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Tagged With "CARES act"

Blog Post

A Health Affairs Press Conference -Trauma Informed Care is critical....

Anna Sutton ·
Today I had the privilege of attending a Health Affairs briefing at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. In the photo is Alan Weil, Editor-in-chief of Health Affairs. He, along with 4 panels of researchers/principal investigators talked about this particularly special June 2016 issue that focuses on Behavioral Health. What was striking was the statement from one of the principal investigators -- " trauma informed care is critical '" And there it is a National platform, at a...
Blog Post

Caring for the Caregiver - Parent Engagement mtg Oct 1st

Bonnie Berman ·
Yolo County SELPA presents a Parent Engagement night for parents or caregivers of children who have disabilities. WHEN: October 1, 2018 TIME: 7pm WHERE: YCOE Conference Center in Woodland. Please see below for more information and a link to flyers. Please share with parents who you think might be interested! To register or for any requests (interpretation, seating, etc), please contact Lisa Young at or 530-668-3760.
Blog Post

Changing Minds and Creating Trauma-Informed Communities Convenings - South and North

Jane Stevens ·
Last week, on two separate days in Los Angeles and in San Francisco, about 150 people (total) convened to listen and brainstorm about creating trauma-informed communities. Futures Without Violence, which is rolling out its Changing Minds campaign later this year, hosted both events.  Some very interesting and important themes emerged from the two days: Residents with lived experiences should participate in the decision-making bodies of service providers and vested...
Blog Post

Child Care Bridge Program with Trauma-Informed Training

Jennifer Rexroad ·
More foster and relative homes are needed across the country. One barrier is child care access. A new bill seeks to solve this problem by providing a child care bridge program with a trauma informed training component.
Blog Post

Child Care Crisis Disproportionately Affects Children with Disabilities

Bonnie Berman ·
A new report from the Center for American Progress found that parents of young children with disabilities are more likely to face job disruptions due to child care challenges. The report explores how the lack of affordable, high-quality child care options disproportionately affects these families and policy solutions for addressing these barriers. https://www.americanprogress. org/issues/early-childhood/ reports/2020/01/29/479802/ child-care-crisis- disproportionately-affects- ...
Blog Post

Childhood Poverty Series from KQED News

Lori Turk ·
Dear Kidsdata Community, A new series from National Public Radio affiliate, KQED News, examines the role of public policy in addressing poverty among California’s children and their families. Kidsdata, in partnership with the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), took a new look at poverty data and provided them for several articles. The articles delve into poverty among infants under three years old and focus on Merced County, an area of particular concern but also great potential. In...
Blog Post

Children with Special Health Care Needs Face Challenges Accessing Information, Support, and Services on 11/20

Bonnie Berman ·
Join Child Trends researchers for a webinar on Wednesday, November 20th at 11am PT to learn about the challenges and disparities experienced by children and youth with special health care needs, and the barriers they face to accessing supports and services. The webinar will highlight national and state demographic data on children and youth with special health care needs and their access to social services and quality health care. https://register.gotowebinar. com/register/ 1799987798681001739
Blog Post

CLIENT AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Free Health Clinic in Sacramento in October

Bonnie Berman ·
California CareForce provides completely free medical, vision, and dental care to anyone who shows up, regardless of income, employment, age, family size, or immigration status. They do not require insurance or ID to serve patients and all services are provided at absolutely no cost to the patients. This event will be held on October 25th and 26th in Sacramento at the Cal Expo . You can learn more information at Feel free to let your...
Blog Post

Community Engagement Workgroup supporting MHSA 9/26

Bonnie Berman ·
Join us! The Community Engagement Workgroup is an ongoing engagement workgroup to support the Mental Health Services Act planning in Yolo County. This workgroup involves the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Focus Group Discussion led by the MHSA Team and C.A.R.E. - Community Advocacy Research & Evaluation Consulting Group. Attached please find a flyer about an upcoming opportunity to participate in this effort. If you have questions, please contact Anthony Taula-Lieras (...
Blog Post

Community meeting: MHSA Empowerment and Education Session 2

Bonnie Berman ·
Please see the attached flyer for more information about the second Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Empowerment and Education Series meeting on June 11th at 1pm at the Davis Branch Library . If you would like more information about MHSA, please see the attached “What is MHSA” and timeline documents. These Empowerment and Education meetings will lay a foundation of knowledge for stakeholders who want to participate in the community planning process that drives the next three year MHSA plan...
Blog Post

Community Planning Mtg to discuss County Mental Health Services -Oct 16

Bonnie Berman ·
We are asking for your participation in a process designed to evaluate and improve the service delivery of mental health programs funded by the Mental Health Services Act Plan for our county. The Mental Health Service Act funds mental health services for the unserved and underserved members of our community. This money, some $10 -14 million dollars, funds programs that are required to be evaluated and informed by community stakeholder input. Frankly, in past years, very few have participated...
Blog Post

County draws up three-year mental health services plan [Davis Enterprise]

Gail Kennedy ·
WOODLAND — Yolo County is looking to improve access to mental health services for children and adults as well as ensure that people who have spent time institutionalized due to mental illness get the services they need once they return to the community. The plan is to do so through the next round of Mental Health Services Act expenditures. Like all counties, Yolo receives a portion of the revenue raised under Proposition 63 — approved by voters in 2004 — which created a 1-percent tax on...
Blog Post

COVID-19 resources for Health Care Providers

Bonnie Berman ·
SUPPORT GROUP: Healthcare Professionals Online Support Group Attention doctors, nurses, EMT's, paramedics and front line medical staff. We are here for you! You are not alone! Join our ProBono Telehealth Group starting now every Thursday 5:00PM - 6:00PM. Call 707-514-5812 to sign up and obtain video access code. For more information see the attachment. DENTAL CARE: The California Office of Oral Health has put together a list of various resources pertaining to dental care and COVID-19. Please...
Blog Post

CYW releases "Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California's Response to ACEs"

Jane Stevens ·
The  Center for Youth Wellness  released a new report “Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California’s Response to ACEs”.     This report is a follow up to last November’s Children Can Thrive Summit.  ...
Blog Post

December declared “Be the One” Month by Yolo County Board of Sups.

Bonnie Berman ·
Article from Woodland Daily Democrat. Published: December 17, 2019 2019/12/17/december-declared- be-the-one-month-by-yolo- supervisors/ December declared ‘Be the One’ Month by Yolo supervisors. Supervisors made their declaration on Tuesday, during their regular meeting. The “Be the One” campaign was organized by Resilient Yolo, in collaboration with Yolo County Library and other departments, agencies, organizations, and individuals the focus of which is to help...
Blog Post

Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants

Bonnie Berman ·
On April 15, Governor Newsom announced one-time disaster relief assistance for undocumented Californians impacted by COVID-19, who are ineligible for most other forms of pandemic assistance, including direct assistance under the CARES Act and unemployment insurance. Eligible Californians may receive one-time COVID-19 disaster relief assistance at a value of $500. A limit of two adults per household can receive this assistance (maximum assistance of $1,000 per household). The non-profit...
Blog Post

ACES Science 101 (FAQs)

Jane Stevens ·
What are ACEs? ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that harm children's developing brains so profoundly that the effects show up decades later; they cause much of chronic disease, most mental illness, and are at the root of most violence. ...
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

Building A Resilient Yolo Research Project

Carolynne Beno ·
Several of Yolo County's community-based agencies (e.g., Yolo County Office of Education, Yolo CASA, Yolo Conflict Resolution Center, Family Hui, Yolo County Health and Human Services, Yolo County Probation, Yolo County Special Education Local Plan Area, etc.) came together to conduct a research project aimed at understanding how to better serve Yolo County’s students and their families. Data was gathered from two sources: 1) literature in academic journals; and 2) six focus groups (i.e.,...
Blog Post

CalFresh Healthy Living Programs

Bonnie Berman ·
CalFresh food benefits are available to individuals and families who have been impacted by COVID-19. CalFresh provides monthly food benefits based on household income and expenses at the time of application. Even if temporary, individuals and families who have experienced a change in their circumstances may apply for CalFresh through one of California’s 58 counties. Californian’s can visit to apply or call 1-877-847-3663 (FOOD) to be connected to their local county social...
Blog Post

California Care Force offering free healthcare services!

Bonnie Berman ·
California Care Force will be at the Cal Expo September 21st to September 23rd. California Care Force provides free healthcare services with no insurance and no co-pays required. Please see the attached flyers and distribute them as you deem appropriate.
Blog Post

California issues update on state residents' ACE scores from 2011 & 2013 surveys

Jane Stevens ·
The latest adverse childhood experiences survey from the California Department of Public Health shows that 42% of the population has an ACE score of 3 or higher; 16% have an ACE score of 4 or higher. Those with an ACE score of 4 or higher are: 3x more likely to be current smokers 4x more likely to have a depressive disorder 2x more likely to have asthma 2x more likely to be obese 4x more likely to have COPD 3x more likely to have a stroke Here are a few other highlights from the six-page...
Blog Post

Educate, Equip and Support parent training

Bonnie Berman ·
We still have spots available! This training takes “the mad, sad, and scared” out of parenting a child with challenging behaviors or emotional disturbances. It empowers parents to become staunch allies for their kids, and prepares them to work with schools, child welfare, and/or probation. Please take a moment to identify parents who may benefit from this training and share this information with them. In partnership, Tessa Smith Family Partner/Outreach Specialist Mental Health Services...
Blog Post

Ellen, Slow Drivers, & Why #WeAdapt

Lori Chelius ·
Sitting on my bookshelf in my office is a framed copy of Time Magazine from April 14, 1997. On the cover is a picture of Ellen DeGeneres with the headline “Yep, I’m Gay,” When President Obama awarded Ellen the Presidential Medal of Freedom in November 2016, he said “It’s easy to forget now just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages 20 years ago.”
Blog Post

EMERGENCY CHILD CARE for essential workers and at-risk children/families from Children’s Home Society of California

Bonnie Berman ·
Attached please find updated flyers for Children’s Home Society of California’s emergency child care funding. Children’s Home Society of California is accepting applications for not only essential workers but for at-risk children/families (including CPS, foster children, those experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and children with IEPs). Please see updated flyers in English and Spanish. If you have questions, please contact Kristy Weber, Program Manager or Children’s Home Society of...
Blog Post

EVENT: Congressman Garamendi’s Town Hall Meeting on 5/5 at 3pm and other resources from his office

Bonnie Berman ·
If you would like to participate please call (855) 962-1140 at the time of the event or you can stream the event at and . Congressman Garamendi will be joined by two local experts to discuss available resources and answer questions. The event is free and every resident of California’s 3rd Congressional District is invited to participate. The local experts are: Carrie Ellinwood, who is the Lead Lender Relations Specialist with the Sacramento...
Blog Post

First 5’s Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Learning Collaborative

Bonnie Berman ·
Please see the attached flyer and FAQ about First 5’s Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Learning Collaborative starting in the Spring. First 5 Yolo is recruiting agency times to become rostered in CPP. First 5 Yolo is hosting the training and sponsoring agencies to send teams. If you have questions, please contact: Victoria Zimmerle at 530-419-2422 or .
Blog Post

FREE class: Caring for the Caregiver

Bonnie Berman ·
The class will be geared towards parents caring for their children who have any types of special needs, adults caring for their aging or ill loved ones or parents caring for foster children who may require extra support due to previous health or life experiences. It will also be open for those of us in the helping or caring professions, who are providing services to folks in these aforementioned populations. The class is FREE and SPACE IS LIMITED (the first 90 people to RSVP will be given a...
Blog Post

Free Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Training

Bonnie Berman ·
The CAP Center is currently offering three free and open to the public Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Training sessions this year. This workshop teaches mandated reporters their legal responsibilities to report known or suspected child abuse and neglect in California, how to recognize indicators (red flags) of the different types of abuse and neglect, and how to make a Suspected Child Abuse Report. This training is for participants who work with children and/or families. Mark your calendar...
Blog Post

Yolo County Child and Family Initiatives

Natalie Audage ·
In an effort to help us know more about the great work that is happening in Yolo County and to increase opportunities for collaboration, Natalie Audage of YCCA created a spreadsheet of Yolo County child and family initiatives. For this effort, initiatives are defined as multi-organization or agency collaboratives, meetings, or committees related to children and families in Yolo County. Natalie will revise this document on an ongoing basis. If you have any additions or changes, please let...
Blog Post

Yolo County HHSA First Responders' Mental Health Urgent Care in West Sac

Bonnie Berman ·
The Yolo County First Responders’ Mental Health Urgent Care is here to support our community. The center is OPEN now, but Nurse Practioners and Peer Support workers won't be staffed until July 2018. Who do we serve: Adult (18 years and older) residents of Yolo County Services: Crisis assessment and supportive counseling; referrals to other local community services Coming July, 2018: Medication intervention Staffing: Mental Health Clinicians providing Crisis Intervention; Case Managers...
Blog Post

Yolo County meetings set to explore mental health options [Woodland Daily Democrat]

Gail Kennedy ·
Editorial from Gail Kennedy: If anyone from Yolo Resilience can attend and speak to the need for ACEs awareness building and response such as trauma-informed/ trauma-sensitive behavioral health services offered that would be great! A series of meetings have been schedule to explore future mental health programs in Yolo County. The purpose of the gathering is to present and receive feedback from the community regarding proposes programs and services funded by the Mental Health Services Act,...
Blog Post

Yolo County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) 3 year proposed budget includes MMH and Trauma Informed Care for training!

Anna Sutton ·
Yolo County's progressive and collaborative nature once again allows for critical issues to be addressed and proposed for funding. Proud to be in Yolo and thanks to our Yolo County MHSA team and stakeholders for lifting up trauma informed care and Perinatal Mental Health as training needs! While the 3 year budget has not been approved, we are thrilled that these two topics have made it into the proposal under WET funds (Workforce, Education & Training!). As a stakeholder, you have a...
Blog Post


Bonnie Berman ·
Greetings Community Partners, Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency has scheduled a series of meetings throughout the area to discuss the mental health services and needs of our community. We want to hear from you – and your neighbor ! Please share this announcement far and wide. Robust discussion is encouraged to gain insight into what is working, and to identify areas that may need more attention to better serve the mental health needs of our community. We look forward to seeing you...
Blog Post

Yolo partnership brings services to the homeless [Woodland Daily Democrat]

Gail Kennedy ·
Recognizing the overlap between homelessness and mental illness, Yolo County is partnering with Fourth & Hope — Woodland’s homeless shelter — to bring services directly to those who need them. Called the “ Extended Hope Project,” the effort “aims to improve the health and well-being of persons with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders experiencing homelessness in Yolo County,” according to a staff report. Funded by a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services grant —...
Blog Post

“Youth College Night” (for foster and McKinney Vento youth) on 1/17

Bonnie Berman ·
As part of the Foster Youth FAFSA Challenge, Yolo County Office of Education is hosting a Youth For College Night with a focus on Foster and McKinney Vento (homeless) youth. Youth in their senior year of high school and their caregivers are invited to attend and complete the FAFSA, Dream Act, and Chafee application with trained experts. During the event, dinner will be provided. There will also be special giveaways to seniors in attendance. Although the event has a focus on serving our...
Blog Post

“Youth College Night” (for foster and McKinney Vento youth) on 1/17

Bonnie Berman ·
As part of the Foster Youth FAFSA Challenge, Yolo County Office of Education is hosting a Youth For College Night with a focus on Foster and McKinney Vento (homeless and foster) youth. Youth in their senior year of high school and their caregivers are invited to attend and complete the FAFSA, Dream Act, and Chafee application with trained experts. During the event, dinner will be provided. There will also be special giveaways to seniors in attendance. Although the event has a focus on...
Blog Post

YOUTH Mental Health First Aid training!

Bonnie Berman ·
Yolo County HHSA still has space in the YOUTH curriculum trainings in April and May. Mental Health First Aid (Youth) Thursday & Friday April 19 & 20, 2018 8:30 am to 12:30pm each day (must attend both days) HHSA Gonzales Bldg. Clarksburg Conference Room 25 N. Cottonwood Street Woodland, CA 95695< ?q=25+N.+Cottonwood+Street+ Woodland,+CA+95695& entry=gmail&source=g > Mental Health First Aid (Youth) Wednesday & Thursday May 9 & 10, 2018...
Blog Post

YOUTH OPPORTUNITY: 2nd Annual Innovation Idea Lab on 3/23

Bonnie Berman ·
Our Yolo County Mental Health Services Act team is collaborating with Solano and Sacramento counties to host the 2 nd Annual Innovation Idea Lab. This very successful event is a project of the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission’s Youth Innovation Committee. It is an opportunity to hear the voice and choice of our Youth Leaders regarding preventative mental health services and strategies to increase the resilience of young people. In addition to the invitation for...
Calendar Event

MHSA Empowerment and Education Session 2

Calendar Event

Screening of Resilience movie

Blog Post

SUBSIDIZED CHILD CARE FOR ESSENTIAL WORKERS IN YOLO COUNTY: Children’s Home Society of California is now enrolling families

Bonnie Berman ·
Children’s Home Society of Californian is now enrolling families in subsidized child care for essential workers in Yolo County. I have attached a letter and a flyer that can be distributed to the community. If you have questions, please contact Kristy Weber at 530-665-4687 or .
Blog Post

Symposium: Thriving through the Inevitable Impact of Trauma-Fresno 9/16

Bonnie Berman ·
The Coalition for Victims of Child Abuse, in collaboration with the CAP Center and OES, will be hosting a symposium in Fresno on September 16, 2019. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, from The Trauma Stewardship Institute, and Gabriella Grant, MA, from the California Center of Excellence for Trauma Informed Care, will speak on Thriving through the Inevitable Impact of Trauma. The focus will be on developing support for leaders and advocates that work in child victim services. For more information, or...
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