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Washington State Study Shows Promise for Community Network-Driven Approach to ACEs (Chronicle of Social Change)

A couple of weeks ago results from three-year study from Washington State assessing the impact of community networks to address issues related to health and well-being issues raised by ACEs.  The study was conducted by ACEs Public-Private Initiative (APPI), a group of government agencies, philanthropic foundations and community organizations in Washington that formed with the hope of finding and promoting effective interventions to address ACEs in the state.

“There isn’t just one program that’s going to have that impact and address the complexities that are addressed in the ACEs study,” according to Kathy Adams, a member of APPI who has also worked with the Whatcom Family and Community Network.  “It really takes a community-driven effort that is based on the data in each community to create a culture shift that will lead to a healthier and safer society.”

Each site had a different model for creating community change, though the three factors that were most aligned with successful outcomes were collective community capacity, community network structure and effective community change strategies. 

There is lots of great information for us to consider as we think about what is needed to spread the word about ACEs and create that culture shift to lead to healthier and safer communities.

To read a brief overview of the study summarized in Chronicle of Social Change go HERE 

To read the full evaluation results for the APPI study:

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