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Tagged With "Resilient Read"

Calendar Event

The Pair of ACEs: Building Community Resilience

Blog Post

10 Nature Activities to Help Get Your Family Through the Coronavirus Pandemic []

By Richard Louv, Children & Nature Network, March 16, 2020 If the coronavirus spreads at the rate that experts believe it will, schools, workplaces and businesses will continue to close. Here’s a thread of silver lining. We’ll have more time for each other and nature. And, at least so far, nature’s always open. Getting outside — but at a safe distance from other people — can be one way to boost your family’s resilience. If you spend too much time indoors, “your vitamin D level goes...
Blog Post

10 Ways to Ease Your Coronavirus Anxiety []

By Simran Sethi, The New York Times, March 18, 2020 “Life is one thing after another,” Dr. Harriet Lerner, a psychologist and author, said. “And just because the universe has already sent us one big stress, it doesn’t mean we won’t be hit with others.” Dr. Lerner has spent much of her career researching the effects of anxiety and fear on individuals, families and larger systems. She has also managed anxiety in her own life (documented in her best seller “The Dance of Fear”). That makes her...
Blog Post

2019 Child Development Conference: Building Resilient Children: Request for speakers and vendors

Bonnie Berman ·
The theme is "Building Resilient Children." This year will feature Keynote Speaker Julie Kurtz, LMFT. Ms. Kurtz is the Co-Director for Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Education at the Center for Family & Child Studies at WestEd. WHAT : 2019 Child Development Conference WHEN : April 20, 2019 WHERE: UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center TIME : 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The conference is free to the community, and lunch is included. Registration details will follow. Attached...
Blog Post

2019 Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL) Webinar Series

ACEs Connection presents, "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)" , an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs intiatives. "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities:...
Blog Post

2nd Annual Building a Resilient Yolo

Bonnie Berman ·
In Partnerhsip with: Resilient Yolo, Yolo CASA , Yolo County Child Welfare Services, Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency, Yolo SELPA We will learn about the latest in relationship-based strategies for keeping youth engaged in school and throughout our community and how to increase our collective impact in creating and sustaining a positive school and community climate. Date: Monday, October 30th Location: Yolo County Office of Education, 1280 Santa Anita Ct., Ste. 120, Woodland, CA...
Blog Post

2nd Annual Building a Resilient Yolo Summit

Bonnie Berman ·
In Partnerhsip with: Resilient Yolo, Yolo CASA , Yolo County Child Welfare Services, Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency, Yolo SELPA We will learn about the latest in relationship-based strategies for keeping youth engaged in school and throughout our community and how to increase our collective impact in creating and sustaining a positive school and community climate. Date: Monday, October 30th Location: Yolo County Office of Education, 1280 Santa Anita Ct., Ste. 120, Woodland, CA...
Blog Post

3rd annual Building a Resilient Yolo conference October 30th!

Bonnie Berman ·
Don't miss this year's Building A Resilient Yolo summit. The summit will include discussions and learning opportunities about how to improve and restore the lives of children and families who have experienced adversity and trauma. DATE: October 30th TIME: 8:00am - 4:00pm LOCATION: Yolo County Office of Education Conference Center COST: $25 per person, lunch is included Tracy Fauver, a member of Resilient Yolo and executive Director of Yolo County CASA states, " We come together and take a...
Blog Post

3rd Building a Resilient Yolo Summit on 10/30; "Be The One"!

Bonnie Berman ·
Please come to our 3rd Building a Resilient Yolo Summit on 10/30. Our theme is "Be The One". Share this link with anyone you think might be interested! Click here for a shortcut to registration.< pWgMJAWwzyN1TBRx 0sF68DVnWexfaUGv-mxKrZ8gaIkQ/v iewform > See the attached agenda for more details. Join youth, partners, and community members in a county-wide inter-agency learning, networking, and planning opportunity. Together, we will learn...
Blog Post

A fun way to de-stress for everyone!

Gail Kennedy ·
  Read more here:  
Blog Post

A Guide to Providing Telehealth During the COVID-19 Crisis

Daren Casagrande ·
Many of us in the mental health field are being thrust into unfamiliar territory as clinicians in the midst of the COVID-19 response. We either risk personal health (and the health of our clients) by seeing people in person, or needing to utilize technologies that we may be unfamiliar with. Further, those technologies have fluid legal/ethical standards (and is even more fluid at present to accommodate the pandemic), and which require different skill sets that in-person therapy. I am...
Blog Post

A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty

Bonnie Berman ·
In 2015, Congress charged the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to identify strategies for a quick and significant reduction in child poverty. The resulting report, A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty , finds that many poverty-reducing programs, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, promote babies’ healthy development. 25246/chapter/2
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Network and The Kennedy Forum host pre-premiere of the documentary "Paper Tigers"

Gail Kennedy ·
Please read article below by ACEs Connection staff member, Elizabeth Prewitt, about the screening of Paper Tigers as we in Yolo plan for a screening of the documentary this Fall! - Gail   When I heard this vignette, I realized the full potential...
Blog Post

ACEs is gathering crowds

Gail Kennedy ·
This was posted by Jane Stevens last night. Read about Yolo Co efforts which are featured prominently in her story!   Last Thursday, on opposite sides of the country, two groundbreaking projects launched. In Philadelphia, 14 communities were...
Blog Post

Cherokee Point Youth Leaders learn about Child Abuse Prevention month

Jennifer Hossler ·
Read below about what Cherokee Point, San Diego Youth Leaders are doing. Something to strive for to engage our youth voices in Yolo County? Some days at work are better than others. Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in awhile! I had the chance to speak to a small group of youth leaders from Cherokee Point Elementary School on Wednesday. As a representative of the Chadwick Center for Children & Families, I came to talk with them about Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) month, which is...
Blog Post

Children's Mental Health Awareness Day Carnival

Bonnie Berman ·
Join us on Thursday, May 10th from 3pm-5pm at the Woodland HHSA Bauer Building for fun and community engagement. Feel free to set up a table at our lobby for your programs if you'd like, or just have materials at the Provider table we are setting up. Invite your clients (not limited to children clients) and staff. Please read the attached flyer for more details. Contact Kim Narvaez, the Children's Mental Health Program Manager, at 530-666-8513 with questions.
Blog Post

Community advocates and Bay Area county health agencies work together on trauma-informed systems change

Laurie Udesky ·
The talk around the table is not what one might expect when community advocates begin a meeting with county health officials. “I went into this [work] through my own lived experience of trauma and family addiction,” said Toni DeMarco, the deputy director of children’s services for San Mateo County Health System. Rocsana Enriquez, who teaches yoga to teens in juvenile hall in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and in high schools for the Palo Alto-based Art of Yoga Project , chimed in. “I’m...
Blog Post

Convening about Building Community Resilience Toolkit

Bonnie Berman ·
Capital Learning Community Convening Creating common approaches to promote community and family healing through resiliency WHEN: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pm, Check-in at 9:00 am Join online or in-person in Sacramento To register: es/learning-communities/ This convening will guide participants in working toward developing a common understanding of the regional needs and issues. We will introduce the newly developed Strategies 2.0 the...
Blog Post

Coronavirus: Kind Canadians start 'caremongering' trend [bbc.]

By Tom Gerken, British Broadcasting Corporation, March 16, 2020 More than 35 Facebook groups have been set up in 72 hours to serve communities in places including Ottawa, Halifax and Annapolis County in Nova Scotia, with more than 30,000 members between them. People are joining the groups to offer help to others within their communities, particularly those who are more at risk of health complications related to coronavirus. The pandemic has led to acts of kindness around the world, from...
Blog Post

Coronavirus underscores need for healing America’s racial divisions []

Mai Le ·
By Shawn Ginwright, April 14, 2020 The reports of racial disparities among COVID-19 victims should not surprise us. African Americans and Latinos have typically experienced disproportionate exposure to a range of health issues. For example, African Americans are twice as likely to die of heart disease as their white counterparts. Consider that Latinos are 50% more likely than whites to die of diabetes or liver disease. These issues are not determined by biology, but by a history of policies...
Blog Post

Could We Have a Revolution in the Lives of Teachers and Students?

Gail Kennedy ·
Rebecca Pepper Sinkler- former editor of The New York Times Book Review and editor of SafeKidsStories shares the perspective of staff who attended a course given by the Institute for Family Professionals (IFP) , an organization based in Philadelphia that, since 2003, has provided training for professionals who work with children and families. Using recent research on brain theory and the effects of childhood trauma, IFP provides researched and proven best practices on topics such as...
Blog Post

County draws up three-year mental health services plan [Davis Enterprise]

Gail Kennedy ·
WOODLAND — Yolo County is looking to improve access to mental health services for children and adults as well as ensure that people who have spent time institutionalized due to mental illness get the services they need once they return to the community. The plan is to do so through the next round of Mental Health Services Act expenditures. Like all counties, Yolo receives a portion of the revenue raised under Proposition 63 — approved by voters in 2004 — which created a 1-percent tax on...
Blog Post

County supervisors want Basha out of juvenile dependency court

Gail Kennedy ·
Comments from Gail: Tracy and I were texting about this tonight. Judge Basha has been a big supporter of Resilient Yolo and raising awareness of ACEs Science in our community. It seems we need to do some educating to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors about ACEs Science and how ACEs effect generations and how we must educate and create systems that do not re-traumatize the families we are trying to help... WOODLAND — The Yolo County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to ask Superior Court...
Blog Post

COVID-19 resources for Families/Clients

Bonnie Berman ·
COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families from Generations United Find lots of great resources for grandparents and kinship care families in the attached document. Futures without Violence: Tip sheet for Family and Friends of Families Experiencing Violence at Home Attached please find 8 different ways to help children and adults living with violence. Renter protection videos from Legal Services of Northern CA (LSNC) LSNC staff created these accessible videos hoping...
Blog PostFeatured

ACEs science can prevent school shootings, but first people have to learn about ACEs science

Jane Stevens ·
The shooting in Florida isn’t only a gun regulation issue. It’s a systems change issue. All of our systems have to change their approach to changing behavior — whether it’s criminal, unhealthy or unwanted behavior — from a blame, shame and punishment approach, to one that is based in understanding, nurturing and healing….in other words, ACEs science.
Blog Post

Make Time for Yourself—A Self-Care Guide for Busy Parents from Yolo County Children's Alliance

Natalie Audage ·
Yolo County Children’s Alliance is excited to share our new self-care resource for parents and caregivers for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Make Time for Yourself—A Self-Care Guide for Busy Parents talks about the importance of self-care and provides many ideas to try. The guide is available in English, Spanish, and Russian at . To help parents prioritize self-care, the guide divides specific self-care ideas into those that only take 5 minutes to do and those...
Blog Post

Announcing a New Parenting and ACEs Blog from Stress Health, an Initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness

Diana Hembree ·
Research shows that the right kind of support and care can mitigate the impact of toxic stress in children and help them bounce back.
Blog Post

Announcing a Resilient Yolo/Davis chapter!

Bonnie Berman ·
Resilient Yolo intends to start a local Davis chapter, Resilient Yolo/Davis. Resilient Yolo is a grassroots movement educating people in Yolo County about ACEs, adverse childhood experiences and their relationship to long term health outcomes. Our intent is that everyone in Yolo County integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives. To become involved in the creation of the Resilient Yolo/Davis chapter join us at an...
Blog Post

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month - Calendar of Events

Gail Kennedy ·
APRIL is National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month . Please see the 2015 Calendar of events for Yolo County!    (to read in full view, see Clips Section).
Blog Post

April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month []

By Special to The Enterprise, Davis Enterprise, April 4, 2020 As the community responds to measures put in place to “flatten the curve” and conserve our medical resources in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), many families are placed in a state of unprecedented stress — financially, emotionally, personally and professionally. Families and children face fear and anxiety due to the increasing severity of restrictions, ongoing disruptions in routine, uncertainty about the future, and...
Blog Post

ARTICLE by Yolo County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC)

Bonnie Berman ·
Commentary: Support children and families in Davis Enterprise During this extraordinary time, the Yolo County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) recognizes that now, more than ever, we need concrete ways to support Yolo children and families. Please read the full article to learn about some of the ways the CAPC recommends supporting children and families in Yolo County.
Blog Post

Article: California unveils ACEs Aware initiative to screen for trauma

Bonnie Berman ·
Will screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in California be mandatory? No, but it’s recommended. Will there be training for physicians and staff on how to screen? Yes. Who will be reimbursed for screening patients in California? Physicians who serve patients in the state’s Medi-Cal program — for now. For more answers to these and other questions that surfaced during a Dec. 4 webinar introducing Californians to a new statewide initiative, read on. Come January 1, California will...
Blog Post

Article: It Starts with the Kids

Bonnie Berman ·
It Starts with the Kids by Tracy Fauver, Executive Director of Yolo County CASA Even in the very early grades, I noticed my kids had back to school radar. After all, there were a lot of clues. We always went shopping for new clothes to fit their rapidly growing bodies. Then there was the mail. Each day, as the school year was coming around, my girls would start to care ALOT about the mail. They knew class assignments were coming... and they wondered which teacher they would get, and which...
Blog Post

Attachment, Loss, Grief and the Holidays - Building Resiliency

Bonnie Berman ·
Foster & Kinship Care education class Thursday Evening, Dec. 20 th , 2018 – 6:30 to 9:30 pm Resilience is a Strength to Overcome Early Adversity. This workshop will be presented by Debra Wiegel, Marriage Family Therapist with 25 years’ experience working with foster and adoptive families. Date: Dec. 20 th , 2018 - Thursday Evening Time: 6:30 to 9:30 pm Location: At the College: 2300 E. Gibson Rd., Woodland – Room 101 With the holiday season upon us, over and over we hear advertisements...
Blog Post

Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) With HOPE*

Clare Reidy ·
New Insights into the Role of Positive Experience on Child and Family Development *Health Outcomes of Positive Experience Abstract This report presents evidence for HOPE (Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences) based on newly released, compelling data that reinforce the need to promote positive experiences for children and families in order to foster healthy childhood development despite the adversity common in so many families. These data: Establish a spirit of hope and optimism and make...
Blog Post

Be The One: Resilient Yolo summit 2018 resources

Bonnie Berman ·
The Be the One campaign offers a practical first step in becoming a trauma informed school, organization, or individual. Here are resources we will be sharing at our summit on Tuesday, Oct 30th 2018
Blog Post

Be the One workshop Feb 7

Bonnie Berman ·
Did you know that one positive connection can change a person's life? Join us at this community-wide workshop to learn about simple practices that build stronger, more resilient families, neighborhoods and communities. You can make a difference. DATE: Friday, February 7, 2020 WHEN: 2:30-4:00PM LOCATION: City Council Chambers at 23 Russell Blvd, Davis 95616 FREE Please post the attached flyer, and click on the link below to register or RSVP. http://events.constantcontact.
Blog Post

'Broken Places' PBS Broadcast Premiere []

By the Public Broadcasting System, February 2020 BROKEN PLACES Monday, April 6, 2020, 7-8pm PT Explore why some children are severely damaged by early adversity while others are able to thrive. Revisit children profiled decades ago to see how early trauma shaped their lives as adults. A presentation of Public Policy Productions in association with WNET's CHASING THE DREAM. For more information: http://www.pbs. org/about/blogs/news/pbs- shines-light-on-health-with- spring-slate/ [ Please...
Blog Post

Building Community Resilience, Volume II

Bonnie Berman ·
Building Community Resilience, Volume II: State of Readiness: System and Provider Abilities to Respond This second volume in the Strategies 2.0 toolkit series describes the organizational capacity needed for a shared approach to building community resilience within an organization or network. The tools in this volume will assist organizations to: Build a logic model to focus the work Assess their level of readiness to implement BCR efforts Identify the steps needed to increase readiness for...
Blog Post

California Schools Will Not Reopen This Year Due to Coronavirus, Superintendent Says []

By Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle, March 31, 2020 California schools will be unable to reopen this year given current safety concerns and ongoing social distancing, the state superintendent told county officials Tuesday. The letter, obtained by The Chronicle, was not a directive, but rather an acknowledgment that the still growing coronvirus crisis will mean schools must stay shuttered. While classrooms will remain closed, education will continue, Superintendent of Public Instruction...
Blog Post

California, Yolo County above average national health ratings (

Yolo County may not boast the health rankings of San Mateo, Sonoma or Napa, but it is one of the healthier counties in the state. And on a national scale, Yolo looks even fitter. A new report shows how states rank in terms of health, and it appears that Yolo County proves healthy compared to many regions, but could still strive for that gold medal. The report, conducted by the United Health Foundation, claims that California is the 17th healthiest state in the nation. Of the Golden State’s...
Blog Post

Can treating past trauma lead to big US health savings?

Gail Kennedy ·
For two decades, there's been evidence that people who suffered childhood trauma — violence, sexual abuse or family dysfunction — are much more likely to have a chronic health problems and engage in risky behavior. Now, 14 community health centers around the U.S. are acting as laboratories for an experiment to see if screening and then treating people for trauma can improve the results from treatment they get for their diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease or other ailment.
Blog Post

Do you or a loved one need mental health help amid the coronavirus crisis? Here's who to call []

By Andrew Sheeler, The Sacramento Bee, April 7, 2020 With unemployment soaring, a statewide stay-at-home order and no end in sight for the coronavirus pandemic, this is a trying time for the mental health of all Californians. To that end, the state maintains a resource at that includes advice and multiple hotlines to call. The site also offers some advice to people struggling at home. That advice includes limiting social media and news intake, and being mindful of your sources...
Blog Post

Does Yolo County Need a Family Justice Center? []

Jane Stevens ·
Here's a write-up of one of the presentations at Sunday's child sex abuse conference in Davis, where Tracy Fauver and I did a presentation about ACEs and trauma-informed, resilience-building efforts in Yolo County. Thanks for sending this, Andrea!...
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