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Tagged With "Journey Home"

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Trauma Informed Caregiving

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2019 Child Development Conference: Building Resilient Children: Request for speakers and vendors

Bonnie Berman ·
The theme is "Building Resilient Children." This year will feature Keynote Speaker Julie Kurtz, LMFT. Ms. Kurtz is the Co-Director for Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Education at the Center for Family & Child Studies at WestEd. WHAT : 2019 Child Development Conference WHEN : April 20, 2019 WHERE: UC Davis Activities and Recreation Center TIME : 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The conference is free to the community, and lunch is included. Registration details will follow. Attached...
Blog Post

3 WEBINARS: Supporting emotional, psychological, and physical health of children

Bonnie Berman ·
WEBINARS Supporting our children in the struggle against COVID-19 on 3/24 5:30-6:30pm PT on Tuesday, March 24 Please join Embrace Race for this webinar. We'll be joined by two special guests - clinical psychologist, Dr. Allison Bricoe-Smith, and developmental behavioral pediatrician, Dr. Adiaha Spinks-Franklin - for a conversation about how adults can support the emotional, psychological, and physical health of children in this shelter-in-place moment. As always, we'll leave lots of time for...
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3rd annual Community Baby Shower!

Bonnie Berman ·
The Yolo County Children's Alliance - Step by Step Program and the Nurse Home Visiting Program will be hosting the 3rd annual Community Baby Shower for pregnant and parenting moms in Yolo County on September 29th from 10am-2pm . Attached you'll find the flyer (in English and Spanish) for this event. Please share! If you would like to register to have a table at this event, I've also attached the registration form. Please fill it out and submit it to Lilian Marquez at ...
Blog Post

4-12-15 Free Childhood Trauma Conference in Davis, CA

Andrea W. Ransdell ·
Please share this flyer and forward it to others:  You are cordially invited to attend the 21st Annual Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Conference, on Sunday April 12, 2015, from 9:30 am – 5:00 pm at the Veterans Memorial Center, 203 E 14th...
Blog Post

4th Annual Yolo County Community Baby Shower Fair

Bonnie Berman ·
The Yolo County HHSA and YCCA Community Baby Shower Collaborative will be hosting their 4th Annual Yolo County Community Baby Shower Fair! DATE: Saturday, September 28th TIME: 10am to 2pm LOCATION: Home Arts Hall, Yolo County Fairgrounds (1250 Gum Ave.) in Woodland. The main goal for this event is to educate families, who are either expecting or parenting a child less than 5 years of age, about Yolo County resources. This event is open to ALL Yolo county families, e.g. families from West...
Blog Post

A Guide to Providing Telehealth During the COVID-19 Crisis

Daren Casagrande ·
Many of us in the mental health field are being thrust into unfamiliar territory as clinicians in the midst of the COVID-19 response. We either risk personal health (and the health of our clients) by seeing people in person, or needing to utilize technologies that we may be unfamiliar with. Further, those technologies have fluid legal/ethical standards (and is even more fluid at present to accommodate the pandemic), and which require different skill sets that in-person therapy. I am...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Network and The Kennedy Forum host pre-premiere of the documentary "Paper Tigers"

Gail Kennedy ·
Please read article below by ACEs Connection staff member, Elizabeth Prewitt, about the screening of Paper Tigers as we in Yolo plan for a screening of the documentary this Fall! - Gail   When I heard this vignette, I realized the full potential...
Blog Post

Community advocates and Bay Area county health agencies work together on trauma-informed systems change

Laurie Udesky ·
The talk around the table is not what one might expect when community advocates begin a meeting with county health officials. “I went into this [work] through my own lived experience of trauma and family addiction,” said Toni DeMarco, the deputy director of children’s services for San Mateo County Health System. Rocsana Enriquez, who teaches yoga to teens in juvenile hall in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and in high schools for the Palo Alto-based Art of Yoga Project , chimed in. “I’m...
Blog Post

Community Baby Shower on 9/28

Bonnie Berman ·
Please share the attached flyers with your clients! The Community Baby Shower is happening 10am-2pm at the Yolo County Fairgrounds in Woodland on Saturday, September 28 th .
Blog Post

Couple highlights need for foster parents []

Jane Stevens ·
  [Pictured in photo are (l to r) Lynne Shockey, her son Jacob, and Cherie Schroeder, director of foster and kinship care education at Woodland Community College, and a member of Yolo County ACEs Connection.]   WOODLAND — Lynne Shockey couldn’t tell you how many foster children she and her husband, Skip Evey, have opened their hearts and homes to over the past two decades.   There have been 10 to 15 just in the past couple of years alone — children...
Blog Post


Bonnie Berman ·
Attached please find some infographics for Stay at Home guidelines in English, Spanish, and Russian that First 5 Yolo developed this in coordination with County of Yolo. Please share widely! COVID-19 informational handouts in 24 languages (created by the Refugee Alliance of Central Iowa): https://www. refugeeallianceofcentraliowa. org/covid19-information? fbclid=IwAR1rplWNAnT2- 6LcRM0e0oCNWTn63q-qR6aA_ 9wXJD2IqolHwiCtjoHXiyE
Blog Post

COVID-19 Materials Developed for Tribal Use []

From Center for American Indian Health, Johns Hopkins University, April 17, 2020 The Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health and Indian Health Service are working together to produce relevant materials related to COVID-19 for tribes to distribute. Currently, there are nearly 20 fliers with information ranging from Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19 and Caring For Yourself at Home to Elder Mental Health . Social media messages are also available for use. Radio messages are currently...
Blog Post

COVID-19 RESOURCES: Flyers for clients and WHO advice on handling mental health

Bonnie Berman ·
Flyers for clients: I have the attached the info graphics that are being shared; please share with your clients. They are in English, Spanish and Russian. Article: WHO gives advice on handling mental health toll from the coronavirus Yolo COVID-19 website: https://www. services/adults/communicable- disease-investigation-and- control/novel-coronavirus-2019
Blog Post

COVID-19 resources for Families/Clients

Bonnie Berman ·
COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families from Generations United Find lots of great resources for grandparents and kinship care families in the attached document. Futures without Violence: Tip sheet for Family and Friends of Families Experiencing Violence at Home Attached please find 8 different ways to help children and adults living with violence. Renter protection videos from Legal Services of Northern CA (LSNC) LSNC staff created these accessible videos hoping...
Blog Post

COVID-19 resources for Health Care Providers

Bonnie Berman ·
SUPPORT GROUP: Healthcare Professionals Online Support Group Attention doctors, nurses, EMT's, paramedics and front line medical staff. We are here for you! You are not alone! Join our ProBono Telehealth Group starting now every Thursday 5:00PM - 6:00PM. Call 707-514-5812 to sign up and obtain video access code. For more information see the attachment. DENTAL CARE: The California Office of Oral Health has put together a list of various resources pertaining to dental care and COVID-19. Please...
Blog Post

Cracked Up: 3 Exciting Announcements []

By Michelle Esrick, Cracked Up Movie, April 2020 — A letter from Director Michelle Esrick — Dear friends, My heart goes out to everyone during this extremely challenging and unprecedented time. We are all experiencing what a traumatic event this is for everyone around the world -- from the reports we all hear on the news, to stories from family and friends, and for me personally being hospitalized with Covid-19. Many trauma survivors, including myself, are experiencing higher levels of...
Blog Post

CYW releases "Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California's Response to ACEs"

Jane Stevens ·
The  Center for Youth Wellness  released a new report “Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California’s Response to ACEs”.     This report is a follow up to last November’s Children Can Thrive Summit.  ...
Blog Post

Data on Family Structure from

Bonnie Berman ·
Learn more about California children’s living arrangements by visiting the re-designed Family Structure topic. New and updated data include expanded information about family demographics and housing situations: -Households with and without children -Dual-parent and single-parent households -Cohabiting, same-sex and grandparent-led households -Housing situation such as living in a friend’s home or motel The first three sets of data are available for counties, cities, school districts, and...
Blog Post

Davis JUSD Parent Engagement Night

Gail Kennedy ·
 Join Davis Joint Unified School District at their 4th annual Parent Engagement Night.  You won’t want to miss this year’s presentations about many ways we can help our children thrive at home and at school (including a session by Natalie Zehnder about ACEs and Trauma-informed schools)!   January 26, 2016   6:00 to 9:00 pm Harper Junior High MPR No Cost!  Finger food buffet -- Child care -- Interpreters available   Click on this link to find out...
Blog Post

ACES Science 101 (FAQs)

Jane Stevens ·
What are ACEs? ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that harm children's developing brains so profoundly that the effects show up decades later; they cause much of chronic disease, most mental illness, and are at the root of most violence. ...
Blog PostFeatured

ACEs science can prevent school shootings, but first people have to learn about ACEs science

Jane Stevens ·
The shooting in Florida isn’t only a gun regulation issue. It’s a systems change issue. All of our systems have to change their approach to changing behavior — whether it’s criminal, unhealthy or unwanted behavior — from a blame, shame and punishment approach, to one that is based in understanding, nurturing and healing….in other words, ACEs science.
Blog Post

Additional food benefits for youth (Pandemic EBT)

Bonnie Berman ·
During Covid, CDSS is offering additional food benefits for children and youth who receive free and reduced lunch or already receive Cal Fresh support. If the family is not currently receiving Cal Fresh, they would need to apply to the Pandemic EBT Program. For clients: Pandemic EBT: Get help buying food while schools are closed. Because schools are closed due to COVID-19, children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals can get up to $365 in food benefits in addition to their pick...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Yolo County & California Children

Jane Stevens ·
Christy Bethell did a data run for Yolo County from the Data Resource Center on Child & Adolescent Health. One of five children in Yolo County have an ACE score of 2 or more. The report is attached here, and I've also posted it into the Clips section. Even decades after ACEs have occurred , studies demonstrate a strong dose-response effect between the experience of ACEs and adult health.2 Burgeoning neuroscience, biologic, epigenetic and social psychology studies reveal...
Blog Post

An amazing Town Hall Meeting focused on mental health, hosted by Senator Pan (Sacramento District 6)

Donielle Prince ·
As the flyer indicates, the panel introduced Senator Pan’s legislative agenda to develop a Children’s Bill of Rights, with the mission of creating a child-centered California. The issues raised by the attendees, some of whom were community members and parents, and others that represented a range of Sacramento’s public agencies and community based organizations, foregrounded mental health needs in policy advocacy.
Blog Post

April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month []

By Special to The Enterprise, Davis Enterprise, April 4, 2020 As the community responds to measures put in place to “flatten the curve” and conserve our medical resources in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), many families are placed in a state of unprecedented stress — financially, emotionally, personally and professionally. Families and children face fear and anxiety due to the increasing severity of restrictions, ongoing disruptions in routine, uncertainty about the future, and...
Blog Post

ARTICLE: Teaching Kids Healthy Ways to Engage in Conflict Resolution

Bonnie Berman ·
The most important thing you can do as a parent is to lead by example. Confrontation is no different. They’ll see you go through it eventually, especially if you have a spouse in the home, so it’s crucial for them to see you do it well. https://blogs.psychcentral. com/childhood-behavioral/2020/ 01/teaching-kids-healthy-ways- to-engage-in-conflict- resolution/
Blog Post

Article: Tips for Working at Home from ACEs Connection Staff

Bonnie Berman ·
Tips and suggestions from ACEs Connection staff about working from home during these trying times. https://www.acesconnection. com/blog/tips-for-working- from-home-aces-connection- staff
Blog Post

Be The One: Resilient Yolo summit 2018 resources

Bonnie Berman ·
The Be the One campaign offers a practical first step in becoming a trauma informed school, organization, or individual. Here are resources we will be sharing at our summit on Tuesday, Oct 30th 2018
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

Briefs on ACEs in Children in selected CA communities

Attached are briefs on current ACEs in children in selected California cities, with comparison with state and county data.  They were prepared by the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health, a project of the Child and Adolescent...
Blog Post

Bringing the Voice of the Child Into Dependency Proceedings

Tracy Fauver ·
On March 22 nd Woodland's Daily Democrat reported that the Yolo County Board of Supervisors agreed to form a subcommittee to look into drafting policies for our county’s child welfare department. I have an alternative, cost-effective recommendation that already exists and welcomes robust county and community support to increase its capacity. Yolo County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteer advocates who are appointed by the dependency...
Blog Post

Building A Resilient Yolo Research Project

Carolynne Beno ·
Several of Yolo County's community-based agencies (e.g., Yolo County Office of Education, Yolo CASA, Yolo Conflict Resolution Center, Family Hui, Yolo County Health and Human Services, Yolo County Probation, Yolo County Special Education Local Plan Area, etc.) came together to conduct a research project aimed at understanding how to better serve Yolo County’s students and their families. Data was gathered from two sources: 1) literature in academic journals; and 2) six focus groups (i.e.,...
Blog Post

Building on Scaffolds of Hope and Strength: Washington MARC Update

Anndee Hochman ·
Participants in the Community Conversation on Resilience and Equity in Whatcom County, WA, form a human pulse. ________________________ Teri Barila, director of the Children’s Resilience Initiative (CRI), figured few people would venture to Walla Walla to learn about brain science, self-regulation and resilience. She was wrong. A June 2016 conference, “Beyond Paper Tigers,” drew 250 people—some from as far away as Texas, New Mexico and Tennessee—to sessions on “Why Brain Science Matters,”...
Blog Post

California issues update on state residents' ACE scores from 2011 & 2013 surveys

Jane Stevens ·
The latest adverse childhood experiences survey from the California Department of Public Health shows that 42% of the population has an ACE score of 3 or higher; 16% have an ACE score of 4 or higher. Those with an ACE score of 4 or higher are: 3x more likely to be current smokers 4x more likely to have a depressive disorder 2x more likely to have asthma 2x more likely to be obese 4x more likely to have COPD 3x more likely to have a stroke Here are a few other highlights from the six-page...
Blog Post

Campus Suicide and the Pressure of Perfection []

Gail Kennedy ·
  See NYT article about stress in our kids.   BTW, Davis Parent University will be hosting author  Julie Lythcott-Haims sometime this coming school year.     Kathryn DeWitt conquered high school like a gold-medal decathlete....
Blog Post

Do you or a loved one need mental health help amid the coronavirus crisis? Here's who to call []

By Andrew Sheeler, The Sacramento Bee, April 7, 2020 With unemployment soaring, a statewide stay-at-home order and no end in sight for the coronavirus pandemic, this is a trying time for the mental health of all Californians. To that end, the state maintains a resource at that includes advice and multiple hotlines to call. The site also offers some advice to people struggling at home. That advice includes limiting social media and news intake, and being mindful of your sources...
Blog Post

Donations Needed! DCMH continuing services to the community during COVID-19 emergency

Bonnie Berman ·
Davis Community Meals is continuing to provide food, housing and services to many of the most vulnerable in our community as has been our mission since 1991. We are continuing our meals program at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 pm and our lunch on Saturday at 11:30 am. In compliance with state and local guidelines, we have suspended our sit down eating service and are now preparing and handing out bagged sandwiches and other food items for take away. All of...
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

Education resources, including mental health, for kids, families during coronavirus pandemic

Lara Kain ·
We have an abundance of helpful links and posts swirling online to support families and school systems as we adjust to our new normal of learning while self-isolating at home. Thousands of free academic resources from the NYT student writing prompts, to the Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive Homeschool Resource list, to this excellent collection from BuzzFeed, and the ever-growing crowd-sourced collection aptly named Amazing Educational Resources are being shared. Our schools do so much more than...
Blog Post

Educators provide TLC to expelled kids [ - From ACEs Connection home site]

Gail Kennedy ·
Read about this -- many folks from our community participated in a workshop this weekend with folks highlighted here. We are SO LUCKY to have had them!   Near the end of the school day Wednesday, students at the Tuolumne Learning Center played...
Blog Post

Ellen, Slow Drivers, & Why #WeAdapt

Lori Chelius ·
Sitting on my bookshelf in my office is a framed copy of Time Magazine from April 14, 1997. On the cover is a picture of Ellen DeGeneres with the headline “Yep, I’m Gay,” When President Obama awarded Ellen the Presidential Medal of Freedom in November 2016, he said “It’s easy to forget now just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages 20 years ago.”
Blog Post

EMERGENCY CHILD CARE for essential workers and at-risk children/families from Children’s Home Society of California

Bonnie Berman ·
Attached please find updated flyers for Children’s Home Society of California’s emergency child care funding. Children’s Home Society of California is accepting applications for not only essential workers but for at-risk children/families (including CPS, foster children, those experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, and children with IEPs). Please see updated flyers in English and Spanish. If you have questions, please contact Kristy Weber, Program Manager or Children’s Home Society of...
Blog Post

Empower Yolo: Connecting the county’s most vulnerable

Bonnie Berman ·
Article in the Davis Enterprise By William Hodges Special to The Enterprise This article celebrates the successful partnership of Dignity Health and Woodland Memorial with Empower Yolo. This partnership created the ER Patient Navigator Program which is focused on health-care navigation, which assists patients in connecting with a medical home and helping them gain a better understanding of their benefits if they do have coverage. Empower Yolo is providing patients health and social services...
Blog Post

Empower Yolo's Services Guide (for Providers)

Bonnie Berman ·
Attached please find Empower Yolo's Services Guide (with walk-in versus appointment only services). Please share with any professionals who may want to refer clients to Empower Yolo, but please do not hand it out to clients . It was intended for professionals to use as a guide.
Blog Post

Empower Yolo: Support survivors and families in need during COVID-19

Bonnie Berman ·
- In these trying times you can make a difference - We hope you and your families are healthy and safe. We know that each day brings a new challenge for the community. Empower Yolo's services are considered essential and we remain open during regular office hours to provide services for the community. Empower Yolo's clients have urgent needs, and we need your support now more than ever . Please see how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting Empower Yolo and the clients that we serve: 1)...
Blog Post

Events and Workshops for parents and child care providers by Children's Home Society of CA

Bonnie Berman ·
Choose from 4 workshops offered April - June including a Provider World Cafe on self-care! You can access more information at . Please register for each event online at, or by calling (530) 723-5226, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration opens the 15th of the month prior to the event. All events are free, have limited space available, and are subject to change. See the attachment for details about each workshop. Por favor regístrese...
Blog Post

First 5 Yolo helped more than 5,000 children last year []

Jane Stevens ·
First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission released its annual evaluation report on Friday, showing that it invested $3.1 million in local programs and services and served 5,400 children during fiscal year 2014-15. When adding in parents and other family members, more than 10,000 Yolo County residents were helped by First 5 Yolo grants, the commission reported. Programs funded focused on increasing the number of Yolo County children who are healthy and ready to learn as they enter...
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