We met at Tres Hermanas in Davis, CA, on January 24, 2014:
Tracy Fauver
Gail Kennedy
Cherie Schroeder
Jane Stevens
Connie Valentine
We made plans for the April 5 conference: "Childhood Trauma: Focusing on Solutions"
This is the 20th year for this conference, which began its focus on child sex abuse, and now has expanded to include childhood trauma, and this year, as the title indicates, will focus on solutions.
Connie filled us in on the morning agenda (attorney Wendy Murphy; Johnna Janis, a survivor who's making a documentary about child sex abuse). Connie gave us the afternoon, from 1 pm - 5 pm. The conference will take place at Veteran's Memorial Center in Davis.
We will invite Dr. Joyce Dorado, a clinical psychologist who co-founded the HEARTS trauma-informed practices program that's being used in three San Francisco elementary schools, to give a talk about ACEs, the neurobiology of toxic stress, and how HEARTS was implemented.
We will also have a panel comprising people in Yolo County who are implementing trauma-informed practices. Our suggested list was:
Alissa Sykes - Division Manager, Child Welfare Services - alissa.sykes@cws.state.ca.us
Shaunda Cruz - Juvenile Program Manager, Yolo County Probation Department -shaunda.cruz@yolocounty.org
Karleen Watson - Adolescent Services Supervisor, CommuniCare Health Centers, Behavioral Health Program - karleenw@communicarehc.org
Cherie Schroeder, Instruction Specialist/Program Director, Foster & Kinship Care Education, Woodland Community College, cherie@yolofostercare.com
Tracy Fauver engineered a coup by engaging the Museum of Lost Childhoods to put up their exhibit at the conference. The Survivor Quilts will also be displayed.
To check out progress on developing the agenda, and offer suggestions, check out the page: April 5 conference program.
Connie -- first draft of agenda
Gail -- food/lunch for the conference
Jane -- invite, manage afternoon speaker/panel
Tracy -- raise funding for the Museum of Lost Childhood
Please add information/corrections in comments if I've left anything out.
Cheers, Jane
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