Request for Letters of Intent
Due March 4, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. PST
Washington State Department of Health (DOH) proposes to fund projects aimed at improving maternal health and birth outcomes in priority populations through the Center for Disease Control Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHS). We are inviting communities to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to apply for direct funds to plan and implement a three year Birth Equity Project aimed at achieving these goals. This project will support holistic, culturally appropriate and multigenerational approaches to improving the health of mother and baby. Funded projects will achieve measurable and meaningful outcomes through implementation of evidence based/evidence informed or community informed prevention models.
Maternal health, birth outcomes and infant mortality rates are associated with a population's access to quality medical care, health status, public health policies and practices, as well as social, economic, environmental, and political conditions that influence a person’s health. From 2011-2015, Washington State’s Non-Hispanic (NH) Black/African American population had the highest infant mortality rate at 8.9 per 1,000 live births, followed by NH American Indian/Alaska Native (8.4 per 1,000) and NH Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (7.7 per 1,000), compared to NH White (4.2 per 1,000). These disparities have been relatively constant over the last two decades in our state.
DOH is committed to decreasing birth outcome health disparities in all racial/ethnic and economic groups. DOH believes that by funding evidence based/evidence informed programs or community informed practices that are culturally appropriate and focus on the root causes of inequities, we can successfully reduce population- based disparities.
A minimum of three Washington State organizations will be chosen through a competitive community selection process. Based on statewide health disparity data, at least one award will be to a project focused on improving outcomes among Black/African American communities and at least one award will be to a project focused on improving outcomes among American Indian/Alaska Native communities. All other awards will be based on communities with a demonstrated maternal health and birth outcomes health disparity.
Awardees will receive planning funds ranging from $25,000-$50,000 to work with DOH staff in a three- month planning phase from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019, followed by three years of implementation of the proposed project starting on October 1, 2019. Funding beyond September 2020 is subject to availability.
Eligible entities are those with demonstrable experience working with and possessing cultural understanding of Non-Hispanic Black/African-American or American Indian/Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander communities as well as communities with a demonstrated disparity.
· Public or private for- and nonprofit community based organizations to include Urban Indian health organizations.
· Government organizations including local health jurisdictions, American Indian/Alaska Native Tribal governments and/or tribally designated organizations.
Our work together over the next three years will be critical to improving our understanding of how to reduce rates of maternal and infant health disparities and invest in community-based approaches and expertise.
- Support and build upon strong community partnerships
- Utilize evidence based/evidence informed programs or community informed practices that are culturally relevant
- Address key social determinants of health impacting maternal health and birth outcomes
- Build community capacity and sustainability
- Identify evaluation strategies and sustainability approaches
- Implement responsive, community led approaches
The LOI is limited to four pages plus the cover sheet and the LOI Checklist of Assurances. For consideration, please submit:
- Completed cover sheet (see page 4)
- Answer Letter of Intent questions (maximum four pages, font size 11, single spaced)
- Complete the Letter of Intent to Apply Checklist of Assurances (see page 5)
Please briefly respond to the following Letter of Intent questions:
- Tell us how this project fits your organization’s purpose and or mission statement.
- Describe the community/communities you are proposing to serve with this funding and your rationale by utilizing available data on health disparities.
- Describe the new or existing program or intervention(s) you intend to implement.
- Describe your current community partnerships, and or partnerships you plan to build through this project. How would these partnerships help you improve maternal health or birth outcomes in the priority populations referenced above?
- Describe your organizational expertise in the priority populations you will be serving:
- Supporting maternal health and healthy birth outcomes in Non-Hispanic Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, or communities with a demonstrated maternal health and birth outcomes health disparity.
- Skills, knowledge or experience in implementing programs within community, and or healthcare settings.
- Complete the Checklist of Assurances (see page 5) and sign.
The Letter of Intent must be received by 5:00 pm on March 4, 2019 PST. Submit via email toBrittany.Hinchcliffe@doh.wa.
A multi-disciplinary team from the DOH Office of Family and Community Health Improvement will review the Letters of Intent for basic eligibility criteria. Applicants selected to submit a full proposal will be notified by 5:00 pm on March 6, 2019. All applicants invited to submit a full proposal must attend an Applicant’s Conference Call on March 14, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. via GoTo conference call. The Applicant’s conference call will include criteria on components of a successful application proposal. Full applications will be due to DOH by April 15, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. PST. Please be advised that Letters of Intent and proposals are non-binding.
Please direct all communication about this LOI to: Brittany Hinchcliffe, Department of Health, Office of Family and Community Health Improvement, Brittany.Hinchcliffe@doh.wa.
DISCLAIMER: Items listed in the list above are provided as a public service and do not necessarily represent the views of the Washington State Department of Health nor does it imply endorsement of the item’s methods or findings. The Department of Health assumes no responsibility for the factual accuracy of the items presented. The selection, omission, or content of items does not imply any endorsement or other position taken by the Department of Health.
Contact Information: Tory Henderson, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Consultant
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