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Results of Community Survey


Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent survey!

We didn't hear from as many community members as we would have liked, but we did get some useful information as to how members would like to to use this space and community.  My hope is that as we add useful content, tailored to users, we will start to see this community grow in numbers and depth of experience, knowledge, and resources.

Based on the results, the majority of respondents agreed that they would like to see the following types of content and opportunities:

  • Networking;
  • Sharing information;
  • Sharing encouragement to those doing the hard work;
  • Spreading news of local events, trainings, etc.; and
  • Compiling information on speakers and trainers in the area.

Respondents also suggested adding:

  • Regular support groups on Zoom and in person;
  • Opportunities to come together as providers to advocate and push for needed legislation and policy changes in Vermont; and
  • Data about Vermonters who have experienced childhood trauma.

There were also several respondents who expressed interest in learning more about joining a steering/planning committee or serving as a community manager.  I'll be reaching out to them shortly with more information, which will also be posted here for anyone interested.  If you would like to become involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for contributing your voice!

We are stronger together!

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