UPDATED NOTE: For Outside Agencies and Districts – Thank you for your interest, we are happy to have you, please complete the form (Attached) below and email to Nicole LoBese (nicole.lobese@sanjuan.edu). by 5pm on JUNE 2, 2017.
Brief summary of the day – Keynotes focus on ACEs study, physiology and neurology of the brain and impact of trauma on behavior. Participants would gain basic understanding of the brain science of reactivity and stress, how staff can prevent and intervene with students showing distress. Participants would learn behavioral components such as communication cycles, impact vs intent, function of (mis)behavior, stress and coping mechanisms and how school-wide behavioral supports can allow students to better access instruction through mindful approaches. (See Flyer attached)
- Understand how trauma impacts learning across all environments
- Reflect on discipline data trends
- Practice of specific tools to de-escalate
- Develop/refine tiered intervention strategies for 2017-2018
To REGISTER: Nicole LoBese (916) 971-7220 or nicole.lobese@sanjuan.edu
For Questions about the training contact Kate Hazarian (kate.hazarian@sanjuan.edu) or Susan Jones (susan.jones@sanjuan.edu)
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