Attached and embedded below can be found our "meeting minutes". Thanks for compiling notes, Anna! And thanks all for attending and enjoying a birthday celebration for Jane and Ramy!
As I promised in the meeting, I created a "Trauma-Informed Schools" Collection (on left-hand side of the home page). For everyone that posts, be sure if schools related to click on the TI schools box so it gets captured in that group.
Also, I spoke to Jane after our meeting (we missed you, Jane!) and she said two things:
1. Sonoma Co did an evaluation of Paper Tigers but it was directed to selected audiences ( MIGHT WE WANT TO SHOW PAPER TIGERS TO COUNTY HHS EMPLOYEES SOME TIME DURING THE WEEK? We could conduct an eval of that showing.
2. Jane felt there needed to be some kind of facilitated discussion after the film showing- it is bound to elicit discussion and we would hate to send folks away without being able to help them process it some. DO WE HAVE ANYONE WILLING TO FACILITATE THE EVENTS?
1. Welcome and Intros – Gail/Group
Cara Messmore - DaVinci, Head Counselor, DJUSD Tracy Fauver – Yolo CASA, Lisa Young, SELPA rep, Joanna Litell - Crisis Counselor – DJUSD, Natalie Zehnder – Counselor, DJUSD, Julie Langston, NP - BEAR clinic, Camilla Tucker - Empower Yolo, Regan Overholt - First 5, Lisa Mueller (HHSA), Karleen Jakowski (CCHC – Behavioral Health/Adolescent), Justine Jimenez - Race to the top (City of West Sac), Ramy Husseini (HHSA), Susan Jones (PBIS Sacto), Sarah Roseen (WJUSD), Anna Sutton (HHSA)
2. Paper Tigers
- 10/6 Woodland (Pioneer HS) 6-9pm
- 10/7 Davis (Brunelle) 6-9pm
- 10/8 West Sac (Community Center?) Justine Jimenez (maybe Oscar Villegas,
- 10/16: Sacramento ACEs connection Conference "Beyond Trauma: creating a resilient Sacramento" (panels still under development – will be posted once determined). Movie @ 6:30pm. Objective: talk about what is happening in Sacramento
- 10/16 filming: Jamie Redford, Jim Sporletter (Principal), and students coming!!!!
- 10/17 (Saturday) half day workshop for teachers ($99). You get to sit down with Jim Sporletter & teachers from highlighted school Out in Fair Oaks at Rudolf Steiner College. Notice will be sent around when finalized.
Times: Film is almost two hours.
Panel post movie? not much time.
** Get ACEsConnection notecards from Jane OR Print Yolo Resilience Network cards Tracy will coordinate materials to be distributed (handouts) **Evaluation piece - "interest level" cards (Karleen will f/u on getting the templates)
such as "I'd like to stay informed versus become involved, join ACEs Connection"
What is our goal? Identify people who want to be informed and get involved. Possibly use Poll Everywhere to evaluate folks?
Cannot advertise on newspaper, but can put it on district website.
Brown Paper- people must register. (Julie to coordinate)
Time: 6-9pm
Reps from the district would be great + Steering committee members Schools have an opportunity to say what they're already doing
Invites: Gail will invite Robb Davis, invite School Board Members, Contact Emily Ault about posting on FB DJUSD Parent Group and DPU Davis (Natalie Z) - Invite Madhavi, Winfred to say something
Woodland (Sarah Roseen) - Dan Wolk - Susan Jones to contact Dan, Karleen and Lisa M to invite Judge Basha Regan - first 5 to invite Commissioners
Trauma Informed Schools: SF Training (SF Hearts) 3 day nuts and bolts of how to become trauma informed. 10 people can attend from Yolo. Starts 9/25. October 28th and 29th. and County office of Ed need to go Track 1. Those who go to SF have agreed to bring back trainings and invite others to these trainings back in Yolo. Possible other opportunity for more training in Fairfiield in future.
Rudolph Steiner group has already committed has already committed to bringing back the Washington team back for another training.
Julie Langston, Melanie Bowen: stress workshop is being done 9/10 Trauma and the brain, Love and Logic Resources Info and flier available on the Blog section
Resources for parents:
Yoga, meditation resources
Maybe post the TM in School article
3. ACES presentations
Karleen & Gail (Jails) - a lot of CommuniCare people. Starting to talk about impact on adult.
Poll Everywhere worked well. ACEs scores were actually higher than from CDC study.
Next Yolo Community Meeting: do the Poll Everywhere and get our ACEs score
Next Meeting: September 24, 2015 3-4:30pm @ First 5
- Roadmap next meeting
- Assets mapping next meeting
- Poll Everywhere
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