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Walla Walla Valley PACEs Connection (WA)

Tagged With "resiliency"


Re: By Any Name, Emotional Maltreatment Is Destructive!

Jane Stevens ·
Good point, Rick. When we are fully evolved, we'll look at everything we do - individually or in our systems & organizations -- through a trauma-informed and resilience-building lens. With people feeling safe to speak out about they're injured by behaviors currently considered acceptable, we'll be able to make the transition. CRI is a place where people feel safe to speak about, so that we can increase our awareness of how to empower people, rather than further traumatize already...

Re: UK visitor to learn about resilience work in Walla Walla []

Karen Clemmer ·
Walla Walla's efforts under Teri Barla's leadership is an epicenter for working collaboratively to build community resilience! Now it is so exciting to see that this work is rippling across WA state, across the US and now all the way to Suffolk County, England! I cannot wait to hear more about Tod Sullivan's visits. As a me ntal health ambassador, Tod is traveling via a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship. I think we are witnessing the future! Incredible! Karen
Blog Post

Meet CRI Founder Teri Barila

CRI (Guest) ·
Today, we have the opportunity to get to know CRI’s founder and board president Teri Barila. Teri holds a M.S. Degree in Fisheries Science and Management, has over 20 years experience working for government agencies from the Bonneville Power Association in Portland to the Army Corp. of Engineers in Walla Walla, WA. She was a founder or major instigator for numerous community focused non- profits, most notably, Friends of Children of Walla Walla, Community Center for Youth (CCY), Commitment...
Blog Post

Save the Date: 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference!

Tara Mah ·
2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, Washington June 26 & 27, 2019 Pre-Conference Trainings & Social Event June 25, 2019 More details will posted on the BPT Conference web page soon! Don't want to wait until June 2019? We have two trainings in October! These will be small group trainings limited to 30 participants per training. Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training (prerequisite for any other course) - Six hour training on October 8, 2018 in Pasco, Washington.
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Self Healing Communities

Rayne Nimz ·
"A comprehensive model of building community capacity in Washington helped make dramatic reductions in rates of health issues and social problems ." We are on our way to creating a more resilient nation. Washington State demonstrates how influential it is to build up local community's self-sustaining resiliency programs! Read the article See the report See Executive summary
Blog Post

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Teaching Employability in Prisons: Tony McGuire’s Harmony of Emotional Resilience and Building Instruction

Tara Mah ·
Tony McGuire- a member of Community Resilience Initiative, and an instructor for Walla Walla Community College at the Washington State Penitentiary- had divided his Building Maintenance class into random groups where white supremacists may be working on the same team as Native Americans. This choice was intentional; “there’s no affiliation on a job site, so you don’t get that here,” Tony told his students. Yet not long after the start of such teamwork, tools began flying. One student was...
Blog Post

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! The Impact of Data on Community Growth: ACEs Connection's Framework and Tools

Tara Mah ·
What can organizations do to be successful in growing their ACEs initiatives and trauma-informed communities? This is the question that Jane Stevens, founder of the social network and news site , helps to answer. For the last several years, Jane and her team at ACEs Connection have been collecting information from communities as they start and grow their ACEs initiatives. ACEs Connection staff watched and reported on communities like Walla Walla as they lay...
Blog Post

UK visitor to learn about resilience work in Walla Walla []

Clare Reidy ·
By Annie Charnley Eveland | September 11, 2018 Back in February, Tod Sullivan contacted Teri Barila, Community Resilience Initiative director in Walla Walla, to visit the Valley and see how core principles of trauma-informed practices are being applied at the community level. Teri will host Tod, currently mental health ambassador from Lowestoft, Suffolk County, England, when he comes here to connect with Community Resilience Initiative partners. He will be in the Valley from Sept. 24-Oct. 5...
Blog Post

Walla Walla City and County Proclamation

Tara Mah ·
This week, Teri Barila of CRI kicked off October is Resilience Month with two proclamations- one with the city of Walla Walla, and the other with the county. Teri, accompanied by Tod Sullivan, met on Monday with the Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners to discuss efforts in increasing community-wide resilience, including raising awareness about trauma and ACEs and strengthening community partners. Teri and Tod spoke to the important role of community- above individual resilience- in...
Blog Post

Alive and Well: Moving Missouri Toward Grass-Roots and System-Wide Change

Anndee Hochman ·
On the eastern edge of Missouri, leaders of the Alive and Well network had generated a robust media campaign to help people understand the impact of trauma and toxic stress on health and well-being. There was a monthly column in an African-American newspaper, spots about toxic stress and resilience on urban radio stations and weekly public service features on the NBC affiliate, with physicians, clergy and teachers advocating ways to “be alive and well.” Two hundred and fifty miles to the...
Blog Post

Artists in the ACE and Resilience Movement: Creative Avenues to Change

Anndee Hochman ·
They began with a song and ended with a poem. In-between, there were photographs and giant graphic renderings, movement exercises and a “human pulse” formed when 90 people stood in a circle and squeezed each other’s hands. At a June summit in Whatcom County, Washington, titled “Our Resilient Community: A Community Conversation on Resilience and Equity,” the arts played a starring role. Kristi Slette, executive director of the Whatcom Family and Community Network, one of two Washington sites...
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Bringing ACEs, Resilience, and Hope to preschool families

McKinley McPheeters ·
This school year, an endeavor of the Franklin Pierce Hewins Early Learning Center (ELC) was to bring Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Resilience to the preschool families. What began as a broad idea soon turned into an exciting project: “Rise to Resilience & Hope”. Our ELC has had a Kids at Hope culture for many years – believing that all children are capable of success, with no exceptions. With Kids at Hope, the adults are Treasure Hunters, seeking out and recognizing the...
Blog Post

Building Resilience in Children - 20 Practical, Powerful Strategies (backed by science)

Pam Hansen ·
This is an accessible, practical article. After a brief definition and explanation of resilience, it gives 20 easy, realistic strategies for building resilience in children. Share this with everyone you know!
Blog Post

By Any Name, Emotional Maltreatment Is Destructive!

Rick Griffin ·
Recently I conducted a Google search for synonyms of emotional maltreatment. Phrases such as mental abuse and psychological abuse were fairly common. However, I also saw phrases such as The Quiet Killer and Invisible Violence. By any name, emotional maltreatment is destructive. Unfortunately, not all agree on what constitutes emotional maltreatment. On one hand, no one would deny that a child being called worthless repeatedly would be considered emotional maltreatment. On the other hand,...
Blog Post

CRI's Search for National Resilience Champions

Kathryn Padberg ·
CRI is the nation’s first Resilience community network and a national leader in the effort to create and support inclusive, equitable and healthy communities who understand, model and promote the common language of safety, connection and love. Contextual community resilience is our emphasis and helping to share that message is our passion. Why did CRI create a national resiliency award? Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling...
Blog Post

Each Piece of the Puzzle Matters: Meet Leslie Sweetwood

Tara Mah ·
All 350 puzzles had been packaged, labeled, and were ready to be given away as gifts and an activity for conference goers. Teri Barila of CRI and her daughter Whitney had spent hours putting everything together when they noticed- the dog. And a puzzle piece in his mouth. Half-chewed. Discouraged, they looked over at the pile of boxes as Whitney muttered, “are we going to have to open every one of those?” Without knowing which puzzle was missing a piece, Teri had to get creative. Another...
Blog Post

Experts reveal stress, trauma impacts kids’ development; urge adults to foster resilience []

Clare Reidy ·
by Elise Haas WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Now more than ever, both parents and professionals struggle to understand the complex and continued impacts of chronic stress and trauma on a child's brain development. The documentary, Paper Tigers , based in Walla Walla, sparked renewed interest in the effects of chronic, overwhelming stress and trauma on children’s development. That's why hundreds of parents, educators, mental health workers, and others gathered at Whitman College in Walla Walla for the...
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Leaders explore community wide resiliency []

Clare Reidy ·
By Emily Thornton | March 10, 2019 Everyone has experienced some kind of trauma, experts say, and people need to know how to work through it to help others also facing traumatic events. That was the message presented to 35 representatives from various local organizations who attended a Community Resilience Initiative training on Friday in the Walla Walla Airport conference room sponsored by United Way of Walla Walla and organized by Walla Walla’s Community Council Speakers discussed...
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Leading the Way Back

Rebecca Cooley ·
COVID-19—the mere mention strikes a sour reaction in the minds and hearts of everyone on the entire planet. All of our lives have been impacted, and may I say, even traumatized by the small but mighty coronavirus identified in 2019. It has made an indelible mark on every individual that no amount of hand washing or sanitizer can erase. Thousands have lost their lives, millions have lost their livelihoods and kids were dismissed from school for what would become a never ending Spring Break,...

Re: Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Teaching Employability in Prisons: Tony McGuire’s Harmony of Emotional Resilience and Building Instruction

Virginia Foote ·
Tony has the right heart and he shows it to all! I saw him at Beyond Paper Tigers last summer and I'm excited the Tony and Teri will be in Lewiston, ID at Lewis Clark State College on April 20th! Register for his presentation!

Re: Meet CRI Founder Teri Barila

Jennifer Hossler ·
Teri is the best!

Re: Walla Walla City and County Proclamation

Karen Clemmer ·
Thank you for being leaders in the ACEs movement! Leveraging local political and key leader support is a powerful way to build momentum and deepen understanding about ACEs science! Karen " A Proclamation gives formal recognition to a cause, and we are excited to receive the support of both the county and city of Walla Walla. "


Rebecca Cooley ·
Blog Post

Beyond Paper Tigers Conference LIVE webinar June 24-25

Rebecca Cooley ·
CRI is proud to announce its 5th annual BPT Conference is going virtual. The theme this year is Resilience through Diversity: The power of trauma-informed DEI practices. BPT is a medium to share and learn from communities around the world. Over two days you will have the option of attending: 6 live presentations, 2 keynotes, 15 pre-recorded on-demand presentations, and on-demand screenings of 'Paper Tigers', 'Resilience' and the premiere of the documentary 'Visceral' with live Q&A...
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October is for Resilience-Building

India Flinchum ·
Until I read “The Deepest Well” by Dr. Nadien Burke Harris, I had never heard of Adverse Childhood Experience, toxic stress, or epigenetics. Yes, I was aware that trauma can be transferred genetically, but my knowledge stopped and ended at trauma’s impact on the body due to major world and life events. In essence, I knew of trauma’s impact of the body only in terms of contexts like slavery, 9/11, and the holocaust. I did not know that the shortening of telomeres, stunted amygdala growth, and...
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Online workshop Nov 30, Dev 7 & 14 - Reimagining Resilience - Through a Trauma Lens

Mary Power ·
For more information and to register - Reimagining Resilience: Using a Trauma Lens helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. We will explore the impact of adverse experiences and the effect they have on developing brains and student behavior. The course gives teachers, parents, and other adults working closely with kids the skills they need to make sure that every child knows that they matter. An online...
Blog Post

8th Annual October Resilience Month Reflection

Robin Glaeser ·
Written by: India Flinchum, Whitman College Community Fellow Program The Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) of Walla Walla, hosted its 8th annual “October is Resilience Month” (ORM) event in October, 2020. The aim of the yearly ORM series is to build resilience, encourage community-engagement, and inspire self-reflection among members of the Walla Walla community. Through community events and CRI-hosted learning modules, CRI welcomed the general public once again, opening its arms to...
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Scholarships now available for Mind Matters Now!

Kennedy Petit ·
Has the pandemic stressed you out? Want to learn the self-soothing skills of Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience directly from the author, Dr. Carolyn Curtis? Good news! The Dibble Institute has received generous funding for scholarships to the online, full 12-lesson series, Mind Matters Now . The course helps teachers, social workers, medical professionals, and others manage their stress by building resilience skills and practices for mental well-being. (CEU’s are...
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The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration

Kahshanna Evans ·
PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
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Don't Miss CRI's Conference 2023: Pathways to Resilience

Ursula Volwiler ·
Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) is presenting its first in-person conference after gathering online over the past three years due to COVID restrictions. This year’s conference takes place from July 20 to 21, 2023 at the beautiful Hotel Roanoke Conference Center in Roanoke, VA. Entitled Pathways to Resilience , the conferenc e offers a multitude of talks, presentations, activities and workshops focused on processing the collective trauma we all have lived through over the past few years...
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