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Tagged With "Virtual Healing Circle"

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ACEs & Resiliency Master Trainer Program - Apply Today

Holly White-Wolfe ·
ACEs & Resiliency Fellowship Master Trainer Program Sonoma County ACEs Connection received a grant from the Health Federation of Philadelphia to establish the Master Trainer program. Program This Master Trainer Program is designed to build a group of local experts on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and resilience science. Learn to promote understanding and how to apply the science to improve health and well being across the lifespan. Application Click here for your application (PDF)...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Network seeks qualified applicants for SF Bay Area Regional Facilitator position

Former Member ·
ACEs Connection Network is looking for a qualified person to work with communities, organizations and individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area to prevent, address and heal the trauma of ACEs and build resilience. This position will focus on working with existing efforts, avoiding duplication and re-enforcing cooperative, coordinated efforts to channel the diversity and richness of ACEs science and trauma work in the Bay Area. For the job posting and application instructions, see ACEs...
Blog Post

ACEs in the Atlantic today!

Anna Sutton ·  
Blog Post

CLASSES FOR KIDS: Virtual music classes from Help Me Grow!

Bonnie Berman ·
Starting April 6th, Help Me Grow will be offering virtual music classes! Families have to sign up using the following link and must download the free Zoom Cloud Meeting app. For any questions, contact Help Me Grow Yolo at 1-844-410-GROW or email information@HelpMeGrowYolo. org. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Blog Post

COVID-19 resources for Health Care Providers

Bonnie Berman ·
SUPPORT GROUP: Healthcare Professionals Online Support Group Attention doctors, nurses, EMT's, paramedics and front line medical staff. We are here for you! You are not alone! Join our ProBono Telehealth Group starting now every Thursday 5:00PM - 6:00PM. Call 707-514-5812 to sign up and obtain video access code. For more information see the attachment. DENTAL CARE: The California Office of Oral Health has put together a list of various resources pertaining to dental care and COVID-19. Please...
Blog Post

CYW releases "Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California's Response to ACEs"

Jane Stevens ·
The  Center for Youth Wellness  released a new report “Children Can Thrive: A Vision for California’s Response to ACEs”.     This report is a follow up to last November’s Children Can Thrive Summit.  ...
Blog Post

December declared “Be the One” Month by Yolo County Board of Sups.

Bonnie Berman ·
Article from Woodland Daily Democrat. Published: December 17, 2019 2019/12/17/december-declared- be-the-one-month-by-yolo- supervisors/ December declared ‘Be the One’ Month by Yolo supervisors. Supervisors made their declaration on Tuesday, during their regular meeting. The “Be the One” campaign was organized by Resilient Yolo, in collaboration with Yolo County Library and other departments, agencies, organizations, and individuals the focus of which is to help...
Blog Post

ACES Science 101 (FAQs)

Jane Stevens ·
What are ACEs? ACEs are adverse childhood experiences that harm children's developing brains so profoundly that the effects show up decades later; they cause much of chronic disease, most mental illness, and are at the root of most violence. ...
Blog PostFeatured

ACEs science can prevent school shootings, but first people have to learn about ACEs science

Jane Stevens ·
The shooting in Florida isn’t only a gun regulation issue. It’s a systems change issue. All of our systems have to change their approach to changing behavior — whether it’s criminal, unhealthy or unwanted behavior — from a blame, shame and punishment approach, to one that is based in understanding, nurturing and healing….in other words, ACEs science.
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

California issues update on state residents' ACE scores from 2011 & 2013 surveys

Jane Stevens ·
The latest adverse childhood experiences survey from the California Department of Public Health shows that 42% of the population has an ACE score of 3 or higher; 16% have an ACE score of 4 or higher. Those with an ACE score of 4 or higher are: 3x more likely to be current smokers 4x more likely to have a depressive disorder 2x more likely to have asthma 2x more likely to be obese 4x more likely to have COPD 3x more likely to have a stroke Here are a few other highlights from the six-page...
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

Yolo County Libraries promote Be the One in Kindness Month Campaign

Bonnie Berman ·
Checkout this terrific use of material to promote Be The One at the Stephens - Davis Branch Library for kindness month. Attached is an amazing Kindness Calendar and pamphlet.
Blog Post

Taming the Dragons - Helping Children Cope, ages birth to 12 yrs

Gail Kennedy ·
Attached find Sue Delucchi's manual for childcare providers. Tips and tools to help kids with trauma heal and develop resilience. Sue was the Director of a crisis nursery in Washington State throughout her career. This manual was developed based on...
Blog Post

The Absence of Punishment in Our Schools

Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz ·
Where to begin... My heart is full of hope and joy as I watch the trauma-informed schools movement swell across our nation and planet. The science of ACEs is mind-bending to say the least and we are now able to open up a much deeper dialogue about human behavior and health. Ultimately this work is about healing… All. Of. Us. A new consciousness is taking root around ending the “us vs them” construct. The idea is growing that we’re all on this journey together and that no matter where our...
Blog Post

The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is coming!

Thomas Ahern ·
Maybe you have heard about this initiative on one of the social networks or you followed the tour last year. If not, The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is a grassroots partnership between Calo Programs and three leading, national attachment, trauma and adoption nonprofits; The Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN), The American Adoption Congress (AAC) and Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh). The purpose of this collaboration is to increase compassion and...
Blog Post

The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement []

Naketta Lowery ·
I wanted to share some points to ponder in the article below... The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement Shawn Ginwright Ph.D. From time to time, researchers, policy makers, philanthropy and practitioners all join together in a coordinated response to the most pressing issues facing America’s youth. I’ve been involved with this process for long enough to have participated in each of these roles. I recall during the early 1990s experts promoted...
Blog Post

Toxic Stress, Behavioral Health, and the Next Major Era in Public Health
 by Mental Health America

To view the document, click on the following link:      
Blog Post

Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences (HOPE) learning community website

Bonnie Berman ·
HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences – is a new way of seeing and talking about experiences that support children’s growth and development into healthy, resilient adults. We now know that that even in the face of adversity, key positive experiences help us heal. Although the effects of trauma can be serious, many adults have overcome their own trauma and now lead healthy, productive lives as a result of those positive experiences. A new website from Tufts University is the home...
Blog Post

Helping Children Heal: Fostering Love, Hope, and Justice

Gail Kennedy ·
FYI, folks may want to attend “Helping Children Heal,” hosted by the California’s Defense Fund of California (CDF-CA). CDF-CA is launching a new advocacy emphasis: reducing the impact of trauma and adverse childhood events (ACEs) in...
Blog Post

Helping Children Heal: Promising Community Programs and Policy Solutions

Gail Kennedy ·
Ad vo cate s and policymakers in public health are paying more attention to the impact of exposure early in life to trauma or chronic adversity, since it is now known to impair brain development in children and have rippling effects on c aregivers...
Blog Post

YRN meeting this Friday

Bonnie Berman ·
Hello Everyone, We hope you can make it to a Yolo Resilience Network meeting this Friday March 17th at 3pm at the Yolo County CASA office. Come hear about some important new updates, upcoming activities and start the weekend off right by celebrating the Luck of the Irish! Lucy Roberts and I are pleased to announce a proposed change in the structure of the Yolo Resilience Network collaborative. Over the past several weeks we have been in discussion with a number of Steering Committee members...
Blog Post

How Schools Are Handling An 'Overparenting' Crisis []

Alicia St. Andrews ·
  Have you ever done your children's homework for them? Have you driven to school to drop off an assignment that they forgot? Have you done a college student's laundry? What about coming along to Junior's first job interview?   These...
Blog Post

How the Resources Center Works

Jennifer Hossler ·
Hey, All! In case you didn't hear the news, our new Resources Center is up and running. This is a work in progress, but you can find a host of resources to support your work. Please see Jane's initial post below! - Jen Welcome to the Resources Center! As of October 2016, we are launching this new version. We think that it's a skeleton of its future self, i.e., we'll be adding more categories and more information to each category. Our goal is to make this useful, but not so...
Blog Post

New Brief on Play & Trauma Available

Mai Le ·
Bay Area Early Childhood Funders have released a new brief, “The Power of Play for Addressing Trauma in Early Years,” available in both English and Spanish . The brief provides families, teachers and caregivers an easy-to-read, one-page online brief about the importance of play for addressing trauma in young children and tips for helping children cope. Additional materials on the importance of play are available here .
Blog Post

Nurturing relationships in childhood boost adult mental health, relationships

Christina Bethell ·
We're proud to announce major research that suggests that positive childhood experiences — such as supportive family interactions, caring relationships with friends, and connections in the community — are associated with reductions in chances of adult depression and poor mental health, and increases in the chances of having healthy relationships in adulthood. This association was true even among those with a history of adverse childhood experiences.
Blog Post

Parent Handouts Now Available in Dari (thanks to Family Hui)

Christine Cissy White ·
Please use this link to go to our Resources Center where you can find Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent and Heal ACEs handouts in Dari as well as in English. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow . Family Hui has made both flyers available in Dari, which is the national language of Afghanistan, so that they will can be useful to more families (Spanish translations are coming). These flyers can be downloaded, distributed, and...
Blog Post

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)

Christine Cissy White ·
Please see the main post for these parent handouts in the ACEs Connection Resources Center. These two flyers ( Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs ) can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. One is brand new and the other is a revision. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow. Translations of these flyers are in progress and will be shared by Family Hui and updated on ACEs Connection when available.
Blog Post

Preparations begin for 2018 State Legislative Sessions—Tools to help you communicate with your state legislators

With the majority of states convening legislative sessions in 2018*, now is the time to begin preparations to advance trauma-informed proposals and educate lawmakers on the impact of trauma on the health and wellbeing of their constituents. ACEs Connection Network (ACN) will be sharing tools to help in this process over the next months. Two are now available—“How to Create a Community Profile” and “Tips on How to Build Relationships with Your Legislators.” One of the most effective tools...
Blog Post

Prevent Child Abuse - Sonoma County

Gail Kennedy ·
Check out the insert in Sonoma County's local paper. This colorful and helpful resource guide offered stories, tips, resources and tools for helping to strengthen families and reduce child abuse. Page 7 featured an article about "Trauma Informed Care" and included a pocket card folks can use as a tool for letting doctors, dentists, and other care providers know they might need some extra care to avoid feeling triggered or uncomfortable. (Check out the attachment to see the article and pocket...
Blog Post

Whole People Series & Study Guide (

Christine Cissy White ·
There's a fantastic five-part series, Whole People , done by PBS, " spotlighting the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through personal and community stories. It explores the long-term costs to personal well-being and our society. While much work needs to be done, there are many innovative developments to prevent and treat ACES. We all play a role in becoming a whole people." It's amazing. The five topics covered are as follows: Childhood Trauma Healing Communities A New...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed in Education - Oct 16th

Bonnie Berman ·
This workshop brings together proven systematic, behavior communication and conflict resolution strategies to calm and heal trauma for schools to increase resiliency. Course led by Susan Jones, Founder and Principal of Creative Behavior Solutions. See the attached flyer for full details. DATE: Wednesday, October 16th TIME: 9:00am - 12:00pm LOCATION: 9800 Old Placerville Rd, Ste 100, Sacramento RSVP:
Blog Post

Updated Covid-19 Resource List

Bonnie Berman ·
List includes resources for: Covid 19 Info, General Services, Food, Employment/Finance, Emotional Support, Tips for Parents, and Immigrants
Blog Post

Updated YFSN Parent Resource Lists

Bonnie Berman ·
Updated YFSN parent resource lists are here! They include the following: Concrete Support in Times of Need Resources Parental Resilience and Social Connections Resources Strengthening Parent-Child Interactions Resources for ages 0-5, 6-12, 13-18 For those of you who aren't familiar with this project, the YFSN (Youth & Family Services Network) Resource List Committee updated the Maternal Mental Health Collaborative's resource lists that were organized by protective factor (...
Blog Post

Virtual Hangouts: Building Resiliency and Networks of Support while Sheltering in Place

Bonnie Berman ·
Please see the attached flyer for more information about 4 virtual events for families in April from Quality Counts. The sessions support Strengthening Families protective factors. Please share widely!
Blog Post

Want to see the play about treating youth trauma, TRIGGER, in your area?

Donielle Prince ·
A groundbreaking new play about trauma, TRIGGER, was most recently featured at part of the training and inspiration provided to community members participating in the 4CA Policymaker Education Day on July 11, 2017 in Sacramento at the state Capitol.
Blog Post

RESOURCE FOR CLIENTS: Virtual Tax Preparation

Bonnie Berman ·
The local Free Tax Preparation coalition is pleased to inform you that we launched our virtual tax preparation model with our partners at Please see the attached flyers or use this link/url specifically to be assisted by a LOCAL partner! ?s=UWCCR Please share with your clients!
Blog Post

Resources from the 2018 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Conference

Natalie Audage ·
In October, I attended the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Conference in San Francisco. It was really inspiring. Below please find share some of the books, videos, and resources that I learned about. All the best, Natalie BOOKS 1) The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Nadine Burke Harris, MD 2) The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, MD...
Blog Post

June 1 Webinar: Alternative Tools for Trauma-Sensitive Practice

Donielle Prince ·
Check out this free online webinar course on trauma sensitive mindfulness awareness. It was developed with people in recovery in mind, but can be a useful tool to adapt for others struggling to heal from trauma. Wednesday, June 1, 2016 @ 3-4:30pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT) Instructor: Angela Jones, LCMHC, MLADC, RYT, has over two decades of experience working in addictions and behavioral health. Learning Objectives: As a result of participating in this webinar, you will be able to: Understand the...
Blog Post

Looking for online training and consulting?

Andi Fetzner ·
Looking for tools to help your organization or community integrate a trauma-informed and resilience-building approach? At Origins, we offer training courses to support you from your aha moment to your action plan. It all starts with The Basics, a 90-minute online training that will provide you with an overview of the key concepts behind a trauma-informed approach. When you’re ready to move from aha to action, sign up for The Resilience Champion Certificate, a self-paced 6-week online training...
Blog Post

Medical students' ACE scores mirror general population, study finds

Laurie Udesky ·
A national survey published in 2014 revealed a disturbing finding. Compared to college graduates pursuing other professions, medical students, residents and early career physicians experienced a higher degree of burnout. Citing that article, a group of researchers at University of California at Davis School of Medicine wondered whether medical students’ childhood adversity and resilience played a role in their burnout, said Dr. Andres Sciolla, an associate professor of psychiatry and...
Blog Post

Meeting notes - Oct. 24, 2014

Jane Stevens ·
We met in the Thomson/Walker Room in the Yolo County Dept of Health Services, at 137 N. Cottonwood St, in Woodland. (Next time I WILL remember to take a photo!!!!) Attending:   Natalie Audage --  Child abuse prevention...

Re: Empower Yolo: Pilot project aims to better serve survivors of abuse []

What a powerful pilot! Thank you Jane for shining a light on Empower Yolo! Their inspirational public-private partnership of social services and resource providers wrapping around families, knowing their children are well cared for, their needs are meet in one location on the same day with their client navigator guiding every step of the way. The epitome of compassionate systems focused on helping families heal. I'm looking forward to learning from Empower Yolo! Congratulations to all...
Blog Post

Welcome to the NAEYC Virtual Institute!

Bonnie Berman ·
Starting June 1, NAEYC will offer weekly presentations of content shared by NAEYC experts and a diverse group of presenters from all sectors of the industry - over 100 in total! Our presenters include policy experts, higher education faculty, school leaders, researchers and educators. While typically this type of content is only offered at NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, we are providing access to these presentations during the NAEYC Virtual Institute at no charge as our gift to you...
Blog Post

FREE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOLO YOUTH: Virtual interactive groups for elementary, middle, and high school youth this summer (registration due by June 15)

Bonnie Berman ·
During the summer, Victor Services, Mental Health Services Provider, will be offering small virtual interactive groups for elementary, middle, and high school youth. This is a great way to keep our youth connected and feeling healthy during this uncertain time. All groups are offered at no-cost and will run eight weeks in length. Registration must be completed by June 15th , please see attached flyer for all information in English and Spanish. Victor Services Prevention and Early...
Blog Post

Ready to join All Children Thrive - California?

Donielle Prince ·
Learn about the statewide All Children Thrive Initiative. Fact sheet and enrollment contact included.
Blog Post

FUNDRAISER: 2020 Yolo CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Virtual Auction on 8/30

Bonnie Berman ·
Register here to join this virtual event from the comfort of your own home. The event includes a livestream program at 5:30 p.m. and exceptional live and silent auctions.
Blog Post

Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager

Christine Cissy White ·
Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager
Blog Post

WEBINARS on babies, Supporting Families with Young Children, ACEs, and policy

Bonnie Berman ·
The State of California’s Babies on 8/25 10am on August 25 Join ZERO TO THREE, Early Childhood Orange County, and the First 5 Center for Children’s Policy on August 25 at 10 am PT for a discussion on the state of babies in California. Register to learn from national and California state and local leaders about how you can use state data to make the case for babies and inform policy and systems change efforts. Supporting Families with Young Children on 8/26 11am-12 on August 26 Reaching...
Blog Post

Community Trauma Prevention Starts with Parent-Infant Relationships

Claudia Gold ·
The COVID-19 pandemic has called on us to find creative ways to connect and learn. In rural western Massachusetts I had scheduled a training for 20 practitioners who work with parents and infants to meet together for two days of learning on April 15 and 16th. Instead I rapidly adapted the training to the online setting. I have had the pleasure of meeting weekly with an extraordinary group that includes peer recovery coaches on the front lines supporting moms with opioid use disorders,...
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