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Daniel Wittler

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Posts By Daniel Wittler

Finding Spirituality and My Own God In Recovery From Drugs

Finding spirituality is something I had to find through pain and suffering emotionally. I grew up without much of an idea of god, my parents didn't force it on me. When I was a teenager however, I climbed on the soapbox of thinking people who had faith in god were weak and fools for doing so. My ego was in full force during these times, the transformation that has taken place since then is nothing short of amazing and shows off not only the power and grace of god, but the love. I was someone...

Accountability In Recovery

I finally got sober after about 6 years of being in and out on in 2015. The list of reasons why this time worked against all the others is very extensive, almost everything about me had to change. One of the most important ones was learning how to be accountable. From a young age, before I even touched drugs, my word meant very little. I was king of doing what I want when I want to and vice versa. If I said I would be somewhere or do something for someone it was more likely I was going to...

How To Sustain Recovery From Drugs And Alcohol

The greatest thing I have ever done in my life is get sober. For 8 years I lived a shell of a life that was only down spiraling to my doomed fate. Through some kind of miracle, I was able to get pulled out and saved by God as I understand him. It was one thing to get sober, but it is an entirely different thing to stay sober. In a perfect world you would quit drugs and then that would be it! Life is better without drugs and you never turn back to them! Unfortunately there is a lot more to...

Surrendering and Blazing Your Own Path

I have been sober for over 4 years, by god’s grace, before that however I was a chronic relapser with severe depression. I lived the cycle between treatment, halfway and homelessness for years. I wanted so bad to get sober but that's the thing about recovery, wanting it is not enough, if it were that easy everyone would get sober. My issue was always in the action department, I would talk about what I was going to do constantly and when the time came to do it I always came up short. My...

The Tremendous Help to my Mental Health from Eating Well/Exercise

I have struggled a ton with various mental issues in my life, between depression and years of being a drug addict I have really beaten myself up when there is nothing going on and I can safely say it's the absolute worst feeling in the world. By gods grace, I am now almost 5 years sober but I still deal with the ups and downs that depression can provide. Another thing I suffer from is emotional eating and overeating . I eat to feel better now that I can no longer use drugs or alcohol to feel...

Can You Get Addicted To Sugar?

Sugar is something we as humans all have indulged in and enjoyed. For the most part, it is usually viewed as a treat or reward for something, maybe something you have after a nice dinner for dessert, it's a very enjoyable experience. There is also the well known fact that too much sugar is bad, our moms would tell us it would rot our teeth while she made us ration our halloween candy but how bad is sugar for us? What if I told you it is very possible to become addicted to sugar ? Let's take...

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