courts nationwide

Carey Sipp ·
The organization Zero To Three estimates that in the U.S., a child is taken into the child welfare system every six seconds. “Many of society’s most intractable problems can be traced back to childhood adversity. Being in the child welfare system increases the likelihood of more adversity and criminality. Baby court is a proven approach to healing the trauma of both child and parent, and breaking the cycle of maltreatment,” says Mimi Graham, Ed.D ., director of the Florida State University...
Blog Post

The Intersection of Systematic Racism, the Pandemic, and SDoMH: Reality Mandates Change

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
Systematic racism is at the core of mental health disparities and social determinants of mental health (SDoMH).Upstream factors obstruct patient access to needed and appropriate assessment, timely intervention, with treatment for these populations often reflecting poorer quality, and ending prior to completion of treatment. COVID-19 and the recent pandemic have only amplified meso and micro-level gaps in care. considered, provided, and reimbursed.
Blog Post

"A Better Normal" Community Discussion: Suicide Awareness and Community Cafes

Karen Clemmer ·
Join us on Friday November 6, 2020 from noon to 1:00 PST as we come together and join Satya Chandragiri MD, Bonnie O’Hern RN, Denise Proudfoot RN, & Michael Polacek RN for a discussion around the tender issue of suicide. Together we will discuss ways people and providers can support each other and encourage communities to take action to support one another around suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and the layers of culture and structural barriers to care. A special emphasis will be...
Blog Post

A Better Normal Friday, March 26, 2021: PACEs and HOPE with Dr. Christina Bethell

Jane Stevens ·
Please join us for our next installment of A Better Normal, our live webinar series in which we imagine and create our society as trauma-informed! You may have seen we changed our name recently from ACEs Connection to PACEs Connection. Please join us to learn all about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work we are all doing. >>Click here to register<< PACEs and HOPE Live Event Friday, March 26, 2021 Noon PT / 1pm...
Blog Post

Spreading HOPE Summit – Afternoon Session Feature, Pt. 5: Jane Stevens and Dr. David Willis []

Chloe Yang ·
Chloe Yang, 3/29/21, Our first annual summit is less than a month away! Please register at this link , which you can also find on the Summit landing page (registration closes at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 5th). Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a movement to shift how we support children and families, creating systems of care based on understanding, equity, and trust. Morning plenary sessions will feature Dr. Bob...
Blog Post

Last chance to apply for a scholarship for the Creating a Resilient Community Conference!

Kelsey Visser ·
Apply for a Scholarship In this new video PJI Director, Rachel Allen shares some exciting information regarding what you can expect at the upcoming Conference! Register for the Conference Conference Overview: The Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College, the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County, the Creating a Resilient Community Network and Title Sponsor, Orlando Health, are excited to invite you to register for the Third Annual Creating a Resilient Community (CRC): From Trauma...
Blog Post

PHC6534 CHILDREN OF AN INCARCERATED PARENT: Applying a trauma-informed approach to mitigate the risks of poor health outcomes.

Stacey Willingham ·
This grant proposal addresses the population of children with an incarcerated parent. The U.S. leads internationally in the imprisonment of its citizens and incarceration per 100,000 residents from 1970-2015 has increased by > 400% in 15 to 64 year-olds. 1 The staggering disparities between non-white and white incarceration rates of U.S. citizens are multifactorial. Children of the incarcerated have a higher number of Adverse Childhood Experiences than the general population and carry an...
Blog Post

PHC6534 Grant Proposal: Reducing the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Hialeah, Florida Through a Home-Visiting Program and the Development of Social Support Networks

Megan Jones ·
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with a number of negative physical, mental, and behavioral health outcomes throughout the lifespan, and are unfortunately very common. Children and families in Hialeah, Florida, a Cuban immigrant community in Miami-Dade County, are at a heightened risk of experiences ACEs due to widespread poverty and linguistic isolation. The proposed program is an attempt to address the needs of this community, reduce the prevalence of ACEs, and...
Blog Post

A Grant Proposal for PHC6534: Building Resilience and Providing Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Services to Southeast Asian Refugee and Immigrant Families

Jacqueline De La Cruz ·
Hello everyone, as part of my graduate coursework, I've written a grant proposal that proposes a trauma-informed public health intervention for providing culturally appropriate mental health services for the Southeast Asian American community in Long Beach, California. Below, I give an overview of my grant and discuss applicable trauma-informed principles, levels of the social-ecological model, and public health framework. Overview Southeast Asian American (SEAA) communities in the United...
Blog Post

PH6534 Grant Proposal: Addressing the Spread of STDs Utilizing a Trauma-Informed Approach

Andrew Nguyen ·
Overview Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been associated with risky sexual behaviors which increase the risk of STDs and HIV infection. Due to high rates of bacterial STD and HIV infection in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, a trauma-informed project is proposed as a solution to address that issue. The proposed project aims to utilize a trauma-informed approach to prevent the infection and spread of STDs among people residing in Miami-Dade and Broward County, Florida who have...
Blog Post

PHC6534: Reducing the Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Resulting from Adverse Childhood Experiences by a Trauma Informed Resiliency-Based Approach

Dylan Ferson ·
This grant proposal is an intervention which will seek to reduce the prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) onset from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by utilizing a trauma-informed resiliency-based approach. The target audience will be young adults (ages 18-25) living in Seminole County, FL. The program will first recruit a representative sample group of individuals, screen for GAD and measure participants’ ACEs score. The intervention itself will consist of licensed mental...
Blog Post

PHC 6534: Youth Arrest Prevention: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Alexandra Sample ·
Summary: This proposal utilizes trauma-informed principles to design an inter-professional pilot program that seeks to improve outcomes for children who have experienced at least one ACE (adverse childhood experience and have experienced a youth arrest). The social ecological levels that this proposal targets are the individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community levels and the determinants on these levels that contribute to youth arrests. Abstract: The proposed program is a...
Blog Post

PHC6534 Heart Disease Prevention Strategies for Trauma-Affected Minority Populations

Bradley-Nicole Collins ·
My grant proposal is focused on an intervention which addresses cardiovascular illnesses in racial and ethic minorities with a history of ACEs in the United States. Project activities consist of informational nutrition classes concerning the preparation of low-sodium meals, physical exercise, mental health counseling, social group support, and heart health education sessions. While the program will touch upon each level of the McLeroy social ecological model to some degree, the community and...

Bianca Macias

Blog Post

PACEs Connection presents the "Historical Trauma in America" series

PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup will be examining historical trauma in the United States of America and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series will highlight each unique region within the United States and outline how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the socio-political landscape of today as well as the overall well-being of Americans. Discussions will make connections between...
Blog Post

2011-2021—A decade of steady growth in ACEs and TI laws and resolutions in the states

In 2019 and 2020, dozens of states enacted nearly 60 laws and resolutions that reference adverse childhood experiences or trauma. In this post, there's an interactive map that shows them all.
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Building Resiliency In Nurses Giving It Their-all

Medea Bodner ·
When tasked to develop a program to build resiliency in a target population within a demographic area, I chose to target nurses in the United States. I couldn’t narrow down my geographical area because this is a nationwide problem. The southeast seemingly the worst. Being an ICU nurse for the past twelve years I have noticed a shift in priorities. Most of us became nurses because we are healers, we truly care about other people. Yet, in the span of my nursing career I have noticed that it no...
Blog Post

Path to a Just Society: Our new infographic shares common language and an aspirational path.

Carey Sipp ·
Our version of a “Path to a Just Society” is our first attempt at creating a common language and identifying points along the path to a just society. The Race and Equity workgroup of PACEs Connection started the project in early 2021, following a staff meeting where we realized that we, our organization and the movement needed this. We think it can help all of us gauge where we are, where we want to be, and what’s needed to get to the next level of integrating practices and policies based on...
Blog Post

Join us October 27, 2021 for the inaugural event in our Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice System series, “The Relationship between PACEs and the Criminal Justice System”

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection Midwest and Tennessee community facilitator and criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and...
Blog Post

Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being used in this area...
Blog Post

Need to fund your resilience initiative? Here’s how.

Carey Sipp ·
Chart is sample page from county-by-county funding allocated as part of ARPA. Information is available by clicking here. This is the first of several articles on the importance of any resilience-focused entity, including your PACEs Connection community, seeking out the people in your area allocating ARPA funding and asking for money. Organizations do not necessarily have to be 501 C-3 nonprofits to receive funding. Thanks to federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to states in April...
Blog Post

Register now for "Building the Movement with Coalitions", presented by the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice, PACEs Connection, and the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Please register now at this link to reserve your spot. You’re invited to participate in Building the Movement with Coalitions, the first of eight remarkable workshops featured in the series, “ Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience ”. The first half-day workshop will occur virtually on January 7th from 1-5pm ET/10am-2pm PT. It focuses on the history and future of the movement and building community-owned, trauma-informed, prevention-focused, and healing-centered...
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January 19th CTIPP CAN Call - Trauma-Informed Initiatives in Baltimore and Maryland

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Join us next Wednesday for two excellent CTIPP CAN presentations to begin our 2022 lineup. Baltimore Councilman Zeke Cohen will discuss the work, started by the late Congressman Elijah Cummings, that is making the city of Baltimore trauma-informed. Claudia Remington will describe new trauma informed initiatives by the State of Maryland, including legislation that created a Commission to develop a comprehensive strategy to make the State trauma informed. We will also report on the first...
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Tune in March 3 for new PACEs Connection podcast—History. Culture. Trauma. — with guest Agnes Woodward

Carey Sipp ·
Hosted by PACES Connection CEO Ingrid Cockhren In consideration of Women's History month, the entire month of March will be dedicated to the women creating a legacy in the worldwide PACEs movement. In this episode, we will talk with Agnes Woodward. Agnes is using her knowledge of historical trauma and the healing power of the arts to raise awareness of the adversity indigenous women face and how they can also heal themselves, their families and future generations. About Agnes Woodward:...
Blog Post

PHC6534- Assessment of Trauma in Miccosukee Indian School Students

Alison Haley Bell ·
Abstract Native American communities across the nation are known to suffer disproportionatly from the effects of historical trauma, concerning both overall well-being and academic achievement (Wiechelt et al., 2019). The Miccosukee Indian School in North Miami, Florida is a small institution dedicated to educating the community's Miccosukee children, and the focus of this intervention. The primary aspects of the intervention include the assessment of students' mental health using The Patient...
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PHC6534 - Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences through Community Based Mentorship and Social Support for Second and Third Generation Youth: A Grant Proposal

Niccole Smith ·
Summary : The grant focuses on a peer mentorship intervention for second and third generation Latinx youth living in Palm Beach County, Florida. In addition to the peer mentorship open to youth, parents are able to attend positive parenting classes to better inform themselves of generational trauma and ACEs and how to create a strong and positive foundation at home. Second and third generation Latinx youth are targeted in this grant proposal since US-born Latinx tend to have poorer health...
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PHC6534 Grant Proposal: Gestational Diabetes Trauma Informed Intervention

Rosha Loach ·
Summary: Pregnancy can be a difficult time for those that have experienced ACES. Being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GD), can compound the ability to cope on a daily basis. GDM is associated with adverse outcomes for mother and baby (Herrick et al, 2021) and encompasses a wide range of glucose intolerance, including preexisting Type 1 (T1DM) or Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM), GDM in previous pregnancies and in a current pregnancy (Hartling et al, 2014). The highest at-risk are women...
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