Choose from 4 workshops offered April - June including a Provider World Cafe on self-care! You can access more information at
Please register for each event online at, or by calling (530) 723-5226, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration opens the 15th of the month prior to the event. All events are free, have limited space available, and are subject to change.
See the attachment for details about each workshop.
Por favor regístrese para cada evento en línea o llamando a (530) 723-5226, lunes a viernes, entre 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Inscripción para un evento comienza el 15 del mes previo al evento. Todos los eventos son gratis, el espacio es limitado, y están sujetos a cambios.
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