Haydee Dabritz, Gail Kennedy, Regan Overholt, Jane Stevens, Anna Sutton.
We spent a lot of the meeting time talking about what organizations and agencies in the county we need to reach out to. We came up with this list, with the goal of reaching out to these folks before our next meeting on Dec. 19.
We jumped around a bit....
Yolo County Children's Alliance -- Natalie is arranging for Jane to present sometime in January/February.
Rotary Clubs -- Jane is presenting to the Davis Sunrise Rotary on Dec. 12. There are five other Rotary Clubs in Yolo County. Jane will make contact with them.
Perinatal providers -- Medical providers (Dignity Health, Woodland Clinic, Communicare x 3, Winters Health Care.)
Faith-based community -- Anna will contact someone at the Davis Unitarian Church (Gail knows someone there, too). She has a distribution list of faith-based communities in Yolo County.
Yolo Social Services -- Amy
First Five Family Focus Forum (March/April) -- Regan
Yolo County Health Council -- Anna
Yolo County District Atty's Office..Rob Strange -- Anna
Davis Police Department....Trece Peterson -- Gail
Public health nurses for vulnerable populations -- Anna
...before dissecting organizations and sectors within the schools:
Davis Unified schools --
Davis Parent University -- Gail
DaVinci High School students -- Gail
DaVinci Boosters (parents) -- Regan
Clark Bryant (deputy superintendent for instruction elementary for teachers) -- Regan.
Principals -- Gail
Counselors -- Gail will ask Cara Messmore
Climate committees at school -- Gail to contact Kate Snow
Special education department -- Regan
Yolo County education
Yolo County school nurses, version 2 (Jane did presentation in Nov to NorCal division) -- Anna (will ask Lisa when we can put info about ACEs into school nurse newsletter)
Foster parent group (90-100 go thru Cherie Schroeder's training, so can we enlist them?) -- Regan
Yolo Cty Supt. of Schools Jessie Ortiz (he starts in January. Contact him in February) -- Regan
Head Start, preschools -- Regan
Our first ask in contacting any organization is to do a presentation. At the end of the presentation, the ask is
they join the goal in having Yolo County become trauma-informed, embrace the integration of practices based on ACEs research in their organizations, and start some pilot project. OR another presentation focused on more details about how organizations like theirs have integrated ACEs practices, and what the outcomes have been.
Gail, Anna and Regan will form a schools subcommittee with the goal of doing presentations to all these groups, with the ask they join the goal in having Yolo County become trauma-informed, embrace the integration of practices based on ACEs research in all schools, and start a pilot in one or two or three ASAP.
After realizing just how many organizations we needed to educate and inform about ACEs research and implementation, we discussed Connie Valentine's wonderful offer of organizing the child abuse conference in April 2016. It's pretty clear that we need all of 2015 to build a strong foundation of education and interest before holding a successful ACEs summit in Yolo County. So, we'll ask Connie if she can do the conference one more year, and then we'll take it over. [JANE -- I did so, and she understands completely.]
So....Regan, Gail, Anna....after you make your contacts, will you put them into our Google Spreadsheet?
Or, if you hate working with spreadsheets, open this file, and put the information in the appropriate spot in the above text.
I'm sure I've left something out, so please add in the comments, or edit this page. And please let me know if you have any questions.
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